Our Fate In a Future Perfect Tense

Is it even possible that our Fate could change for the better in the near future? The end of His Majesty’s reign will have come to pass mere days before his one-year anniversary, and we will still not have been sure of what to do next. We will only have known the following: that the orcs to the south will have swelled to numbers exceeding tens of thousands, amassed in giant mobs that will have been chomping at the bit to wage bloody savage war on us. But perhaps we could have been shielded from them, for their conquest will have required that they pass through La Rochelle, the forsaken realm of Her Majesty, the Dracolich. It is possible then, that we were going to have benefited from doing nothing because that would have allowed her to simply stake her claim to these lands, uncontested as our Dark Queen. No, perhaps we will have done something, ousted her maybe, but in doing we may have only invited the orcs into our homes for their dinner.

Alternatively, we may have created an opportunity to strike a deal with the only remaining mortal kingdom, Carpathia; a truce or arrangements of sorts, one that would have given us a relative sense of peace and independence. So too, then, might our kingdom have remained as one, albeit part of a larger empire. Alas, the political will to do this will have had to have been extremely strong, or perhaps more appropriately, uncharacteristically weak.

We might have, then, returned our own king to the throne… or just decided to call some other greater power master. Maybe we will have instead simply acquiesced to the idea of His Majesty the Ancient One’s continued rule and the inevitable netherworld that would have followed on August 20, 609. We might have chosen to favor this over becoming anyone else’s slave -- maybe we will have even persuaded him to rewrite his Laws of Nature in a way that did not kill us all.

If none of these solutions will have been taken, where will that have left us? The elves and sylvan will not have helped at all, not on their own accord. They will have taken refuge in their forests and with their rumored weapon that would have decimated our army last month. The prospect of the titans being our allies will have proven itself a fool’s hope, for they will have spent these critical moments reliving their tyrannical days of yore, oblivious to our strife and perhaps also their own doom.

No, every future that has been laid out before us will have happened in their future perfect tense and would thus have been too tense for us and too far from perfect to accept. If it be our kingdom’s Fate to have passed into antiquity on August 16, 609, then let it be in a manner we choose ourselves. No, the only perfect future for us will have to be tense indeed, for the choices given are choices best not taken.

The End in Sight

As the end of August nears, one must ask themselves how they intend to survive the end of the His reign in the Sutherlands. Duties done, the Lich King intends to leave those here to their fates.

Even though my master’s supposed strong hand has received much resistance over the last 12 months. I blame much of this behavior on not only ignorance, but also the average “Hero’s” inability to accept the consequences of their actions.

Granted, this ability to resist even the strongest of enemies has in led to the Sutherland’s glory in years past. But I can see now that it is far more likely for this Age to be a perpetual sunset for humankind and their closest brethren than one of the “Golden Days” of glory.

Yet there is no room for righteousness and zealotry in a land where compromise is the key to survival. With few friends and allies of power, relationships of necessity with those who might otherwise be considered enemies, or just less-than-friends, might be more important than a sense of “right and wrong” – whatever those words truly mean.

May the past year be a lesson in etiquette and consequence, for things far more ugly than The Ancient One’s reign are soon to be in your futures.

Her Majesty’s Great Victory

Evermore should we give praise to the great Queen of our fair Sutherlands, whose continued efforts against the Orcish Hordes have scourged the lands of Darkholme and LaRochelle of their presence. While her methods were at first polemic, it would be folly to say that her work was not without the desired result.

Now the Queen has recently commissioned great works to be built. In Honor of Herself, these marvels commemorate Her victories over the enemies of the Sutherlands. Great towering bone spires rise slowly upwards as a chain along Darkholme’s border, and an army of zombie masters work tirelessly day and night to conclude their task.

Her cunning integration of His Majesty’s undead armies, under the direct control of his general The Captain, has seen vast improvements in the military’s abilities. Keeping riff-raff from crossing the borders and instigating conflict since the integration of living and undead.

