KOD UCZNIA - …………………………………..

LICZBA PUNKTÓW - …………………………..


I. Wysłuchaj nagrania i połącz osoby z czynnościami. (5 pkt)

1. - …… - Harry / A – go jogging
2. - …… - Vicky / B – sleep
3. - …… - Sam / C – read a book
4. - …… - Peter / D – do homework
5. - …… - Linda / E – hale lunch
F – play basketball
G – take the dog for a walk
H - paint

II. Posłuchaj i zakreśl kółkiem właściwą odpowiedź. (4 pkt)

1.  Marie Curie was a famous

A teacher B scientist C doctor

2. She studied Maths and Physics in

A London B Warsaw C Paris

3. Marie Curie worked with her

A husband B father C brother

4. Marie Curie was the first woman to

A win a Nobel Prize.

B go to university.

C do research.


I. Wstaw słowa do zdań. (12 pkt)

season • freezing • chilly • wet • boiling • pouring • radio • soaking • shines • blowing • uniforms• badge

1.  It’s ………. hot today. Let’s go to the pool.

2.  Mind your hat. Everything is ...... away.

3.  Don’t open the window. It’s ...... cold outside.

4.  John, you’re ...... wet. Give me your coat to dry.

5.  Put on your jumper. It’s quite ...... today.

6.  Put on your raincoat. It’s ...... down today.

7.  I love summer. It’s very hot and the sun …….. all day long.

8.  Drive carefully. The roads are ......

9.  Which is your favourite ...... : summer, spring, winter or autumn?

10.  Schoolchildren in Britain wear ......

11.  Policemen usually wear a gold ...... on their shirts and carry a ...... with them.

II. Zaznacz dziewięć nazw dyscyplin sportowych (9pkt)

III. Uzupełnij zdania oraz krzyżówkę. (7pkt)


I. Zaznacz kółkiem właściwą reakcję. (8 pkt)

1. How can I help you?

a) I want an umbrella.

b) That’s a good idea.

2. How much is it?

a) It’s Ł400.

b) It’s 2 years old.

3. That’s Ł10.00.

a) Here you are.

b) Sure.

4. How about this teddy bear?

a) It’s Ł5.00.

b) That’s a good idea.

5. What’s your new flat like?

a) It’s very nice.

b) Really?

6. Has your new house got any furniture?

a) How about the kitchen?

b) Yes, it has.

7. How many rooms are there in your flat?

a) There’s a small living room.

b) Five.

8. Is there a bookcase in your room?

a) Yes, there is.

b) Yes, there are.

II. Dopasuj reakcje A-G do wypowiedzi 1-6. (6 pkt)

1 How old are pupils when they start school in Britain? - ___

2 How long is the school day? - ___

3 How many subjects do pupils take at secondary school? - ___

4 How far do most pupils travel to school? - ___

5 When did education become free in Britain? - ___

6 What time does the school day start? - ___

A Chemistry and maths.

B About six hours.

C Less than 5 miles.

D 4 or 5.

E More than a hundred years ago.

F Usually at 8.50 a.m.

G About 12-15.

III. Uzupełnij dialogi wyrażeniami z ramki. (6pkt)

·  He wasn’t bald then
·  It was very short
·  when she was very young
·  when you were 13
·  Who’s that
·  I’m going to Libby’s party

Megan: Hey, Ellie, look at these old photographs of my family.

Ellie: 1...... ?

Megan: It’s my dad when he was 16.

Ellie: Your dad had long, curly hair!

Megan: Yes. 2...... !

Ellie: Is this your mum ...... ?

Megan: Yes, she was about 13. Look at her skirt.



Mum: Megan, where are you going?

Megan: 5......

Mum: Not in that short skirt!

Ellie: But Mrs Kite, Megan looks exactly like you



I. Ułóż wyrazy w takiej kolejności, aby powstały poprawne zdania. (5 pkt)

1.  with/dog/Stella/plays/often/her


2.  usually/my/I/in/write/diary/night/at


3.  Tom and Nick/school/always/ride/their/to/



4.  swim/lunch/never/We/after


5.  is/little/brother/naughty/sometimes/Erica’s


II. Wstaw czasowniki w odpowiedniej formie czasu Present Simple lub Present Continuous. (14 pkt)

Dear Alice,

Greetings from Australia! My family and I 1. …….. (have) a wonderful time in Sydney! The weather 2...... (be) lovely and we 3. ………. (be) at the beach. At the moment, I 4. ………. (sit) on my towel and I 5. ………. (sunbathe). Mum 6. ………. (swim) in the sea. Mary and Jimmy 7. ………. (play) in the water and they 8...... (get) wet! Dad and Tommy 9. ………. (make) a sandcastle. We 10. ………. (swim) and we 11. ………. (sunbathe) every day and at night we 12. ………. (eat) in a restaurant and then we 13. ………. (go) for a walk. We 14. ………. (love) it here!

