Ariolimax Bibliography

May 2002

Ahmad, S; Beilstein, M A; Pardini, R S.Glutathione peroxidase activity in insects: A reassessment. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, v.12, n.1, 1989:31-50. (??? came up in search for Ariolimax, haven’t checked it myself)

Allen, J.A. 1916. Palatibility of Polygyra and Ariolimax. Nautilus 29, 143.

Arnold, S J . Behavioral variation in natural populations. 2. The inheritance of a feeding response in crosses between geographic races of the garter snake, Thamnophis elegans. Evolution 35(3) 1981: 510-515

Baur, B. Sperm competition in molluscs. In: Sperm Competition and Sexual Selection . T.R. Birkhead and A.P. Møller (eds.), Academic Press, 1998, pp. 255-305.

Branson,B.A. 1977. Freshwater and terrestrial Mollusca of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington. Veliger19, 310-330.

Bullock, T H; Basar, E. Comparison of Ongoing Compound Field Potentials in the Brains of Invertebrates and Vertebrates Brain Research Reviews, v.13, n.1,1988:57-76

Cates, R.G. 1975. The interface between slugs and wild ginger: some evolutionary aspects. Ecology 391-400.

Cates, R.G. ; Orians, G.H. 1975. Successional status and the palatability of plants to generalized herbivores. Ecology 56:410-418.

Chan, C Y-B. Neuronal correlates of behavioural habituation in the tentacleretraction reflex in the terrestrial slug Ariolimax columbianus. Dissertation Abstracts International B Sciences and Engineering 40(9) 1980: 4140

Chan,C.Y. & Moffett,S. 1982. Neurophysiological mechanisms underlying habituation of the tentacle retraction reflex in the land slug Ariolimax. J. Neurobiol.13, 173-183.

Chan,C.Y. & Moffett,S. 1982. Cerebral motoneurons mediating tentacle retraction in the land slug, Ariolimax columbianus. J. Neurobiol.13, 163-172.

Cunningham, J.J. and H. Gottfried.. The laboratory care of giant land slugs. Lab. Animal Care 17 (1967) 382-385.

Dannen,E. & Beard,M.E. 1977. Peroxisomes in pulmonate gastropods. J. Histochem. Cytochem.25, 319-328.

Denny, M.W. 1980. Locomotion: the cost of gastropod crawling. Science 208: 1288-1290.

Denny, M . The role of gastropod pedal mucus in locomotion. Nature (London) 285 No. 5761 1980: 160-161.

Denny, M W. Mechanical properties of pedal mucus and their consequences for gastropod structure and performance. American Zoologist 24(1) 1984: 23-36

Denny, M Molecular biomechanics of molluscan mucous secretions.In Hochachka, P W [Ed.]. The Mollusca. Volume 1. Metabolic biochemistry and molecular biomechanics. Academic Press, New York, London etc. 1983: i-xviii, 1-510. Chapter pagination: 431-465

Denny, M W. A quantitative model for the adhesive locomotion of the terrestrial slug, Ariolimax columbianus Journal of Experimental Biology 91 1981: 195-217

Denny, M.W. & Gosline, J.M. 1980. The physical properties of the pedal mucus of the terrestrial slug, Ariolimax columbianus. Journal of Experimental Biology 88, 375-393.

Deyrup-Olsen, I., Product release by mucous granules of land slugs: II. Species diversity in triggering of mucous granule rupture. J. exp. Zool. 276 (1996) 330-334.

Deyrup-Olsen,I. & Jindrova,H. 1996. Product release by mucous granules of land slugs: Ariolimax columbianus as a model species. Journal of Experimental Zoology276, 387-393.

Deyrup-Olsen,I., Louie,H., Martin,A.W. & Luchtel,D.L. 1992. Triggering by ATP of product release by mucous granules of the land slug Ariolimax columbianus. Am. J. Physiol262, C760-C765.

Deyrup-Olsen,I., Luchtel,D.L. & Martin,A.W. 1983. Components of mucus of terrestrial slugs (Gastropoda). Am. J. Physiol245, R448-R452.

