Denial of Service (DoS) attack with UDP Flood

Li XiaomingValon SejdiniHasan Chowdhury

School of Computer ScienceSchool of Computer Science School of Computer Science

University of WindsorUniversity of WindsorUniversity of Windsor

Windsor, Ontario, CanadaWindsor, Ontario, CanadaWindsor, Ontario, Canada


Computer and Network infrastructure has become hacker panicked domain that has increased geometrically over the years with the geometric integration and expansion of the integrated computer network of the globe. Every software component participating in the service of integrated global network ranging from PDA to Super Computer, as well as, home network to internet are subject to hacking threat.One Hand, every moment, hackers are discovering new ways and techniques to carry an attack; on the other hand victims are getting exhausted to face such attacks.

Like many of the categories and techniques of attack, Denial of Service (DoS) attacks has become a problem domain for the security, network, and other computer professionals, as well as the service providers and users of different computerized and network systems.

Denial of Service (DoS) attack is coordinated attacks performed by hackers to disable a particular computer service through manipulation of techniques those are used to provide the services. Some of the techniques used by hackers are branded as SYN Flooding, UDP flooding, stack overflow, etc.

In order to fulfill the requirement of the project, we will present the methodologies, tools, equipments and the lab-setup as well as the simulation result of a DoS attack using UDP flooding. We will also describe DoS attack models, scope, techniques, available tools to execute such an attack and the packet format and contents that we have found during the test using the packet sniffer software ‘Wireshark’.The countermeasures to face such attack are also presented in this paper.


A Denial of Service (DoS) attack is an attackfor preventing legitimate users from using a specific resource such as web services, network or a host.The hacker intentionally blocks the availability of the resource to its authorized users.

DoS attack using UDP flooding is a technique that executes the attack using the UDP packets. During the year 1998-2000 security specialist discovered “DoS attack with UDP flooding” vulnerabilities in many of the Systems including Microsoft products. Vulnerabilities were discovered in ACE/Server in its port 5000 against Fraggle attack. Cisco has also discovered vulnerabilities of its IOS software in routers against diagnostic port where attacker used two ports namely diagnostics ports and chargen port as attacking media to attack using UDP flooding.

Although DoS attack are not new, there is still a significant risk exists of such attack as the new technique of DoS attack are being invented by the hackers. This paper discusses existing taxonomies for understanding different DoS attacks, techniques and tools, andcountermeasures. This paper discusses the setup andinstallation techniques of DoS attacking, monitoring and detection tools and techniques, setup of a test bed for simulation of a DoS attack using UDP flooding and the findings of the simulated test.In the following sections we describe classes of DoS attackarchitectures,categorization forDoS attacks, software characteristics for DoS attacking tools and DoS attack detection tools, the testbed setup, test result and classification of different DoScountermeasures. Finally we conclude and referenced in last two sections.

Motivation of DoS Attack and its Simulation

The motivation for DoS attacks is not to break into a system but to make the target system deny the legitimate usergiving service. This will typically happen through one of the following ways:

  • Crashing the target host system.
  • Disabling communication between systems.
  • Make the network or the system down or have it operate at a lower speed to reduce productivity.
  • Freeze the system, so that there is no automatic reboot andlead to disruption of production.

The motivation of simulation of the DoS attack is:

  • To generate a real attack based on testbed setup in a laboratory environment
  • Observation of effect of the simulated attack
  • Observation of ability and effect of a countermeasuring tool (IDS) to detect such attack.

DoS Attack Classes

The main classes of DoS attacks are

(i) Bandwidth Depletion attack

(ii) Resource Depletion attack

(i) The Bandwidth Depletionattack floods a victim network and thereby prevents authorized traffic from reaching and getting the service of the targetedvictim.

  1. Flood Attack

In this kind of attack, the network of the victims system is flooded with a large number of packets by the attacker to deplete the network bandwidth and thereby making the victim’s systems performance degradation or sometimes system crash. Due to saturation of the network bandwidth of the victim’s system, the legitimate users of the system are prevented from accessing the system.

Fig 1: Schematic diagram for DOS attack

Flood attacks arebeing launched either with UDP or ICMP packets.