La Rochelle has also continued to be free of any invading forces. Tiksylvan, Her Majesty’s chosen Capital, continues to be her main residence. The sounds of her wings beating are familiar to all who lie between her home and the lands of Darkholme.

Blooms of Hope

As close as a stone’s throw outside the walls of almost every city in the Sutherlands, a miraculous sight to be seen has enveloped the countryside. Expanses of beautiful flowers are seen blooming in abandoned fields. The purple and gold blooms are a welcome sight to those who’s wearied souls who have been suffering through famine, disease, and relocation.

Even though the land where they grow are the untilled fields abandoned in the Orcish invasion, many feel that this good omen is a sign to begin returning to the fields to grow crops. Already smaller farms and community gardens have been tilled just outside city walls, protected by small contingents of troops and local militiamen. Yielding the first fresh fruit many have tasted since the invasion, these plots are well protected.

Those folk courageous enough to venture beyond the protection of walls and swords collect these blooms for themselves to add cheer to their otherwise bleak surroundings.

Who’s Who in the Sutherlands: The Captain

How is the job going? Are there any benefits?

Well since being "recruited" to take charge of the existing zombiemaster army back in April by our benevolent king, we've pushed the orcs out of Darkholme. The process simultaneously boosted our numbers by the thousands. Seems orcs are afraid of the undead, and well -- my army ain't afraid of nothin’. Orcs know to stay out of Darkholme now, unless they feel like having their brains beaten in by their old friends that now work for me.

Are there any benefits? Well, there's the fact that we're a massive army that requires no food, drink, sleep, or any of the other failings of your average mortal army. We can force march over a greater distance than the strongest and largest mortal army and be ready to fight immediately. There is no dissention in the ranks, no hesitation to follow a command, and we have recruits from every major military on the continent. Bonus? Even the lesser undead in the army retain much of their mortal intelligence. Zombiemasters are unique bunch, that's for sure.

Do you regret coming out of retirement to take this position?

I'd like to say yes, but I'm not allowed to. Next question.

Are your minions well-behaved? What’s the current zombie count at?

Yes, my Horde does exactly as ordered. Not a single Darkholme citizen has been animated that didn't ask for it while we've been stationed here. The zombie count is privileged information. Let's say -- more than the number that invaded Clanthia in April, fewer than all the baronial armed forces combined. The benefit of the Horde is that for nearly every zombie that falls, two rise up to take his place. Granted, orcs learned this the hard way.

Have you finished dealing with the Orcs in Darkholme? What are your current tasks?

Yes, there haven't been Orcs in Darkholme for months. My current tasks are between myself and the King.

Whats up with the big bone spires you guys are building?

No comment.

What are your plans after the Ancient One leaves the Sutherlands?

He's leaving? News to me.

What do you feel the future holds for you? For these lands?

For me? So long as the current King is here, I guess I'll be workin' for him - killing orcs, Carpathians, and the like. For these lands? This place is quickly becoming a necropolis, like the lands of Darkholme once were. If the citizens of the Sutherlands let it happen, they'll keep out the orcs for sure and most likely the Carpathians. If they try to stop it -- I have a feeling this place is going to be red or green in short order.

How do you occupy your free time?

With this many zombies, who has free time? Wouldn't mind getting back to my old shipyard, too bad some skeletal draconian burned it down.

We hear you were a former resident of Everhate. Is there anyone who might be reading this you'd like to say hello to?

Yeah, I crawled out of the ground in Everhate like so many others. Was a normal guy, sort of. Necrite is what they called us then. I didn't think I would survive and the pain of my age nearly crippled me at most times, when I was offered a chance to retain most of my mortal self and no longer feel the pain of my age, thirst, or hunger I jumped at the chance. Regretted it, sometimes, but I did what I had to like most everyone else did.

Didn't really get a chance to catch up with anyone last two times I was in town as the first time, Also I was busy getting murdered... err, recruited. The second time I was a little busy with taking charge of the Horde so I'd like to say hello to some old friends including: Dashus, Lady Constance, Giddeon, Lune, Rhodry, and Kal'eras. Really not sure who else is around these days.

