PRESENT:Cllr Mrs C. Edwardes (Mayor)

“ E.J. Breeze

“ P. Davies

“ Mrs L Evans

“ Lady Hooson

“ Mrs S. Mills

“ Mrs A. Morgan

“ G. Morgan

“ P. Rees

“ G. Rowlands

“ Mrs P. Smith

“ J. Whittal Williams

Town Clerk

6Members of the Public

Cllr Edwardes had 2 announcements to make:-

  1. 2 original gate posts from the Station have been found at the rear of the Town Hall. Clerk has contacted the current owner of the Station, Mr Paul Jervis who has agreed to restore the gate posts and make a feature out of them. Councillors unanimously agreed that Mr Jervis should have the posts.
  1. Cllr Edwardes gave out the provisional date of the Public Meeting to discuss Squirrel control as 9th April, meeting to be held at the Bailey Room as it has disabled access. Cllr Rees proposed that the meeting be delayed until speakers for both sides of the argument could be found. A vote was taken and 7 Councillors were in agreement to delay the meeting.

370/01APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Cllr Mrs J. Crisp and Mrs A.M. Jones

370/02DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Forms were distributed and filed with the minutes. Cllr G. Morgan declared a personal interest as a member of PCC, in all matters concerning PCC. Cllrs Peter Rees and Mrs Sian Mills declared an interest in item 10, Public Toilets.

370/03MINUTES The following minutes were read and confirmed:-

Minutes of Council Meeting held on 25.02.13True Record Unanimously agreed upon

Planning/Environment Panel meeting held on 11.03.13 – True Record Unanimously agreedupon

Recommendations were taken as follows:-

820/01 It was unanimously agreed upon that the proposal from Tir Coed is accepted in principle.

820/07 It was unanimously agreed upon to accept the offer from PCC to carry out Rospa Inspections.

Town Hall/ Finance Panel meeting held on 11.03.13- True Record unanimously agreed upon


a) Request from resident re Squirrels – It was agreed to move to the file of “Squirrels”

b)Letter requesting use of Severn Porte area for Poetry festival–Clerk was asked to contact Ms Partington giving permission as long as the Quaker group have taken out the necessary insurance and leave the area as they find it.This was unanimously agreed upon

c)Letter from Ombudsman advising of complaints procedures –Clerk explained that the leaflets are on display on tables in Town Hall – received

d)Request for donation from Dyslexia Wales – It was agreed to pass on to the May Finance panel meeting

e)Request from chair of LLASFA to attend a Council meeting–It was agreed that Council will ask Ms Susan Prince to organise a meeting and to invite councillors to it.

370/05RECIEVE BURIAL BOARD ACCOUNTS Clerk explained that the annual accounts have not yet been received


370/07DISCUSSLETTER RECEIVED FROM NICK VENTI, CAMBRIAN MOUNTAINS INITIATIVE TRUST - Clerk to reply to Nick Venti explaining that pathways have been cleared and bird/bat/owl boxes purchased and erected.

370/08REVIEW RISK ASSESTMENT (including Fidelity Guarantee Cover)The risk assessmentwas read through and completed as attached. Cllr Rees wished for the Risk assessment to be discussed in more detail. Cllrs Davies and Breeze stated that the format of the Risk assessment is as discussed at a training meeting they attended with OVW. Clerk explained that it was a template taken from OVW some years ago. Cllr Rees left the meeting at Table 3 as he had other commitments. Cllr Mills declared an interest and left the room at Lease to Toileteers item. Cllr Edwardes read out a brief statement about the taking over of the Toilets by Toileteers from PCC and the Lease not concluded properly by the Solicitors, and that there will be a risk that the Town Council may have to pay some monies to Severn Trent. She stated that the precept does not take account of any costs for the toilets, she proposed that without any funding the toilets will have to close on 5th April, 2013 adding anyone wishing to come forward to take over the toilets should come forward by that date. Cllr Edwardes’ proposal was not seconded and carried. Clerk stated that the internal auditor will be informed of the situation. Cllr Whittal Williams requested that the issue is discussed further down the Agenda.

370/09DISCUSS ISSUE OF DOGS OFF LEADS (Cllr Crisp)In the absence of Cllr Crisp, it was agreed to move the item to the next Environment panel meeting

370/10DISCUSS PUBLIC TOILETS AT THE REAR OF THE TOWN HALL (Cllr Whittal Williams) Cllr Whittal Williams expressed his concern that we are not hearing both sides of the debate as Cllr Rees has to declare an interest and leave the room. He proposed that we have a meeting involving Cllr Rees so that discussion can take place. Cllr Edwardes had arranged to suspend standing orders this evening and allow Cllr Rees to speak, but unfortunately he had to leave early. Cllr Edwardes has asked Cllr Rees to come along and meet as she is aware there is a large water bill outstanding. Cllr Whittal Williams suggested that an informal meeting should take place. Cllr Lady Hooson asked if the meeting would be a private meeting? Cllr Edwardes stated that the meeting would be private. Cllr Morgan stated that the toilets have nothing at all to do with Llanidloes Town Council who are not responsible for any of the bills. Cllr Whittal Williams stated that the water coming through the meter is invoiced to the Town Council. Clerk stated that the Town Council have not received any other water bills apart from those bills that have been received and paid. Cllr Morgan stated that the matter could end in court and therefore we cannot prejudge the matter. He stated that as well as Water there is also Electricity and it is not for the rate payers of the Town to pick up the bill as these would be totally unauthorised payments. Cllr Morgan stressed that it must be made clear that the Town Council have no involvement. Cllr Edwardes explained that the sub meters have now been installed. Cllr Whittal Williams proposed that an informal meeting with Cllr Rees is set up as soon as possible. Cllr Morgan asked what is the purpose of the meeting? Cllr Whittal Williams stated thatit should be the Councils’ job to issue an invoice. Cllr Morgan replied that the Toileteers should read their own meters. Cllr Davies stated that the Town Council have not been sent an invoice and therefore how can they be responsible for it? Cllr Rowlands suggested that it would be a good idea to invite the other Toileteers. It was agreed that Peter Rees and the rest of Toileteers will be invited to a 6.30 pm meeting prior to the next panel meeting to discuss the future of the Toilets. This was unanimously agreed upon. Cllr Morgan asked that the meeting is minuted.