Deyrup-Olsen, I; Luchtel, D L; Martin, A W., Mucus Secretion by the Skin of the Land Slug Ariolimax-Columbianus Journal of General Physiology, v.92, n.6,1988:37A-38A

Deyrup-Olsen, I; Luchtel, D L; Martin, A W.Secretory Cells of the Body Wall of Ariolimax-Columbianus Structure Function and Control HENDERSON, I. (ED.). BRITISH CROP PROTECTION COUNCIL MONOGRAPH, NO. 41. SLUGS AND SNAILS IN WORLD AGRICULTURE; SYMPOSIUM, SURREY, ENGLAND, UK, APRIL 10-12, 1989.XII+422P. BRITISH CROP PROTECTION COUNCIL: THORNTON HEATH, ENGLAND, UK. ILLUS.MAPS. PAPER. ISBN 0-948404-29-9. 1989:407-412

Deyrup-Olsen, I; Martin, A W.Physiological Mechanisms of Recovery of Land Slugs Ariolimax columbianus from Loss of Body Fluids American Zoologist, v.24,n.3, 1984:21A

Deyrup-Olsen, I; Martin, A W.Functions of the Lower Gut in the Terrestrial Slug Ariolimax-columbianus Physiologist, v.27, n.4, 1984:275

Deyrup-Olsen, I; Martin, A W.Participation of Chloride Ions in Fluid Responses of the Body Wall of the Land Slug Ariolimax-Columbianus American Zoologist, v.25, n.4, 1985:139A

Deyrup-Olson, I; Martin, A W.Control by Cholinergic Nerves of Muscular Activity and Secretion of the Body Wall of the Land Slug Ariolimax-columbianus American Zoologist, v.26, n.4, 1986:71A

Deyrup-Olsen,I. & Martin,A.W. 1987. Processes in formation of mucus by the body wall of Ariolimax columbianus. Biorheology24, 571-576.

Deyrup-Olsen, I; Martin, A W.Osmolyte processing in the gut and an important role of the rectum in the land slug, Ariolimax columbianus (Pulmonata; Arionidae). Journal of Experimental Zoology, v.243, n.1, 1987:33-38

Deyrup-Olsen, I; Martin, A W.Prostanoid Involvement in Responses of the Body Wall of the Land Slug Ariolimax-Columbianus American Zoologist, v.28, n.4,1988:132A

Gervais, JA; Traveset, A; Willson, MF. The potential for seed dispersal by the banana slug (Ariolimax columbianus).AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST, JUL, 1998, V140(N1):103-110.

Goldring,J.M., Kater,J.W. & Kater,S.B. 1983. Electrophysiological and morphological identification of action potential generating secretory cell types isolated from the salivary gland of Ariolimax. J. Exp. Biol.102, 13-23.

Gordon, D.G. 1994. The Western Society of Malacologists’ field guide to the slug. Sasquatch Books, Seattle.

Gottfried, H. & Dorfman,R.I. 1969. The occurence of in vivo cholesterol biosynthesis in an invertebrate, Ariolimax californicus. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. Suppl, 2: 590-593.

Gottfried,H. & Dorfman,R.I. 1970. Steroids of invertebrates. IV. On the optic tentacle-gonadal axis in the control of the male-phase ovotestis in the slug (Ariolimax californicus). Gen. Comp Endocrinol.15, 101-119.

Gottfried,H. & Dorfman,R.I. 1970. Steroids of invertebrates. V. The in vitro biosynthesis of steroids by the male-phase ovotestis of the slug (Ariolimax californicus). Gen. Comp Endocrinol.15, 120-138.

Gottfried,H. & Dorfman,R.I. 1970. Steroids of invertebrates VI. Effect of tentacular homogenates in vitro upon post-androstenedione metabolism in the male-phase of Ariolimax ovotestis. General and Comparative Endocrinology15, 139-142.


Hamilton, P.A. 1981. The effect of food and slug density on slug movement.. M.Sc. Thesis University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 248 pp.

Hamilton, P A; Wellington, W G. The effects of food and density on the movement of Arion ater and Ariolimax columbianus (Pulmonata: Stylommatophora) between habitats. Researches on Population Ecology (Kyoto) 23(2) 1981: 299-308

Hamilton, P A; Wellington, W G. The effects of food and density on the nocturnal behaviour of Arion ater and Ariolimax columbianus (Pulmonata: Stylommatophora). Researches on Population Ecology (Kyoto) 23(2) 1981: 309-317.

