Katherine W. McCain (610) 565-7140 (Home)

(215) 895-2486 (Office)

33 Long Point Lane

Rose Valley, PA 19063

COURSES TAUGHT: Resources in Science and Technology, Content Representation, Serial Literature, Topics in Information Science (PhD), Research Methods in Library and Information Science, Information Resources and Services, Scholarly & Professional Communication, Information Services (undergraduate); Information Resources and their Use (undergraduate)

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Scholarly Communication, Information Production and Use in the Research Process, Development and Structure of Scientific Specialties, Diffusion of Innovation, Bibliometrics, Evaluation of Information Retrieval Systems

EDUCATION: PhD. 1985. College of Information Studies, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA.

Fields: Scholarly Communication, Management of Information Resources

Dissertation title: Longitudinal Cocited Author Mapping and Intellectual Structure: A Test of Congruence in Two Scientific Literatures.

MS. 1972. Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA

Fields: Invertebrate Zoology, Marine Biology

Thesis Title: Aspects of the Biology of Schizoporella unicornis (Johnson, 1847), an Estuarine Cheilostome Bryozoan.

BS. 1965. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA

Major: Zoology


1995-date Professor College of Information Science & Technology, Drexel University

1989-95 Associate Professor (tenured) College of Information Studies, Drexel University

1986-89 Assistant Professor College of Information Studies, Drexel University.

1985-86 Drexel Fellow College of Information Studies, Drexel University.

1984-85 Lecturer College of Information Studies, Drexel University.

Summer 1983 Lecturer Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Texas, Austin TX.

1982-83 Research Assistant

Summer 1982 Fellowship in Survey Research Funded by PALINET (Pennsylvania Library Network).

1976-1981 Bibliographic Assistant Biology Library, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA. Supervisor: J.E. Bobick (then) Coordinator of Departmental Libraries.

1974-1976 Adjunct Lecturer Department of Biological Sciences and Department of Human Services, College of Staten Island, SINY.



IST Associate Dean, March, 2002 – Feb. 2007. Programmatic responsibility for MS(LIS)

Director, PhD Program (former title, Doctoral Coordinator 1988 to 1997, 2000-Fall, 2002.

Tenure & Promotion Committees various, 1993 - date.

Other Committees various curriculum committees, COA Self-Study Task Force chair, 2002-03; member, 1988-89, 1996-98.

BMESHS Curriculum Committee. Member [liaison between School of Biomedical Engineering, Sciences, & Health Systems and IST] 1998 - 2000

Calhoun-Coriell Chair Search Committee. 1998 - 2000 Member.

University-level Library Advisory Committee current

Senate Committee on Academic Affairs. 1898-1995, 2004-2006

Faculty Senate. IST representative, Nominations Committee, 2000-2002; IST senator, 1998 - 2000. Member of Faculty Senate Steering Committee

Faculty Academic Advisory Committee. IST Representative, 1996 - 2002..

Bioinformatics Curriculum Development Taskforce , IST representative

NCAA Accreditation Self-Study Committee—Academic Integrity Subcommittee..

Chair, Graduate Academic Committee Chair, 1993-1995..


Derek DeSolla Price Medal, 2007

Sigma Xi, 1984, Drexel University Chapter (full member)

Phi Kappa Phi, 1965, Louisiana State University

Drexel University Faculty Development Minigrant, Fall 1986.

Doctoral Forum Finalist, Special Interest Group in Information Science Education,

1985 National Meeting, American Society for Information Science.

Beta Phi Mu Student Research Grant, Summer 1983, Sigma Chapter, Drexel University.


In Submission:

Osareh, F. & KW McCain. 2007. The Structure of Iranian Chemistry Research, 1990-2006: An Author Co-Citation Analysis. Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology. In Submission, Aug, 2007.


McCain, KW. 2007. Assessing An Author’s Influence Using Time Series Historiographic Mapping: The Oeuvre of Conrad Hal Waddington (1905-1975) Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology. Accepted for publication.

McCain, KW. 2007. Analysing Influence Over Time: An Historiographic Mapping of the Research of Conrad Hal Waddington (1905-1975). Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics. June 25-27. 2007. p. 558-567.

