Chapter 20:2 pages 541-44

1.  Native American Civilizations 13,000 BC

begins the migration

2. Olmecs

3. 1200 BC -

4.  1st civilization in Americas

3. artists

4.  sculpture, jewelry, murals

5.  jade = green stone

6.  obsidian = black glass from volcanoes

3. maize = corn

4.  helped feed people

3. farmers

4.  developed drainage systems

3. disappeared around 400 BC (hunger, war and disease)

4.  longer than any other NA civilization

2. Mayas

3. lived in rainforest – Yucatan Peninsula

4.  240AD – 900 AD

3. Religion

4.  held civilization together

4.  time

5.  had to measure of religious ceremonies

5. developed calendars = 365 days

4.  pyramid temples with steps

3. hieroglyphics

4.  writing = signs & symbols

3. number system

3. murals = wall paintings


4.  overused land

5.  soil erosion

4.  disease

4.  warfare

2.  Aztec

3.  1200 AD = Mexica

3.  conquered large empire in central Mexica

3.  stepped pyramids

4.  human sacrifices

3.  market places

4.  trades silver, gold & pottery

3.  Aztec history part of Mexican culture today

1.  “Spanish Mexico”

2.  Hernan Cortes

3.  1519 landed in Mexico w/ 550 Spanish soldiers (conquistadors)

4.  looking for gold

2.  conquered

3.  550 Spaniards vs. 21 million Aztecs

4.  treaties w/ conquered Indians

5.  treaties afforded Spaniards 1,000s of warriors

5. needed supplies

4. Cortez = steel swords, guns, cannons – the wheel

4. horses

5. new to Mexico

5. Aztecs thought horse = part of Cortez

5. thought Cortez = important god = fear

2.  Spain makes Mexico colony

3.  Wanted gold and silver

4.  Gold & silver mines

5.  Natives worked

3.  many settlers

4.  haciendas = Large ranches

5.  natives worked

3.  Native Americans

4.  Many killed by mistreatment

4. disease: small pox & colds

4. Priests

5.  Tried to improve conditions

5. many accepted Catholicism

1.  “Independence & Revolution”

2. 1821 = won independence - Spain

2. 1824+ republic w/ elected president

(1836) (1848)

2. Lose land = Texas & CA, NM, AZ

2. Many years rich, army & Catholic Church = all $ & power

3. 1910=Emiliano Zapata w/ peasants = revolt

4. wanted land to the poor

4. North = Pancho Villa