November 2010 IEEE P802.15-10-0941-00-0007

IEEE P802.15

Wireless Personal Area Networks

Project / IEEE P802.15.7TaskGroup Visible Light Communication (TG-VLC)
Title / TG-VLCNovember meeting in DallasMeeting Minutes
Date Submitted / 18November2010
Source / [Jaeseung Son]
[Samsung Electronics.Co., Ltd.]
[Suwon, Korea] / Voice:[+82-31-279-7293]
Abstract / Minutes of TG-VLCinDallas, TX
Purpose / Minutes of TG-VLCsessions
Notice / This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release / The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.

Hyatt Regency Dallas, Dallas, TX

November 8 - 11, 2010

Monday, November 08, 2010 – Session 2

13:30 ~18:00

Meeting was called to order by Chair Eun Tae Won.

Approval of Meeting Agenda

Joachim: Status of LED regulation in ICE

Chair: review the time line

64 technical comments from 2nd recirculation

* 10/15-10-0828-04-0007-schedule: presented by Clint Chaplin(Samsung Electronics)

-Discussion about future plan

-3rd recirculation is required

-3rd recirculation plan is from 13th to 28th November.

-We can go Sponsor Ballot if there is not new “NO” voter

-Technical and editorial comment should be in one sheet in excel file.

-Sponsor Ballot can be started in December even TG 7 will go 4th recirculation.

* 15-10-0861-00-0007-combined-lb61-comment-entry-form: presented by Roberts (Intel)

-Technical comment resolution

-CID-3: Accept. Delete reference to NIST

-CID-9: Accept. Delete it in the figure.

-CID-10: Accept. Delete it in the figure.

-CID-11: Accept in principle. Keep the text and delete figure 4 and refer to figure 24.

-CID-12:Accept. Delete figure 4.

-CID-13: It is out of scope.The comment is rejected in LB50..

-CID-14: It is out of scope. The comment is rejected in LB50..

-CID-20:It is out of scope. The comment is rejected in LB50..

-CID-26: Accept in principle. The maximum spread between the rise times and fall times of the optical sources shall not be more than 12.5% of the clock period.

-CID-4: Sridhar Rajagopal and Rick Roberts would discuss about this issue after reviewing doc 10-239r36 .


* 15-10-0239-37-0007-lb50-sorted-combined-comments: presented by Roberts and Sridhar (Intel, Samsung Electronics)

-Comment resolution of CID-4 in 15-10-0861-00-0007-combined-lb61-comment-entry-form

-Follow IEEE comment resolution style.

*15-10-0875-00-0007-proposed-resolution-for-cids-44-and-44-inner-forward-error-correction-encoder: presented by Anuj Batra(TI)

-Proposed resolution for CIDs 44 and 44 - Inner forward error correction encoder

Tuesday, November 03, 2010 – Session 2~4

10:30 ~18:30

Meeting was called to order by Chair Eun Tae Won.

* 15-10-0861-00-0007-combined-lb61-comment-entry-form: presented by Roberts (Intel)

-Technical comment resolution

-CID-17~19, 21~22: Accept. Redraw in frame maker instead of visio.

-CID-43~47: Accept in principle. Refer 10-875/r0

-CID-4: Accept. Document 10/239r37 has been generated. Detailed explanation has proposed about reject comment.

-CID-15: Accept. Delete normative figures and text in 4.5.2

-CID-16: Accept. Delete from to

-CID-27: Accept. Table 26 indicates TX-RX turnaround time is a fixed value of zero. Change to equal in 5.1.6

-CID-28: Accept. Make it consistency. aTurnaroundTime-TX-RX and aTurnaroundTime-RX-TX

-CID-26, 29: Accept in principle. Refer 10/878 latest version

-CID-30: out of scope. It is already discussed in T-CID 56(681r16)

-CID-33: Accept. Add reference

-CID-34: commenter withdraw it

-CID-35, 36:Reject

1. Subclause 5.3.5 states only one data rate using convolution coding

2. All pad bits from the RS code are punctured before transmission

-CID-39: Reject. The value is split in D2. So comment is no linger applied.

-CID-40: Accept. Change 5.9 to 5.1.6. and change the title to aTurnaroundTime-Tx-Rx

-CID-51:It is out of scope. The comment is rejected in LB50..