McCain, KW & LJ Salvucci.2006. How influential is Brooks’ Law: A longitudinal citation context analysis of Frederick Brooks ‘The Mythical Man-Month. Journal of Information Science 32 277-295.

McCain, KW, Verner, JM, Hislop, GW, Evanco W, & V. Cole. 2005. The use of bibliometric and knowledge elicitation technqiues to map a knowledge domain: Software Engineering in the 1990s. Scientometrics 65(1):131-144.

McCain, KW & LJ Salvucci. 2005. How influential is Brooks’ Law: A citation context analysis of Frederick Brooks ‘The Mythical Man-Month.” Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics. July 24-29. 2005. p. 327-334.

McCain, KW. 2004. Guest Editorial—a view from information science. [introduction to the Robert Merton memorial issue of Scientometrics] Scientometrics 60(1):12-13 (Guest co-editor of this special issue)

Rasmussen, E, Atkins, HB, Borner, K, & KW McCain. Visualizing Knowledge Domains. 2002. Proceedings of the 65th Annual ASIST Conference Nov, 2002. v.39:476-477

Chen, C, McCain, KW, Boyak, KW, Lin, X & SA Morris. Mapping the Knowledge,” Proceedings of the 65th Annual ASIST Conference Nov, 2002. v.39:511-512.

Chen, C, McCain, KW, White, HD & X Lin. 2002. Mapping Scientometrics (1981-2001) Proceedings of the 65th Annual ASIST Conference Nov, 2002. v.39:25-34.

Atwood, MA, McCain, KW & JC Williams. 2002. How does the design community think about design? in Proceedings of the Converence on Designing Interactive Systems June, 2002 p. 125-132 London UK, ACM.

McCain, KW & RA McCain. 2002. Mapping ‘A Beautiful Mind:’ A comparison of the author cocitation PFNets for John Nash, John Harsanyi, and Reinhard Selten—the three winners of the 1994 Nobel Prize for Economics. Proceedings of the ASIST Annual Conference 39:552-553.

Verner, JM, Evanco, W, McCain, KW, Hislop, GW & V Cole. 2001. The Determinants of Visibility of Software Engineering Researchers. Journal of Systems & Software 59 (1): 99-106.

McCain, KW. 2001. Dr. Belver C. Griffith, Introduction [Belver Griffith memorial issue of Scientometrics] Scientometrics 51(3) 2001. (Guest editor of this special issue)

Goodrum, AA, McCain, KW, Lawrence, S & CL Giles. 2001. Scholarly Publishing in the Internet Age: A Citation Analysis of Computer Science Literature. Information Processing & Management 37:661-675.

White, HD & KW McCain. 2001. In Memory of Belver Griffith. Journal of the American Society for Information Science 51(10): 959-962.

Marion, LS & KW McCain. 2001. Contrasting Views of Software Engineering Journals: Author Cocitation Choices and Indexer Vocabulary Assignments. Journal of the American Society for Information Science 52(4): 297-308.

White, HD & KW McCain. 2000. Rejoinder. Authors of Information Science. Journal of the American Society for Information Science 51(9): 882-883.

McCain, KW. 2000. Sharing Digitized Research-Related Information on the World Wide Web.” Invited paper. JASIS. 51(14):1321-1327.

Verner, JM, Overmyer, SP & KW McCain. 1999. In the 25 years since The Mythical Man Month what have we learned about project management? Information & Software Technology 41(14): 1021-1026.

Morris, TA & KW McCain. 1998. The Structure of Medical Informatics Journal Literature. JAMIA 5(5):448-466.

McCain, KW. 1998. Neural Networks Research in Context: A Longitudinal Journal Cocitation Analysis of an Emerging Interdisciplinary Field. Scientometrics 41(3):389-410.

White, HD & KW McCain. 1997. Visualization of Literatures. Annual Review of Information Science & Technology 32:3-72.

White, HD & KW McCain. 1998. Visualizing a Discipline: An Author Co-citation Analysis of Information Science, 1992-1995 JASIS 49(4):327-355. Received ASIS Best Paper Award, 1998.

McCain, KW. 1997. Bibliometric Tools for Serials Collection Management in Academic Libraries. Advances in Serials Management. 6:105-146.

