Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí November Circular Réalt na Mara

Parent/Teacher Meetings –Thursday November 24th

Parent/Teacher Meetings will take place on Thursday November 24th. A note with the appointment time for meeting your son’s teacher and (if applicable) Learning Support/Resource teachers was sent home on Tuesday 15th November. Please check the schoolbags.

Please ensure that you arrive on time to avoid any long queues! Each meeting will last approx.10 minutes. If you feel you need more time please make a further appointment with the teacher for another day.These meetings are very important for you as it affords you an opportunity to discuss the progress and any concerns you may have about your son in school.

Our Parent/Teacher meetings will take place in the school hall. As a result Short Tennis will not take place on that day.

All Learning Support/ Resource teachers will have their meetings in Room 13

Science Week 14th - 18th NovemberThe boys in each class enjoyed interactive shows presented by Junior Einsteins Science Club, please view website ( for photos. During the week the boys engaged in hands on activities and investigations in their classes.

Enrolment 2017-2018Places in our Junior Infant classes for September 2017 will be offered next February. We have quite a number of applications for classes other than Junior Infants also. We would really appreciate if you are considering moving schools for whatever reason, that you inform us as soon as is practicable / possible. We are aware that some parents/guardians are reluctant to share this information with us but if you have decided to take a place in another school we would really appreciate this information as this may provide some hope / certainty for some on our waiting list.

Miscellaneous fees Please hand the fee forMiscellaneous itemson the book list to the class teacher if not already paid, or you can opt for Easy Payment Plus method, please see our website ( ) for link. Please ensure this is paid before the end of November. Please contact Liz if you are unsure whether the payment was made or not, as this fee was due in June. If you have difficulty in paying the miscellaneous fees please contact the principal.

Confidential forms Remember to send in your confidential forms as soon as possible. The information requested will remain confidential but it is important that we have up-to-date details should we need to contact you in an emergency.

Voluntary Contributions We will hand out our voluntary contribution letter with relevant information and the CHY3 form next week. We wish to remind you that CHY3 form may be submitted by all Parents/Guardians and not only the P.A.Y.E. sector. We will continue to accept voluntary contributions during the year. If you mislaid the details please contact Liz.

Jacket/Coats On cold/wet days we ask you to ensure that the boys wear a coat to school. We have two break times during the school day when the children go to the yard (weather permitting). Please ensure your son’s name is on his coat.

Health & Safety – Supervision Before and After School

We would like to remind all parents/ guardians that there is no supervision until the school doors open at 8.40am.

We also ask that parents/guardians ensure that their children do NOT run into the teacher’s carpark, climb on the railings/ gates before or after school. This is for their own safety. We really appreciate your cooperation on this matter.

Parish Grounds

The Priests of the parish would ask parents that their children show respect for the church grounds and property.

Mindful of Safety We would appreciate if you ensure that your son wears their Hi Vis Vests (which should be labelled with their name) when going to and coming from school every day especially during the winter months. Please make sure you explain to your son the Road Safety Safe-Cross-Code which can be accessed from the home page on the school website.

School crest - Caroline KranzWe would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr & Mrs Kranz for kindly taking of their time to design and create our new school crest in our link corridor. They have also kindly offered to create the school crest out on the senior yard.

Parents AssociationThe Parents Association of the school are an active group of parents who are here to support the school and our boys through a variety of functions and activities. We are currently immersed in preparations for the up-coming Christmas Fair which is a great event for the boys and their families but also enables us to raise very valuable funds which support the school and its many initiatives e.g. the beautiful planting out the front of the school, Literacy Lift-off, Mathletics and talks for parents throughout the year. We are also your representatives so if you wish to make suggestions or have a query, please don't hesitate to contact your Class Rep. And finally, without your invaluable support, large or small, we would be unable to accomplish very little so please, please do consider getting involved (in whatever way you can!) - All offers of help are gratefully received and we are always looking for more volunteers!See you at the Christmas Fair.

Senior/Junior hurling team The senior hurling team will train at08.00am sharp on Tuesday & Wednesday morning. The junior hurling team will train at 08.00am sharp on Monday morning on the school astro pitch.Both teams will train during lunch on Thursday in Clanna Gael.


ConfirmationThursday 9th March at 11.00am in Star of the Sea church

First Holy Communion Saturday 20th May at 11.00am in Star of the Sea church

Handwriting and Presentation of Written Work in Copies

Please check your children’s copies regularly and chat with them about what they are writing. Encourage your child to present their written work as neatly as possible. In general, copies should be ruled. There should be a clear heading/title for each piece of work and work should be neatly spaced out. The standard of presentation of written work is very high across the school and we wish pupils to continue with this standard and to always give their best.

Importance of Reading

The most important homework that children receive each evening is their reading. This is also the homework that pupils most often ‘forget’ to do. Reading is an essential tool for all pupils. Please try to make time to listen to your child read and encourage them to practice their reading daily. A child is never too old to be read to! Whether it is a book you enjoyed yourself as a child, a story the children are reading at school or a book they have from the library, please read to your children regularly. Happy reading

Our Carol Service will take place on Thursday 15th December at 7.30pm in the Star of the Sea church. 2nd class will perform the Nativity play. Pupils from 3rd – 6th classes will be seated on the altar for the Carol Service. First class pupils will be seated at the side of the church and supervised by their teachers. Boys should be in the church by 7.20pm at the latest.

Junior & Senior Infant pupilswill be seated with their parents/guardians. They will be invited to sing their Carol on the steps of the altar before returning to their parents/guardians.

Christmas Fairtakes place Sunday 4th December after 10.30am family Mass. We hope you will support this fundraising event organised by the Parents Association annually. Children’s raffle for the remote-controlled Jeep will take place at the Fair. Children must bring a cake next Sunday morning to be entered into this raffle! Gifts and books etc on sale and lots of prizes to be won so do come along. Donations for the Fair can still be dropped into school until this Friday. There is always a great Christmas atmosphere at our Fair. Our thanks to all the parents who are working so hard to ensure the Fair is a success.

Dates for your diaries:


  • Thursday 24th – Parent /Teacher meetings


  • Sunday4th- Christmas Fair - further details to follow from the Parents Association
  • Wednesday 14th – Santa will visit our boys in Star of the Sea
  • Thursday 15th - Carol Service in Star of the Sea church at 7.30pm for all classes
  • Tuesday 22nd - School closes for Christmas holidays at 12 noon

Le gach dea ghuí,


Kevin Munnelly, Principal Joan Finnerty, Deputy Principal