Harper, A.B., The Banana Slug. Bay Leaves Press, Aptos, CA, 1988.

Heath,H. 1916. The conjugation of Ariolimax californicus. Nautilus30, 22-24.

Ingram, W.M. 1942. Food habits of Haplotrema minimum and habits of associated molluscs on the Mills College campus. The Nautilus56, 96-97.

Ingram,W.M. & Adolph,H.M. 1943. Habitat observations of Ariolimax columbianus Gould. The Nautilus56, 96-97.

Ingram, W.M. and C. Hand. 1949. Feeding of Ariolimax columbianus on the California Bay Fruit. The Nautilus 62, 131-135.

Ingram, W.M.; Lotz. C. 1949. Land mollusks of the San Francsico Bay counties. Journal of Zoology and Entomology 41: 20-39.

Ingram,W.M. & Peterson,A. 1947. Food of the giant western slug, Ariolimax columbianus. The Nautilus61, 49-51.

James, R; Nguyen, T; Arthur, W; Levine, K; Williams, DC.Hydrolase (beta-glucanase, alpha-glucanase, and protease) activity in Ariolimax columbianus (banana slug) and Arion ater (garden slug).COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY B-BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY,OCT, 1997, V118(N2):275-283.

Lange, W.H., jr. 1944. Land slugs in California. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Science 43, 33-40.

Larson,A.W. 1963. The banana slug. Pacific Discovery16, 10-11.

Leonard, J.L. Sexual conflict and the mating systems of simultaneously hermaphroditic gastropods. American Malacological Bulletin 9 (1991) 45-58.

Luchtel,D.L., Deyrup-Olsen,I. & Martin,A.W. 1991. Ultrastructure and lysis of mucin-containing granules in epidermal secretions of the terrestrial slug Ariolimax columbianus (Mollusca:Gastropoda:Pulmonata). Cell Tissue Res.266, 375-383.

Luchtel,D.L., Martin,A.W. & Deyrup-Olsen,S. 1984. The channel cell of the terrestrial slug Ariolimax columbianus (Stylommatophora, Arionidae). Cell Tiss. Res.235, 145-151.

Martin, A W; Deyrup-Olsen, I . Blood venting through the pneumostome in terrestrial slugs. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C Comparative Pharmacology 72(1) 1982: 53-58

Martin,A.W. & Deyrup-Olsen,S. 1986. Function of the epithelial channel cells of the body wall of a terrestrial slug, Ariolimax columbianus. J. Exp. Biol.121, 301-314.

Martin, A W; Deyrup-Olsen, I.A Different Herbivore Balances Its Ions in A Different Way Federation Proceedings, v.44, n.4, 1985:998


Mc Cracken, G.W. & R.K. Selander. 1980. Self-fertilization and monogenic strains in natural populations of terrestrial slugs. PNAS 77, 684-688.

Mead, A.R., The Taxonomy, Biology, and Genital Physiology of the Giant West Coast Land Slugs of the Genus Ariolimax Morch (Gastropoda: Pulmonata).Ph.D. Dissertation, Cornell University, 1942..

Mead,A.R. 1943. Revision of the giant West Coast land slugs of the genus Ariolimax Moerch (Pulmonata: Arionidae). Amer. Midl. Nat.30, 675-717.

Meenakshi, V.R. & B.T. Scheer. (1968). Studies on the carbohydrates of the slug, Ariolimax columbianus with special reference to their distribution in the reproductive system . Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 26, 1091-1097.

Meenakshi, V.R. & B.T. Scheer. 1969. Regulation of galactogen synthesis in the slug Ariolimax columbianus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 29, 841-845.

Meenakshi, V.R. & B.T. Scheer. 1970. Chemical studies of the internal shell of the slug, Ariolimax columbianus (Gould) with special reference to the organic matrix. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 34, 953-957.