McCain, KW. 1995. R&D Themes in Information Science: A Preliminary Co-Descriptor Analysis. Proceedings of the Fifth Biennial Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics. Medford, NJ: Learned Information, Inc. pp. 275-282.

McCain, KW. 1995. Mandating Sharing: Journal Policies in the Natural Sciences. Science Communication 16(4): 403-431..

McCain, KW. 1995. Biotechnology in Context: A Database-Filtering Approach to Identifying Core and Productive Non-Core Journals Supporting Multidisciplinary R&D. JASIS 46(4):306-317..

McCain, KW. 1995. The Structure of Biotechnology R&D. Scientometrics 32(2):153-175. 1995

McCain, KW. 1994. Islands in the Stream: Mapping the Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Literatures. Fisheries 19(10):20-27. 1994

McCain, KW & PJ Whitney. 1994. Contrasting Assessments of Interdisciplinarity in Emerging Specialties: The Case of Neural Networks Research. Knowledge: Creation, Diffusion, Utilization 15(3):285-306.

McCain, KW. 1993. Visible Colleges: The Special Interest Group Co-Membership Structure of ASIS. Proceedings of the 56th annual meeting of the ASIS 30:172-176.

McCain, KW. 1992. Core Journal Networks and Cocitation Maps in the Marine Sciences: Tools for Information Management in Interdisciplinary Research. Proceedings of the 55th annual meeting of the ASIS 29:3-7.

McCain, KW. 1992. Some Determinants of Journal Holding Patterns in Academic Libraries. Library & Information Science Research..14:223-244.

McCain, KW & PJ Whitney. 1991. Interdisciplinarity in Journal Literature. Proceedings of the 54th annual meeting of the ASIS 28:331.

McCain, KW. 1991. Communication, Competition and Secrecy: The Production and Exchange of Research-Related Information in Genetics. Science, Technology & Human Values 16(4):491-516.

McCain, KW. 1991. Core Journal Networks and Cocitation Maps: New Bibliometric Tools for Serials Research and Management. LQ 61(3): 311-336.

McCain, KW. 1991. Mapping Economics through the Journal Literature: An Experiment in Journal Cocitation Analysis. JASIS 42(4): 290-307.

McCain, KW. 1990. Mapping Authors in Intellectual Space: A Technical Overview." JASIS 41(6): 433-443.

McCain, KW. 1990. Mapping Authors in Intellectual Space: Population Genetics in the 1980's," Bibliometrics and Scholarly Communication (Communication Research Compendium Series). C.L. Borgman (Ed) CA: Sage Publications. .p. 194-216.

White, HD & KW McCain. 1989. Bibliometrics. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology. v.24: 119-186..

McCain, KW. 1989. Mapping Authors in Intellectual Space: Population Genetics in the 1980's. Communication Research v.16(5): 667-681.

McCain, KW & K Turner. 1989. Citation Context Analysis and Aging Patterns of Journal Articles in Molecular Genetics. Scientometrics v.17(1-2): 127-163.

McCain, KW. 1989. Descriptor and Citation Retrieval in the Medical Behavioral Science Literature: Retrieval Overlaps and Novelty Distribution. JASIS v.40 (2):110-114.

McCain, KW. 1988. Evaluating Cocited Author Search Performance in a Collaborative Specialty. JASIS v.39 (6):428-431.

McCain, KW, White, HD & BC Griffith. 1987. Comparing Retrieval Performance in Online Databases. Information Processing and Management, v.23:539-553.

McCain, KW. 1987. Citation Patterns in the History of Technology. Library and Information Science Research, v.9:41-59.

McCain, KW. 1986. Cross-Disciplinary Citation Patterns in the History of Technology. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science, 1986 v.23:194-198.

McCain, KW, White, HD & BC Griffith. 1986. Test Retrievals as a Measure of System Performance: MEDLINE and the Medical Behavioral Sciences. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science, 1986 v.23:199-203..

McCain, KW. 1986. The Paper Trails of Scholarship: Mapping the Literature of Genetics. Library Quarterly, 56(3):258-271.

McCain, KW. 1986. Cocited Author Mapping as a Valid Representation of Intellectual Structure. JASIS 37(2):111-122.

