Parish Office Telephone: 90616300

130 Upper Dunmurry Lane Mon-1.00pm- 4.00pm

Belfast, Tues-Fri- 10.00am-1.00pm

BT17 0EW

Fr. Colm McBride. PP



There will be no 10.00am Mass on Saturday 8th June .Nuptial Mass at 1.00pm


Ever since taking up my appointment as your Bishop in 2008 I have been keen to work with you to establish a united vision for the Diocese. A vision that would enable each of us in the Diocese of Down and Connor through the use of our individual gifts to participate in our Church Community, to deepen our faith and to share that faith with others.

Your enthusiastic support for the Listening process gave me a sense of great hope and the themes which emerged from the process have over the past few months been considered by Working Groups in the Diocese comprised of your fellow Laity, Clergy and Religious. The fruits of their efforts have resulted in a Pastoral Plan which will be launched in the Waterfront Hall on Friday 27th and Saturday 28th September 2013.

I earnestly hope that Parishioners from every Parish in the Diocese will attend the Congress as Delegates. The event presents a real opportunity for all of us in the Diocese to strike out on a new path and to renew our commitment.

The cost for each Delegate is £10 which will be used to offset the costs associated with the venue. Each Delegate will be able to attend on both the Friday and Saturday and will be able to attend two Seminars addressing the key elements of the pastoral plan on the Saturday. If you wish to indicate your availability to represent your Parish as a delegate please contact your Parish Priest as soon as possible.

To close the Congress there will be a celebratory concert in the evening of the Saturday featuring a wide range of talent from the diocese including The Priests. Tickets for the Concert will be available at a cost of £20. Please let your Parish Priest know if you would like to attend.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I do hope you will be able to attend the Congress.


The Irish Bishops Drug Initiative was established as a response to the growing problem of alcohol and drug abuse in Ireland. The initiative seeks to mobilise parish communities together with other service providers to make appropriate pastoral responses to prevent alcohol and drug abuse and to respond to issues arising from such misuse in individuals and families. As a parish community we would like to recruit someone with an interest in this area to be a contact person for the Diocese. Please contact Fr McBride a.s.a.p.

PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL. The Parish Pastoral Council will meet on Thursday 6th June at 7.30p.m. in the Conference Room.

The draw for the top prize of £5,000 will be included in the May Draw onThursday 6th June at 7.30pmin the Conference Room.

Promoters and members would be very welcome.
Could you give 30 minutes per month to collect from some members in the Glengoland Park area? If so, please leave your contact details in the Parish Office. Your help would be greatly appreciated.


The Flower Group are having a Plant & Cake Sale on Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th June.

Homemade cakes, buns biscuits etc. would be very welcome.


Clotworthy Gardens, Antrim and Ballyrobert Cottage Nursery. Bus leaving Church at 10.30am and returning at 3.30pm. Price £15 to include light lunch and garden visits. To book a place see Robert or Dymphna Pimley or Tel. 90629592.


Saint Colmcille's Children's Liturgy Team of 8 Leaders are all now in place and are planning to launch the12 noonChildren's Liturgy provisionon the Feast Day of Saint Colmcille which is the9th of June. In order to gain some estimate of the names/numbers of the children who would like to participate it would be a great help, if our simple registration form was completed by a the child's Parent/Carer giving permission for them to attend . Our team Leaders will be available with registration forms,after the 12 Mass on the 2nd of June. In addition , a parent/carer can register their child , at any time, by simply coming along either to the Children's Liturgy at the 10 o clockSundayMass or the Children's Liturgy at the 12 o clock Mass- which will be available from9th Juneon-wards.


The Rock Cemetery: 3pm on Sunday 2nd June

ANNUAL PIONEER MASSinhonour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus will be celebrated in St. Anne's Church onMonday 10th June 7.30pm. Anyone requiring gold, silver or other pins to be presented please contact Anne 90 615461or Josephine 90 617116. As St. Anne's Pioneer Centre is now 55 years old, we welcome everyone, especially those who have been associated with the centre since its formation and Young Pioneers. Light refreshments afterwards.


Envelope Offering £700.00 Loose Offering £555.00 Maintenance £332.00

Many thanks for your continued support to the parish

THE SANCTUARY LIGHT has been dedicated on week beginning 2nd June

‘For a special intention’

RECENTLY DECEASED: Henry Holbrook (Helenswood Court)


We pray for those whose anniversaries occur around this time,

Priscilla Flavelle (1st Anniv), Archie Davidson and Owen Doyle

Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and may perpetual light shine upon them

CHURCH HOUSEKEEPING: Group C Friday 7th June 2013

BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP. 90616895 Volunteers trained by C.R.U.S.E.

ST.VINCENT DE PAUL Anyone needing help please contact 90616300


The next in series of talks on fundamental aspects of the Catholic Faith will be held in All Saints Church, Ballymena to celebrate the Year of Faith, is ‘The Mystery of God?’ by Judge Gemma Loughran on Wednesday 12th June at 7.30pm. All welcome


A Three-Day Pilgrimage or a One-Day Retreat at Lough Derg is a wonderful opportunity to experience the sanctity, embrace the spirituality and to reconnect with this very special place. These guided days of prayer and reflection are an invitation to all those aged 15 years and older to take time out of their every day routine, to take time to reflect and to be nourished in the presence of God. We invite you to reserve your placenow. For more information go to or Tel: +353719861518 email:


Are you good with people? Are you a good listener?