Miller, R G; Luchtel, D L; Deyrup-Olsen, I; Martin, A.Freeze Fracture Observations of Mucous Granules in Epidermal Secretions of A Pulmonate Mollusc.Journal of Cell Biology, v.111, n.5 PART 2, 1990:318A

Paull, C.J. 1951. The anatomy of Ariolimax columbianus. M.A. thesis. Mills College, Oakland, CA.

Pilsbry, H.A., Land Mollusca of North America (north of Mexico) Vol II. Part 2. Monograph 3, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA., 1948.

Pilsbry,H.A. & Vanatta,E.G. 1896. Revision of the North American slugs: Ariolimax and Aphallarion. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 339-350.

Port, C M; Port, G R.The Biology and Behavior of Slugs in Relation To Crop Damage and Control RUSSELL, G. E. (ED.). AGRICULTURAL ZOOLOGY REVIEWS,VOL. 1. XII+401P. INTERCEPT LTD.: NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE, ENGLAND. ILLUS. ISBN 0-946707-09-X. 1986:255-300

Reise, H.; Hutchinson, J.M.C. 2002. Penis-biting slugs: wild claims and confusions. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 17:163.

Rice, R.L., Lincoln, D.E. & Langenheim, J.H. 2002. Palatibility of monoterpenoid compositional types of Satureja douglasii to a generalist molluscan herbivore, Ariolimax dolichophallus. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology6, 45-53.

Richter,K.O. 1973. Freeze-branding for individually marking the banana slug; Ariolimax columbianus G. Northwest Science47, 109-113.

Richter, K.O. , The Foraging Ecology of the Banana Slug Ariolimax columbianus Gould (Arionidae).Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Washington, 1976.

Richter, K.O. 1976. A method for individually marking slugs. J. Moll. Stud. 42:146-151.

Richter,K.O. 1980. Movement, reproduction, defense, and nutrition as functions of the caudal mucus in Ariolimax columbianus. Veliger23, 43-47.

Richter, K O . Aspects of nutrient cycling by Ariolimax columbianus (Mollusca: Arionidae) in Pacific northwest coniferous forests. Pedobiologia 19(1) 1979: 60-74.

Rollo, C.D. The Behavioral Ecology of Terrestrial Slugs. Ph. D. Dissertation, University of British Columbia., 1978.

Rollo, C.D. 1983. Consequences of competition on the reproduction and mortality of three species of terrestrial slugs. Researches in Population Ecology 25:20-43.

Rollo, C.D. 1983. Consequences of competition on the time budgets, growth and distributions of three species of terrestrial slugs. Researches in Population Ecology 25:20-43.

Rollo, C D; Vertinsky, I B; Wellington, W G; Kanetkar, V K. Alternative risk-taking styles: the case of time-budgeting strategies of terrestrial gastropods. Researches on Population Ecology (Kyoto) 25(2) 1983: 321-335

Rollo, C D; Vertinsky, I B; Wellington, W G; Thomspon, W A; Kwan,Y Description and testing of a comprehensive simulation model of the ecology of terrestrial gastropods in unstable environments Researches on Population Ecology (Kyoto) 25(1) 1983: 150-179

Rollo, C.D.; Wellington, W.G. 1975. Terrestrial slugs in the vicinity of Vancouver, British Columbia. The Nautilus 89(4):107-115.

Rollo, C.D.; Wellington, W.G. 1977. Why slugs squabble. Natural History 86: 46-51.

Rollo, C.D.; Wellington, W.G. 1979. Intra- and inter-specific agonistic behavior among terrestrial slugs (Pulmonata: Stylommatophora). Can. J. Zool. 57:846-855.

Rollo, C.D.; Wellington, W.G. 1981. Environmental orientation by terrestrial Mollusca with particular reference to homing behaviour. Can. J. Zool. 59:225-239.

Roth, B. 2004. Observations on the taxonomy and range of Hesparion Simroth, 1891 abd the evidence for genital polymorphism in Ariolimax Mörch, 1860 (Gastropoda: Pulmonata:Arionidae: Ariolimacinae). Veliger 47(1):38-46.

Sawyer,W.H., Deyrup-Olsen,I. & Martin,A.W. 1984. Immunological and biological characteristics of the vasotocin-like activity in the head ganglia of gastropod molluscs. Gen. Comp Endocrinol.54, 97-108.