Lots of love, Patty

III. Uzupełnij dialog słówkami some/any/is/are/much/many. (8 pkt)

Mrs Thomas: Have you got 1...... spaghetti?

Shop assistant: Yes, madam. How 2. ……. packets would you like?

Mrs Thomas: Two packets, please. 3...... there 4...... milk?

Shop assistant: Certainly. How 5...... do you want?

Mrs Thomas: Two cartons, please. And 6...... there 7...... lemons?

Shop assistant: Sure. How 8...... would you like?

Mrs Thomas: Four, please.

IV. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami w czasie Past Simple (10pkt)

1.  I ………… (watch) a good film last night.

2.  I ...... (eat) spaghetti last Sunday.

3.  After the school yesterday I ...... (go) to the shops.

4.  I ...... (study) all last week for my maths exam.

5.  My dad ...... (cook) dinner for us last night.

6.  I ...... (drink) a cup of coffee the yesterday morning.

7.  I ...... (read) a magazine in bed last night.

8.  My friend and I ...... (try) rowing for the first time yesterday.

9.  My brother ...... (talk) to a famous footballer once.

10.  I ...... (write) an email yesterday.


I. Przeczytaj tekst i zanacz kółkiem właściwą odpowiedź. (6 pkt)

William Shakespeare, the world’s greatest playwright, was born in April, 1564. He lived in Stratford-upon-Avon in central England and attended Stratford Grammar School. In 1582, when Shakespeare was 18 years old, he married a woman named Anne Hathaway, and they had three children. A few years after his marriage, Shakespeare moved to London, where he worked as both a playwright and an actor. In 1593, he joined the Lord Chamberlain’s Men, one of England’s most famous acting companies. Shakespeare stayed with this group, acting and writing, until 1599. It was in this year that the theatre where the group performed burned down. He continued to act in another theatre called the Globe until 1613, when he retired. Shakespeare continued to write plays up until his death in 1616.

1 William Shakespeare was born in the spring.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

2 Shakespeare didn’t go to school.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

3 Anne Hathaway was 18 when she got married.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

4 Shakespeare’s children were two sons and a daughter.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

5 Shakespeare moved to London after his marriage.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

6 Shakespeare stopped writing in 1613.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

II. Przeczytaj tekst. W zadaniu A zaznacz kółkiem właściwą odpowiedź. W zadaniu B odpowiedz na pytania. (10 pkt)

A computer game: THE LOST STATUE

In this game you are in a small country called Neverland. It is a deserted place. The weather there is terrible: it rains a lot and there are strong winds. The only people there are two young brothers. They live alone in their small house on the beach... Josh loves the beach very much and he is good at windsurfing. Frank is interested in doing quizzes and playing guessing games.

One day they meet a strange person. He collects old things. He needs to find an old statue from the Stone Age and he asks the boys for help.

In the game, you are one of the boys – Josh or Frank. You decide to help the man. First, talk to the man and learn about the lost statue. Then, with your brother, organise a trip around Neverland to look for it. On the way play games, answer questions and do quizzes. Visit different places and talk to different people. Collect objects and souvenirs – they are very useful. Find the lost statue and win the game...

The LOST STATUE is a great game! Discover the secrets of Neverland and learn about the old times. Play it now and have fun!


1. Neverland is

a) a big island.

b) a deserted country.

c) an old city.

2. The weather in Neverland is

a) warm and sunny.

b) cold and cloudy.

c) rainy and windy.

3. In the game you are

a) a boy.

b) the strange man.

c) the lost statue.

4. Frank and Josh live in

a) a castle.

b) a house on the beach.

c) a motel.

5. The strange man

a) collects old objects.

b) organises trips around Neverland.

c) teaches history.


1. Who lives in Neverland? ......

2. What is Josh good at? ......

3. What is Frank’s hobby? ......

4. What does the man want to find?


5. What do the players collect? ......


I. Napisz biografię używając informacji zawartych w tabeli.

(20 pkt)

Diana, princess of Wales
1961, July 1 / - be born in Norfolk, England
- excellent swimmer and diver
1977 / - attend school in Switzerland
1981, July 29 / - marry Prince Charles
1982, June 21 / - have Prince William, her first son
1984, September 15 / - Prince Harry, her second son born
1996, August / - divorce Prince Charles
1997, August 31 / - die in a car accident in Paris