The Belfast Trust is seeking to recruit volunteers to help within the Macmillan Information Centre which help support people affected by cancer in both the Royal Victoria Hospital and Belfast City Hospital. Training will be provided. If you are interested and would like to know more please contact Janet Morrison at tel 90699201 or email or write to 77-81 Lisburn Road, Belfast, BT9 7AB


Indee Productions are seeking mothers-to-be to do a short interview on their hopes and dreams for their unborn baby, to form part of a short film on expectant mothers in the West Belfast/Dunmurry area. This film promises to be a touching snapshot of reflections prior to the birth of your baby, and will feature a range of mothers, both first-time and more experienced. The interviews will take place at a location of your choosing, such as your home, and will not last long, but will be an exciting opportunity to record your thoughts on the impending arrival before life changes forever!

If you are interested or would like to find out more, please do not hesitate to contact Indee Productions on 028 9076 4944/ 077 404 34109 /

CALLING ALL PHOTOGRAPHERS The Living Church Office would like to receive images of parish life, pictures of churches, inside andoutside, etc., for inclusion in a collage of the life of the diocese to be used at the Diocesan Congress in September. Please send photographs (2,000 pixels wide minimum) efore Friday May 31st


Current Primary 6 Pupils and their parents are invited to attend our Registration Day for Transfer 2013 on Thursday 6th June 2013. Parents can register at any time between 4.00-6.00pm. The registration normally lasts for about 5 minutes and staff will guide parents through the process. All enquiries to the Principal Tel: 028 90 294000 (

DISCO VOLUNTEERS : Would those volunteers who still have not returned their application forms please do so as soon as possible.


St Malachy’s College,36 Antrim Road,Belfast,BT15 2AEwill be holding a Family Fun Day for Parents and Pupils on Sunday 23rdJune from 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm. There will be a BBQ, stalls and fun activities.

Tickets cost £5 per adult and each child goes free.

These are available from the College. Telephone: 02890748285


Down & Connor Comitium of the Legion of Mary

Pilgrimage to Fatima, 15th / 22nd August,

7 Nights F/B Hotel Avenida, Spiritual Director Fr Martin Graham PP. £599.

Price includes tax, insurance and all transfers.

For further details contact Joe Catney 90714001


Celebrate the Year of Faith by joining the 30th Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes which takes place this July under the leadership of Bishop Treanor. Fare, inclusive of all charges and including return flight from Belfast to Lourdes and full board in hotels in Lourdes, is 5 nights July 11-16 £570

7 nights July 10-17 £630

Youth Team (Age 16-25) July 10-17 £510

For further information and application forms see posters on display in the Church porch or contact the parish office.


Join some of your favourite Bodybuilders leaders for some fun every Wednesday evening from 6:30 – 7:45 at St Colman’s Church Hall, Dunmurry. We welcome children from Primary 1 to Primary 7 to come along for games, songs, quizzes, talks and to learn about Jesus along the way. See you there


Éire Óg is the local GAA club for the parishes of Our Lady Queen of Peace and St Anne's.
Hurling training for P1-P3 children is held every Tuesday from 5-6pm in Our Lady Queen of Peace Primary School. Sessions are free.
Training for U8s and younger is also held on Thursdays from 7-8pm in St Anne’s Parish Hall. There is a charge of £2 per session.
New players (boys and girls)are always welcome. No equipment is needed as helmets and hurls are provided. For More Information ring Ciaran on 07875667574 or Tara on 07526163323

CENTERING PRAYER RETREAT (as taught by Fr Thomas Keating)

from16th - 23rd July 2013at Tobar Mhuire, Crossgar Contact The Secretary at Tobar Mhuire phone 02844830242 Email

Trocaire’s door to door fundraisers will be in the parish area for a couple of days from mid-May to mid-July 2013. The fund raisers are clearly identifiable as they will be wearing a blue Trocaire jacket over a navy Trocaire polo shirt. Also each fundraiser will be carrying photo ID. Please support this campaign if you can.

BAPTISMS: First Sunday of every month. To register please contact the parish office at least one month in advance of baptism. Parents presenting their first born child for Baptism will be expected to attend a pre-baptism meeting.


A small prayer library is located in the Baptistery. There, you will find books of guidance, suggestions on prayer which you can borrow for use at home. Please record the details of the book you have borrowed and returned

‘ALTERNATIVEMASS CARDS’ These are on sale in the shop or from any member of the Apostolic Group. A priest does not need to sign them -The onus is on you to go to Mass and offer it up for the deceased and their family. A suggested contribution is £2.00.



The St Vincent De Paul requires donations of good furniture and Bric-a brac on an on going basis to assist families who are being housed and seeking help. Meeting this demand is a constant struggle that may only be met through the public’s generosity.

Aware of the many demands already made of parishioners and thankful for your continued support may we ask you to consider donating good used furniture to us by contacting any of our members or telephoning our area office on 90601899


Do you have a few hours to spend each week? Why not help out at our newly established Vincent’s Shop facing Turf Lodge. Volunteers urgently needed.


The St Vincent De Paul Committee would like to remind parishioners of the free transport that they provide every Sunday for the 12.00 mass. If you are unable to attend mass due to the lack of transport and would like to avail of this service please contact the parish office or any member of St Vincent De Paul

COFFEE/TEA MORNING every Friday’s after the 9.30am Mass.

CENTERING PRAYER RETREAT (as taught by Fr Thomas Keating)

from16th - 23rd July 2013at Tobar Mhuire, Crossgar Contact The Secretary at Tobar Mhuire phone 02844830242 Email

LIVING YOUTHare taking a group of young people aged 16/24 to Scotland for 4 days at the end of July to celebrate World Youth Day. Why not join us, just check out the draft programme, complete the Expression of Interest form available on our website ( drop it into us with a £50 deposit.