Sawyer, W H; Pang, P K T; Deyrup-Olsen, I; Martin, A W. Evolution of neurohypophysial hormones: a principle resembling arginine-vasotocin in the gastropod nervous system In: Lofts, B; Holmes, W N [Eds]. Current trends in comparative endocrinology. Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Comparative Endocrinology. Hong-Kong, 7-11 December 1981. Volume two. Hong Kong University Press. Hong Kong. 1985: i-xxv, 635-1266.Chapter pagination: 1153-1155

Senseman,D.M. 1977. Starch: A potent feeding stimulant for the terrestrial slug Ariolimax californicus. Journal of Chemical Ecology 3, 707-715.

Senseman, D.M. (1978) Short-term control of food intake by the terrestrial slug Ariolimax. J. comp. Physiol. 124: 37-48.

Senseman,D. & Gelperin,A. 1973. Comparative Aspects of the Morphology and Physiology of a Single Identifiable Neuron in Helix Aspersa, Limax Maximus and Ariolimax Californica. Malacological Review7, 51-52.

Sigwart, J.D. Some Aspects of the Biology of the Giant West Coast Land Slug Ariolimax columbianus (Gould). Bachelor of Science (Honours) Thesis , Department of Biology, University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C.

Spencer, G.J. 1961. A record of slugs in Vancouver gardens. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of British Columbia 58, 47-48.

Stewart, D M; Martin, A W.Chemical Sensitivity of Ariolimax-Columbianus American Zoologist, v.25, n.4, 1985:15A

Taylor, G.W. 1889. The land snails of Vancouver Island. The Ottawa Naturalist 3, 84-94.

Turner,R.S. 1966. Patterns of form and function in the central nervous system of Ariolimax. J. Comp Neurol.128, 51-62.

Turner, R.S. & D.B. Nevius. 1951. The organization of the nervous system of Ariolimax columbianus. J. Comp. Neurol. 94:239-256.

Van der Ven, P F; Hinds, T R; Deyrup-Olsen, I J; Verdugo, P J. PurinergicMechanism of Content Release from Mucin Secretory Granules Journal of Dental Research, v.71, n.SPEC. ISSUE MAR., 1992:233

Verdugo, P. Polymer Gel Phase Transition the Molecular Mechanism of ProductStorage and Release in Mucin Secretion Biorheology, v.23, n.3, 1986:184

Verdugo, P. Polymer Phase Transition A Novel Mechanism of Product Release in Secretion Biophysical Journal, v.49, n.2 PART 2, 1986:231A

Verdugo, P.Exocytosis in Respiratory Goblet Cells Anatomical Record, v.229,n.4, 1991:90A

Verdugo, P; Deyrup-Olsen, I.Molecular Mechanism of Product Storage andRelease in Mucin Secretion Journal of Cell Biology, v.103, n.5 PART 2,1986:283A

Verdugo, P; Deyrup-Olsen, I.Molecular Mechanism of Product Release in Mucin Secretion American Review of Respiratory Disease, v.137, n.4 PART 2, 1988:11

Verdugo,P., Deyrup-Olsen,I., Aitken,M., Villalon,M. & Johnson,D. 1987. Molecular mechanism of mucin secretion: I. The role of intragranular charge shielding. J. Dent. Res.66, 506-508.

Waste, R.J., The Land Slugs of California. M.A. Thesis, University of California, 1940.

Webb, G.R. 1950. Slug Behavior, Ariolimax vs. Philomycus. Nautilus 63:106-107.

Westfall, J.A. 1952. The reproductive cycle of Ariolimax columbianus. M.A. thesis, Mills College, Oakland, CA.

Westfall, J.A. 1960. Oviposition, hatching, and early growth of Ariolimax columbianus (Gould). Veliger 2(1):10-12.

Wright, C.C. , A Study of Reproduction and Sex Determination in Ariolimax californicus Cooper. Ph.D. Dissertation, Stanford University, 1938

Wood,-W.F.; Archer,-C.L.; Largent,-D.L. 1-Octen-3-ol, a banana slug antifeedant from mushrooms. Biochem-syst-ecol.. May 2001. v. 29 (5) p. 531-533.