Algebra II Course Syllabus 2015-2016

Sarada Toomey, Rm 461,

The essence of good discipline is RESPECT.
Respect for authority and respect for others;
Respect for self and respect for rules.
It is an attitude that begins at home,

is reinforced in school,

and is applied throughout life.



Class Rules:

·  Respect ALL

·  No food/drinks (except water).

·  Be seated when the bell rings with all of your materials.

·  Follow the student handbook!

Rewards for amazing students:

·  5% added to semester exam if no missing assignments.

·  Students who achieve an A on a test will get a candy bar.

Progressive Discipline Steps:

·  Warning

·  Phone Call Home

·  Detention

·  Parent Conference

·  Referral

Course Description: This one-year course continues the study of algebra. This course continues the study of patterns and structure within the real and complex number systems that was introduced in algebra one. The course introduces a more advanced study of algebra in the areas of logarithmic functions, conics, matrices, and trigonometric functions. Embedded in the course is preparation for the SAT test and provides the student with mathematical skills and background required for the more advanced high school and college math courses. Normal progression is Pre-Calculus.


·  Textbook:

Glenocoe Common Core Algebra 2:ISBN : 9780076639908

·  Price to Replace Textbooks: $82.98

·  Course goals: The student is required to understand and be able to problem-solve using:

·  Equations, Inequalities

·  Linear Relations and Functions and their Graphs

·  Systems of Equations and Inequalities

·  Quadratic Equations, Functions, and Transformations

·  Polynomials and Polynomial Equations

·  Inverses and Radical Functions and Relations

·  Exponential and Logarithms Functions and Relations

·  Conic Sections

·  Trigonometric Functions

·  Trigonometric Identities and Equations

·  Course content and time schedule (sequential and subject to change)

UNIT 1 — Equations and Inequalities (Duration: 2.5 Weeks – Quarter 1)

UNIT 2 — Linear Relations and Functions (Duration: 2.5 Weeks – Quarter 1)

UNIT 3 — Systems of Equations and Inequalities (Duration: 3.5 Weeks – Quarter 1)

UNIT 4 — Quadratic Functions and Relations (Duration: 4 Weeks – Quarter 2)

UNIT 5 — Polynomials and Polynomial Functions (Duration: 4 Weeks – Quarter 2)

UNIT 6 — Inverses and Radical Functions and Relations (Duration: 4 Weeks – Quarter 3)

UNIT 7 — Exponential and Logarithmic Functions and Relations (Duration: 4 Weeks – Quarter 3)

UNIT 8 — Rational Functions and Relations (Duration: 4 Weeks – Quarter 4)

UNIT 9 — Conics (Duration: 4 Weeks – Quarter 4)

·  Course major assessments

Students will be assessed regularly via quizzes throughout the year, exams at the conclusion of each unit, as well as quarter and semester final exams.

·  Course activities

o  There will be a major project during the second semester on cost of credit.

o  On March 13, all students have the opportunity to participate in celebrating pi day.

o  There will be numerous activities based on the graphing calculator.

·  Evaluation

60% Tests and quizzes, 40% All other assignments (Honors students: Must complete 5 hours of peer tutoring per semester in order to earn Honors credit in addition to all other work – this counts as 5% of the grade for the semester.)

Semester Grades

§  Quarter One & Two = 45 % each - Semester Exam = 10%

§  Quarter Three & four = 45% each - Semester Exam = 10%

o  Explanation of student grades

§  A 100 – 90%

§  B 89 – 80%

§  C 79 – 70%

§  D 69 – 60%

§  F 59% and below

o  “Minimum F” Policy: if a student attempts to complete an assignment yet scores lower than a 30%, the student will receive at least a 30% on that assignment. However, if a student does not attempt or turn in an assignment and the assignment is thus “missing”, that score will be 20%. The only time a student will receive a score lower than 20% would be if plagiarism/cheating occurred (in which case the score would be a “0%” and subject to further disciplinary action from the Dean’s office)

o  How and when students will be advised of their grades

Grades are accessible regularly online

o  Make-up Work / Late Work Policy

§  Late work is not tolerated or accepted in this class. Homework is collected at various times each class period. If homework has been collected and a student is late to class without a pass, the student’s homework will not be accepted. Thus, it is important to get to class on time. If students are absent from class and their absence is not excused, homework will also NOT be accepted late.

§  For excused absences, students have until THE NEXT CLASS PERIOD to turn in that homework. For example: if a student is absent on Monday, they have until the next time they see that teacher (which is Wednesday) to complete and turn in that work. Homework will be posted and can be accessed on the AACPA website.

§  If a student is absent for MORE THAN TWO DAYS, they are required to meet with their teacher for each class missed to schedule a time to complete that work. Since we are on a block schedule, it is imperative that students do not miss class since each class now covers twice as much content.

·  Miscellaneous Information:

o  Restroom/Leaving the Classroom

You must sign out and sign in using the orange pass each time you leave the room to use the restroom or water fountain. You may not use the orange pass for anything else!

o  Supplies needed for this course

·  First and Second Semester: Text: Glencoe Common Core: ALGEBRA 2: ISBN:9780076639908

·  A binder for notes with loose leaf paper or notebook that is 3 hole punched. The binder will be graded at the end of each unit.

·  A Graphing Calculator…discuss with teacher before purchase.

·  A pencil – this is a must!!!!

·  Graph paper

·  Other items are identified during the year

·  Teacher’s hours of availability & tutoring day

Available on Mondays and Wednesdays 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.

Please sign and return this last page only.

Mrs. Sarada Toomey- Algebra 2

Andre Agassi College Preparatory Academy

Student’s Name: / Student’s IDNumber:
Student’s Book Number:


q I have read and understand the school rules listed above.

q I have read and understand the progressive discipline steps for inappropriate behavior and tardies.

q I have read and understand the course expectations provided for this course.

q I have read and understand that any books, computers, cameras, or other school-owned items loaned to me are

my responsibility. If they are lost, stolen, or damaged, I agree to pay for their replacements.

q I have read and understand how to earn honors credit in this course.


Signature of Student Date


q I have read and understand the school rules pertaining to my child.

q I have read and understand the progressive discipline steps for inappropriate behavior and tardies.

q I have read and understand what is expected of my child in this course.

q I have read and understand that any books, computers, cameras, or other school-owned items loaned to my child

are my financial responsibility. If they are lost, stolen, or damaged, I agree to pay for their replacements.

q I have read and understand how to earn honors credit in this course.


Signature of Parent/Guardian Date

Best form of contact:


Email: ______