Cole, E & KW McCain. 1985. Adoption and Adaptation in the Use of Transaction Processing Systems: The Case of OCLC Software. Information Processing and Management, 21(1):27-34. 1985.

McCain, KW. 1984. Longitudinal Author Cocitation Mapping: the Changing Structure of Macroeconomics. JASIS 35:351-359.

McCain, KW. 1984. Mapping the Intellectual Structure of Macroeconomics. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science, 1984 21:221.

Cole, E & KW McCain. 1983. System and User Views of Productivity: The Case of OCLC Software. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science, 1983 20:184-186.

McCain, KW. 1983. The Author Cocitation Structure of Macroeconomics. Scientometrics, 5:277-289.

McCain, KW & JE Bobick. 1981. Patterns of Journal Use in a Departmental Library: A Citation Analysis. , JASIS 32:257-267.

Ross, JRPP & KW McCain. 1975. Growth Features in the Cheilostome Ectoproct Schizoporella unicornis in Coastal Waters of the Western US and Canada. Northwest Science 49:1-8.

Ross, JRPP & KW McCain. 1974. Annotated Faunal List of Cheilstome Ectoprocta of Washington State, Northwest Science 48:9-16.


Aquatic Science and Fisheries Abstracts. User Survey Final report. March 30, 1990. Project funded by US Department of Commerce, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration.

Aquatic Science and Fisheries Abstracts. User Survey Interim report. February 20, 1990. Project funded by US Department of Commerce, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration.

INFOBANK: An Information System Design for the National Park Service Mid-Atlantic Regional Office Planning and Grants Assistance Division Vol. 1-2 Philadelphia, PA: Drexel University, College of Information Studies, September 1987. With Diana Woodward, et al.

An Information Systems Analysis of the National Park Service, Mid-Atlantic Regional Office, Planning and Grants Assistance Division. Philadelphia, PA: Drexel University, College of Information Studies, December 1986. With Wayne W. Zachary, et al.

Test Retrievals in Five Major Databases Covering the Medical Behavioral Science (MBS) Literature, Final Report. NLM-Drexel MBS Project, Study 2. Philadelphia, PA: Drexel University, College of Information Studies, 1983. NO1-LM-2-3510. With H.D. White et al. PB84-230507.

Online Searchers' Reactions to Database and Vendor Capabilities in the Medical Behavioral Science (MBS), Final Report. NLM-Drexel MBS Project, Study 4. Philadelphia, PA: Drexel University, College of Information Studies, 1983. NO1-LM-2-3510. With M.C. Drott et al. PB84-230523.

Grant Proposals Funded:

Co-PI. IMLS grant-- Developing Faculty in Digital Librarianship for the 21st Century" PI Xia Lin. $992,100. AY 2007-2010.

Co-PI. IMLS grant –Librarians for the 21st Century. “Toward a Model Curriculum for the Management of Digital Information” PI Bob Allen. $597.000. AY 2005-2008.

Co-PI. IMLS grant—Librarians for the 21st Century: “Preparing Faculty in Management of Digital Information (MDI)”. PI Xia Lin. $611, 648 AY 2004-2007

Principal Investigator for Department of Education Title II-B, Library Career Training Programs. $168,000 to fund five continuing and two new full-time PhD fellowships for 1994-1995.

Principal Investigator for Department of Education Title II-B, Library Career Training Programs. $118,000 to fund fourteen full-time PhD fellowships for 1993-1994.

Co-Principal Investigator for Department of Education Title II-B, Library Career Training Programs. $118,000 to fund eight full-time PhD fellowships for 1992-1993.


McCain, KW. 2001. The Web of Knowledge: A Festschrift in honor of Eugene Garfield. Library Quarterly 71(3): 427-429.

McCain, KW. 2000. Electronic Journals as Innovations: A Study of Author and Editor Early Adopters. (review of PhD dissertation) Library & Information Science Research) 22(3)347-350.

McCain, KW. 1997. Dictionary of Bibliometrics: response. JASIS 48(5):480-481.

McCain, KW. 1996. Dictionary of Bibliometrics JASIS 47(90: 716-717.

McCain, KW. 1994. International Librarianship: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Field. Doctoral dissertation by Nonie Janet Bliss, TWU, 1991. Library & Information Science Research 16(2):177-180..