A: Formulating threat scenarios

1.Which threat scenarios could result in a substantial negative impact on the critical functions covered by your preparedness responsibility?

You must create one or more realistic threat scenarios to be used in the analysis. In order to create several threat scenarios, copy the template in Part 2 in the required number.
During the subsequent analysis in Part 3, it is important that you assess the probability, consequences and vulnerabilities based on each scenario’s overall theme (the type of incident), and not on very precise details in the scenario description, such as dates, time of day, km2, etc.
Threat scenario no. Select no.123456789101112131415 / Title: Click here to name the scenario according to the type of threat
Threat category/
Type of incident / Select categori...Natural disastersTerrorismTransport accidents (crash, shipwreck, fire, etc.)Accidents with dangerous/polluting substancesFires and explosionsDiseases and epidemicsDisruption/failure of critical functionsOther threatsDescribe in short sentences the type and character of the incident
Summary of events / Describe the general progression of the incident
Geographic extent / Select extent...LocalRegionalNationalInternationalNot relevantDescribe the geographic extent of the threat
Duration / Select duration...0 - 1 day2 - 7 days1 - 4 weeks1 - 6 months6 - 12 months> 12 monthsNot relevantDescribe the duration of the threat
Placement in time / Select time of year...SpringSummerAutumnWinterNot relevantSelect time...Weekday within normal working hoursWeekday outside normal working hoursWeekend/holidaySpecific time not relevantDescribe the threat's placement in time
Warning / Select warning...No warningShort period of warningLonger period of warningEnter whether a warning/alert has been received/sent and by whom
Persons/assets at risk / Describe who/what the threat is directed at
Background for the scenario / Select background...Incident observed within own sectorIncident observed within own countryIncident observed abroadImagined incident, which could affect own sectorName prior incidents or other considerations behind the choice of this particular scenario
Direct causes leading to the realisation of the scenario / Natural factors
Intentional human actions
Unintentional human actions
Technical malfunction
Organisational errors
Describe briefly the central cause/causes
Other important information about the scenario / Enter any other important information