Torch Bearers Award Nomination Form
“Committed to Excellence in Defense of the Nation”

Submitted by:
Nominee Information:

Full Name:


Date of Retirement or Death:




Elements Served & Location: (example format list shown below)

  • MSIC – Huntsville, AL
  • STRATCOM – Omaha, NE
  • CENTCOM – Tampa, FL
  • PACOM – Oahu, HI

Provide a brief explanation for nominating this candidate.
The biographical synopsis is limited to one page. It should discuss the employee’s biographical DIA career where their contribution(s) were within or outside of normally assigned duties and clearly illustrate the results of the contribution as sufficiently above normal expectations to warrant special recognition. Both the extent to which the contribution exceeds the normal job requirements and the amount of ingenuity and initiative reflected in the employee’s contribution should be addressed.

Follow on details for the nomination package prior to submission.
Be limited to no more than five pages, single-spaced, in 12-pitch font for the entirety of the package description. The four factors are to build off of the biographical synopsis of the individuals impact. Be unclassified. A separate classified supporting annex (limited to SECRET) of no more than two pages is permitted and should be provided through separate channels. Nomination packages may be submitted anytime, but must be dated no later than 1 June each year. Applications submitted after the deadline may be deferred for consideration to the following year.


Nomination for the 2015 Torch Bearer Award

Mr. James B. Jones is recommended for the 2015 Torch Bearer’s Award for …..

Factor 1: Significance of Contributions

(Assess how the individual’s contributions played a decisive role in strengthening and/or unifying defense intelligence operations, production, and/or dissemination, and how those contributions made DIA’s activities more valuable to national decision-makers and military commanders. No more than one page.)

Factor 2: Transformative Leadership

(Assess how the individual conceived, planned, or implemented changes to policies, procedures, business, operational, and/or analytical practices which improved the effectiveness of DIA and/or resulted in efficiencies, resource savings, and improved performance within the agency. No more than one page.)

Factor 3: Sustained Impact

(Assess the lasting contributions the individual made and how they are recognizable for their long-term impact on DIA and/or U.S. national security. No more than one page.)

Factor 4: Demonstrated Commitment

(Assess how the individual demonstrated extraordinary commitment and dedication to DIA, its mission, and its people. No more than one page.)

Submission Date:Director’s Decision:Inform candidate of selection:
(NLT 01 June 2015)(______2015)(______2015)

(For Use By OCC Only)

DIA Torch Bearer’s Award Selection Board (Selecting Officials)

Chief of Staff
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Military (O-6 or higher)
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DIAA Member
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DIAA Member
(Print)______(Sign) ______(Date) ______

At Large Appointee
(Print)______(Sign) ______(Date) ______

Selection Board Nominees




(For Use By DIA Director)

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