The Crier thanks The Captain for his time.

From a Reliable Source:

Clanthia’s Latest Rumors

All the Mountain Dwarves are in Rossille? What happened to their stronghold under Verfel?

Expecting that a single man can fix everything will only lead to every man’s demise.

Not only are the orcs pursuing the Titans, but Carpathians as well.

How much more control upon commonfolk already without freedom be tolerated before society unravels?

“Hope” is a rare commodity these days. It sells for quite a lot of gold, actually.

Why do the Barons allow Merthyrian “converts” to involve themselves in Sutherlands affairs? Really, you as well let Carpathians and Orcs attend gathers, too.

Northern outposts in Sudbyr have reported smoke seen floating over the western mountains for some time now.

Someone other than those being accused is responsible for the “weapon” killing all who are not elves.

Mysterious happenings in the Isles have the ill intentioned very worried.

Fate is seemingly still helping the gypsies, despite having forsaken the Sutherlands.

A large pack of Wild Elf Lycanthropes is terrorizing the countrysides in the baronies.

Those first welcomed by true Sutherlands’ citizens with open arms are quickly seeing their welcome worn out.

There are eyes in the woods, they can see what you do...

The Paragon Brotherhood is in service to the Merchant King and act as his eyes and ears.

Owlbears prefer pointy ears and horns for breakfast, but will settle for just about anything, after noon.

The total collapse of the Sutherlands occurred in the afternoon on Son’s Day.

Analectsfrom Dermott the Devious

10. Avoid the Less Fortunate

You can suffer from someone else's misery—emotional states are as infectious as diseases. Despite their claims, the less fortunate are never purely victims of circumstance; they were short-sighted, naive, insecure, self-absorbed, oblivious, or otherwise fundamentally incompetent and will likely never amount to anything. Any genuine help you offer them is wasted effort.

11. Keep Others Dependent On You

To maintain your independence you must always be needed and wanted. The more you are relied on, the more freedom you have. Make people depend on you for their happiness and prosperity and you have nothing to fear. Never teach them enough so that they can do without you.

12. Use Selective Honesty and Generosity to Disarm Your Victim

One sincere and honest move will cover over dozens of dishonest ones. Open-hearted gestures of honesty and generosity bring down the guard of even the most suspicious people. Exercising selective honesty opens a hole in their armor, you can deceive and manipulate them at will.

Monthly Horoscopes

by Astros & Stella Lector

/ Aries (3/21 – 4/19): Destiny awaits those who step up and take charge of it. Listen to your scholars for the right answer.
/ Taurus (4/20 – 5/20): Romance is in the air for you. Be careful not to let it pass you by.
/ Gemini (5/20 – 6/21): Identification magics may bring you trouble this gather – some things are better left unknown.
/ Cancer (6/22 – 7/22): The stars align and bring golden luck. Look to those who fall by your sword and spells for wealth.
/ Leo (7/23 – 8/22): Attempts at generosity and mercy may only hinder your ability to repair damages later. Now would be a good time to indulge in selfish behavior.
/ Virgo (8/23 – 9/22): Integrity is failure if it means the sacrifice of those you are sworn to protect.
/ Libra (9/23 – 10/22): You will find solace in nature this gather, if you can bring yourself to step away from more civilized things.
/ Scorpio (10/23 – 11/21): In order to proceed into the future, a contract may need to be broken.
/ Sagittarius (11/22 – 12/21): Elemental magics will be your folly this gather. Steer clear of them to preserve your life force.
/ Capricorn (12/22 – 1/19): Conflict swirls like a vortex in front of you. Your decision to fight or flee will decide the fate of many.
/ Aquarius (1/20 – 2/18): Do not shy away from combat this gather, and your victories will be many.
/ Pisces (2/19 – 3/20): If you hesitate now to do what you know needs to be done, you will lose far more than just opportunity.

Lucky Numbers: 1-3-20-14-15-23