370/11DISCUSS COMPLAINT FROM RESIDENT RE CLOSURE OF THE DOCTORS SURGERY 26TH FEBRUARY, 2013 (Cllr Mills) Cllr Mills stated that a rather cross gentleman approached her due to the closure of the surgery. The gentleman had a prescription to collect which was important and urgent. Cllr Edwardes handed Cllr Mills a reply from the Arwystli Medical Practice, stating that the practice was closed due to staff/doctor training in conjunction with LHB. The letter explained that the surgery was covered by a Shropdoc service and therefore there was no lack of cover. The closure was advertised in the County Times and has been happening for 10 years. Cllr Mills was asked to pass the info on to the gentleman concerned. Cllr Mills suggested that the pharmacy could help out in these situations? Cllr Rowlands stated that the staff at the pharmacy are very helpful in similar situations

370/12DISCUSS TOWN HALL ENERGY SURVEY Cllr Edwardes explained an informal meeting between Ms Diana Berriman (LLES), herself and Clerk where Ms Berriman came up with some very good money saving ideas on energy conservation at the Town Hall. She had information on a replacement boiler and suggestions on heating systems for the refurbished workshops at the rear of the town hall. Council agreed that it would be a good idea to invite Ms Berriman in to speak to Council.

370/13DISCUSS LETTER RECEIVED FROM ONE VOICE WALES INVITING COUNCIL TO RENEW ITS MEMBERSHIP Clerk confirmed that £388 is the fee for the year. Cllr Edwardes stated that the voice is very weak and Cllr Rowlands agreed. It was unanimously agreed that Council join for 2013/14.

370/14TO RECEIVE CONFIRMATION OF INVESTMENT FROM PUBLIC SECTOR DEPOSIT FUND Clerk showed Council a Purchase Contract Note received confirming 25,000.00 shares bought and held in account.

370/15TO RECEIVE NOMINATIONS FOR MAYOR 2013 -14There were nominations received from Cllrs Edwardes,Morgan and Hooson nominating Cllr Phylip Davies for Mayor. Cllr Davies accepted the office of Mayor, proposed by Cllr Edwardes and seconded by Cllr Morgan. Councillor Davies was unanimously elected as Mayor.

370/16TO RECIEVE NOMINATIONS FOR DEPUTY MAYOR 2013 – 14 Nominations were received from Cllrs Edwardes and Hooson nominating Cllr Mrs Sian Millsfor deputy Mayor. Cllr Mills accepted the office of Deputy Mayor, proposed by Cllr Lady Hooson and seconded by Cllr Edwardes. The majority of Councillors elected Cllr Mills for Deputy Mayor. Cllr Whittal Williams abstained.

370/17DISCUSS ARRANGEMENTS AND SET A DATE FOR AGM AND MAYOR MAKING It was agreed that AGM and Mayor Making will take place on Friday 10th May with usual Buffet taking place afterwards. Clerk will liaise with Cllr Davies.

370/18DISCUSS ARRANGEMENTS AND SET A DATE FOR MAYORAL SUNDAY Clerk informed Councillors that the traditional date for Mayoral Sunday, is the Sunday nearest to the 11th May. It was agreed that Mayoral Sunday for 2013 will be held on Sunday 12th May. Clerk will liaise with Cllr Davies over the details.

370/19THE FOLLOWING PLANNING APPLICATIONS WERE DISCUSSED:- There were no planning applications received

370/20THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS FOR FEBRUARY 2013 were unanimously confirmed:-

Chq No

104708J.K. Morgan (bulbs) 30.00

104709Wages & P. Cash825.62

104710Inland Revenue801.28

104711M. Bufton (boiler repairs)126.00

104712B.T. 132.54

104713P.C. Q 24.35

104714Wynnstay Group 78.43

104715Wages (14.02.13)739.88

104716Agri Power 25.13

104717The Kitchen (lunch time buffet) 70.00


104719Masco (traffic lights allt goch)550.80

104720Llani Building supplies (ladder) 79.19

104721Wages & P. Cash (28.02.13)824.87

Total £ 5,048.17

Cllr Whittal Williams queried the amount charged by the Kitchen for lunch time buffet. Cllr G Morgan proposed that Councillors could have the option to pay or not to eat, Cllr Whittal Williams seconded the proposal. Cllr Mrs A. Morgan suggested that Council could pay for invited guests only. Cllr Rowlands wished to put an Amendment forward as he considered Council to be penny pinching, and stated that if you ask someone to come in during their lunch time, there should be some compensation to cover. The amendment was to remain as Status Quo with Council paying for buffet for invited guests and Councillors. A vote on the amendment was taken with 6 Councillor voting for the amendment. A vote for the proposal had 3 votes. The vote to remain as Status Quo was carried.


The following dates were confirmed

Panel Meetings – Monday 8th April

Full Council Meeting – 22nd April

Meeting closed at 9.20 pm