How to define and integrate the Simplex Fire panel in EntraPass

System requirements:

  • EntraPass SE, CE & GE
  • Version 6.00.34 and above
  • Integration possible only via direct connection RS-232:
  • Multi-Site Gateway
  • Win NCC Gateway
  • KT-NCC
  • Pass-through KT-400/KT-ONE (KT-ONE v6.02 and above)
  • CBLK-SG (cable kit for the integration)
  • Simplex 4100ES, 4010ES &4100U panels

Simplex panel 4100ES, 4010ES &4100U setup:

The panel must come already pre-configured with all boards mounted in the panel. The configuration of the panel is done by the Simplex team. The configuration includes the definitions of devices (pull station, smoke detector etc…) that will meet the customer building topology. The panel must have a Dual RS232 Interface board (MODEL NO: 4100-6038) the integration will be done via PORT B shown below. Also the interface board must be configured in such a way that all events generated by the Simplex panel are sent out of PORT B.


Simplex 4100ES panel definition:

Go to the devices tab and select integrated panel.

  • This window will appear

  • Press the new button and select a Gateway, give the setup a name under English
  • Open the connection type drop down list and select one of the following (depending on your setup):

a) Simplex 4100, Gateway serial connection, UL compliant

b) Simplex 4100, KT400/serial connection, UL compliant

c) Simplex 4100, KTNCC serial connection, UL compliant

d) Simplex 4100, KTNCC to KT400/KT-1 serial connection, UL compliant

  • Panel model should be 4xxxx(depending on the model used)
  • Press the detailsbutton, this window will appear:

a)With a serial connection to a Gateway

b)With a pass-through connection

Once the appropriate selection is made (selecting the pass-through controller if applicable)

Check the boxes

  • Import IDNet points (this will import IDNet point info and labels from the Simplex panel)
  • Import panel button points (this will import the front panel point identification)

At this point the Simplex panel should synchronize with the Gateway or controller.

Validate under operation / integrated panel the communication status.

Panel should display the IDNet components in the operation / integrated panel window as follows:

Supported components in EntraPass:

Supported components are IDnet points and Pseudo points. IDnet point will automatically be imported into EntraPass,Pseudo points have to be defined by the operator. A Pseudo point is always unique, having its own address composed of three parts:

  1. Board slot (Simplex uses Card slot but to avoid confusion with Kantech definition of card we will simply use board)
  2. Point value
  3. SubPoint value.

Entrapass will use the unique address property to fetch the point related information from the Panel and figure out what type of action or status report is required.

Entrapass will automatically upload the Labels from the panel of any point defined within Entrapass and save it into its database.

The maximum number of point supported (for now) has been limited to 2000 inside the DLL.

EntraPass will fully handle the Pull station and the Smoke detector devices as per development requirements. Other devices will be considered as a generic point for now but can be provided with specific icons to easily recognize them later on.

Pseudo Point definition:

Go to the devices tab and select integrated component.

Press the details button, the following window will appear:

Type in the designated values:

  1. Board slot (Simplex uses Card slot but to avoid confusion with Kantech definition of card we will simply use board)
  2. Point value
  3. SubPoint value.

Once the values are entered, press OK and save the settings. If you close and go back to the component window, there should now be a new point (the label will import from the panel)

Confirm the Pseudo point status by going to the operation tab and pressing the Integrated panel icon.

Point status:

Depending on the device type and the point type different conditions may occur. Multiple conditions may exist at the same time on a Simplex component. There are 4 types of alarm that can be reported on any given point depending on the programming:

  • Fire alarm: The Fire property indicates the detection of smoke, heat, etc. that may be associated with a fire.
  • Priority2 alarm: The Priority 2 alarm is normally used for a security type application. A Priority 2 alarm may be used when monitoring doors or windows.
  • Supervisory alarm: The Supervisory property indicates a condition that is not a life safety situation but that requires the operator’s attention. A Supervisory alarm may be used to indicate the detection of a water valve closure.
  • Trouble alarm: The Trouble property indicates a fault condition. Fault conditions include device failure, earth ground detection, and short circuit detection.

The icon will respect the highest priority condition. The Full status text will combine and show all pending conditions with respect to the priority rank.

Panel condition / Full status text / Priority / ICON
Unknown / Unknown / 1
(Highest) /
Fire ack required / Fire, acknowledgment required / 2 /
Fire is acknowledged / Fire / 3 /
Priority2 ack required / Priority2, acknowledgment required / 4 /
Priority 2 is acknowledged / Priority 2 / 5 /
Supervisory Ack required / Supervisory, acknowledgment required / 6 /
Supervisory is acknowledged / Supervisory / 7 /
Trouble Ack required / Trouble, acknowledgment required / 8 /
Trouble is acknowledged / Trouble / 9 /
Fire restore ackreq / Fire restore, acknowledgment required / 10 /
Priority2 restore ackreq / Priority2 restore, acknowledgment required
Supervisory restore ack req. / Supervisory restore, acknowledgment required
Trouble restore ackreq / Trouble restore, acknowledgment required
Note: Devices will be automatically detected and be provided with corresponding icons. For now, we are committed to display Pull station and smoke detectors the only devices provided with so far. Any other devices will be represented with the Simplex symbol (generic devices) / 11 (Lowest) /
Abnormal (ON) /

Virtual Keypad:

The Simplex virtual keypad will display front panel status in real time.

This interface is read only:

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At this point the Simplex 4100ES, 4010ES or 4100U is communicating and giving full status.

However, if at this point you have any question about the Simplex integration please do not hesitate to contact Kantech technical support for help.

1 (450) 444-2030 • Toll free: 1-888-222-1560 • Fax: 1 (450) 444-2029 •

Copyright © 2012 Tyco International Ltd. and its Respective Companies. • All rights reserved.

Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

1 (450) 444-2030 • Toll free: 1-888-222-1560 • Fax: 1 (450) 444-2029 •

Copyright © 2012 Tyco International Ltd. and its Respective Companies. • All rights reserved.

Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.