-CID-53: Accept in principle. No action is required.

-CID-54: Accept. Table 23 should be table 25.

-CID-55:It is out of scope. The comment is rejected in LB50..

-CID-58: Accept. Insert diamonds

-CID-61: commenter withdraw

-CID-62:It is out of scope. The comment is rejected in LB50..

-CID-63: Accept.

-CID-67: Accept

-CID-68: Accept in principle. Move resolved filed after frame type field.

-CID-69: Reject. There are two “shall”.

-CID-70: Accept.

-CID-71: Reject. There are “shall”.

-CID-72, 77, 78:It is out of scope. The comment is rejected in LB50..

* 15-10-0878-00-0007-proposed-resolution-for-maximum-clock-spread: presented by Sridhar Rajagopal (Samsung Electronics)

-Proposing comment resolution.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010 – Session 3

13:30 ~18:30

Meeting was called to order by Chair Eun Tae Won.

* 15-10-0861-02-0007-combined-lb61-comment-entry-form: presented by Roberts (Intel)

-Comment resolution

-CID-37: Accept in principle. delete phyChannelsSupported

-CID-38: Accept. Assign bit to each CCA mode. Change integer to octet.

-CID-56,57,97,99: Accept in principle. Change macSynchSymbolOffset to macTimestampOffset and add it in table 89.

-CID-70: Reject. There is not any benefit of an simple address.

-CID-75,76: Accept. Move 6.2.3 to 6.3.19. Add information element command in table 84.set link

-CID-32: Accept. Replace it with Frame maker

-CID-41: Accept.

-CID-42: Accept. Replace it with Frame maker

-CID-48: Accept.

-CID-49: Accept.

-CID-52: see CID 54

-CID-64: Accept. Change PANDescriptorList to VPANDescriptorList

-CID-73: Accept. It is already done.

*15-10-0899-00-0007-the-new-text-insertion-to-the-sub-clauses-of-6-6-13-for-the-resolutions-of-t-cids-82-to-87: presented by Sangkyu Lim (ETRI)

-Comment resolution about CID 82~87

-Insert red color sentence

-Delete corresponding sentence in Table 89.

-Make it italic style

* Motion

Approve the contents of 15-10-0861-03-0007-combined-lb61-comment-entry-form.xls as the comment resolutions for Recirculation WG Ballot of IEEE 802.15.7 Draft 3.0

Moved: Joachim Walewski

Second: Sang-Kyu Lim

Y: 6 N: 0 A:0

Motion Passes

* Motion

Request the WG to begin a letter ballot to forward draft 4.0 of IEEE802.15.7, with the changes given in 15-10-0861-03-0007-combined-lb61-comment-entry-form.xls to recirculation ballot

Moved: Joachim Walewski

Second: Dae Ho Kim

Y: 6 N: 0 A: 0

Motion Passes

* Motion

Move to authorize Rick Roberts, Sang-Kyu Lim, and Sridhar Rajagopal as the 802.15.7 Comment Resolution Oversight Committee chaired by Eun Tae Won; said committee to expire at the beginning of the January 2011 802 Interim meeting. The Comment Resolution Oversight Committee is authorized to approve the resolutions and approve start of the future recirculations of the 15.7 draft on behalf of the Working Group. Comment resolution on recirculations will be conducted via reflector email and via teleconferences announced via the reflector at least 7 days in advance.

Moved: Clint Chaplin

Second: Joachim Walewski

Y: 6 N: 0 A: 0

Motion Passes

Thursday, November 05, 2010 – Session 7

* Motion

Approve the contents of 15-10-0861-04-0007-combined-lb61-comment-entry-form.xls as the comment resolutions for Recirculation WG Ballot of IEEE 802.15.7 Draft 3.0

Moved: Clint Chaplin

Second: Joachim Walewski

Y: 7 N: 0 A: 0

Motion Passed

* Motion

Move to request the Working Group to seek EC conditional approval tostart Sponsor Ballot of IEEE 802.15.7.

Moved: Sridhar Rajagopal

Second: Dae Ho Kim

Y: 7 N: 0 A: 0

Motion Passes

* Discussion about conference call and time line.

-Teleconference on 29thNovember, 2010

23:00 UTC

Adjourn by Chair Eun Tae Won.

TG-VLC Submission Page 1 Taehan Bae