In a UDP Flood attack, numerous amountsof UDP packets are sent to either random or specified ports on the victim system. In order to determine the requested application, the victim system processes the incoming data. In case of absence of the requested application on the requested port, the victim system sends a“Destination unreachable” message to the sender (attacker). In order to hide the identity of the attacker, the attacker often spoofs the source IP address of the attacking packets. UDP flood attacks may also depletes the bandwidth of networkaround the victim’s system. Thereby, the systems around the victim are also impacted due to the UDP flooding attack.

  1. The Fraggle Attack

This type of attack is usually used in UNIX and its family of OS platform, as well as, in network Routers and similar products. There are at least two service ports available (1) Echo (port #7 and (2) Chargen (port # 19) in this kind of OS or devices. Attacker sends UDP ECHO packets to the port that supports character generation (chargen port), with the return address spoofed to the victim’s echo service (echo port) creating an infinite loop.

The UDP ECHO packet (called as UDP Fraggle packet) targets the character generator (chargen port)of the systems reached by the broadcast address.

The chargen port generates a character and sendsthe same to the echo service (echo port) of the victim’s system. The victim’s system echo port then sends an echo packet back to the chargen port - the process repeats and generates a loop. Packet generation loop created in this fashion generatesdamaging traffic and cause severe damage in the system.

Fig 3: Schematic diagram for Fraggle Attack

(ii) TheResource DepletionAttackis an attack that bind theresources of the target victim’s system (such as processor) making the victim unable toprocess valid requests for services.

Among the other flooding tools, UDP flooding is also used to deplete the resources of the victim system.

UDP Flooder (handy attacking tool)

UDP flooder is a handy attacking tool for Windows Platform. The tool can send a numerous number of UDP packets (chosen by attacker) at a selected speed from a host to another host. It uses a specific port to attack and also uses some imaginary source address.

Fig 2: UDP flooder tool that is used for attack.

While testing with this tool, we have used three thread of the flooder and flooded the target computer with three different ports. And the result was two ways.

  1. Tie-up the CPU that resulted to crash (shut-down of the victim system).
  2. Reduced the network speed (communication between third computer and attacking host was very slow)

Fig 4: Schematic diagram for UDP flood test bed.

Snort (the Sniffer and IDS)

Snort is free and open source software for network intrusion detection and prevention. It is capable of performing packet logging and real-time traffic analysis. We have used this to monitor the victim’s computer and detect if there is a flooding attack depending on the threshold value set in snort rule.

The laboratory setup

We have used three laptop, a workgroup hub, cat5e network cable to set the laboratory network. The role of the three computers were attacker, victim and the legitimate user. The attacker was armed with UDP flooder. Snort was installed and necessary snort rules were activated in the victim’s computer to monitor traffic volume and pattern and to detect the DoS attack.

While writing the snort rule we have setup a threshold value that is the indicating factor as an attack. When UDP flooding packet meeting the rule, reached snort (victim computer) was caught by snort. The snort rule was configured to generate an alert when the traffic flow reaches the threshold value. The setup information of the software and hardware, test procedure and test result is annexed with this report (Annexure: A).

Fig 5: Schematic diagram of the Test bed network

The Test Method

Initially, ports were scanned on the victim’s computer to determine the available/ open port (ip:

Some test packet were sent to the victim’s system and sniffed with Wireshark be configuring the snort rule particularly the parameter “content”.

We use the software ‘UDP flooder’installed on hacker computer (ip, to send about 250 packets/second on port # 80 for about 60 seconds to hacker’s computer.

Snort was activated with IDS mode in the hacker’s computer with threshold count = 1000 and seconds 60 content: “UDP flood test”.

Following is the content of the rule file:

Code of Rule file: udp-flooding.RULES

# Copyright 2007 Project1-steven,valon,hasan

# DOS-UDP Flooding Attack RULE

alert udp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET any (msg:"UDP_Flood Attack!!!!!"; content:"UDP Flood Test"; flow:stateless; threshold:type threshold, track by_dst, count 1000, seconds 60; classtype:attempted-dos; sid:1000001; rev:7;)

Test result

The IDS generates an alert (shown below). We have observed the CPU utilization and found that after beginning of attack and until it was crashed after 5 minutes, the CPU utilization was 100%. But before the attack begins the CPU utilization was only 2%. The natural result from the user’s request was denied when the victim system was crashed after 5 minutes of attack. The user response was slow during the first 5 minutes of attack.

Code of Alert file: alert.IDS

[**] [1:1000001:7] UDP_Flood Attack!!!!! [**]

[Classification: Attempted Denial of Service] [Priority: 2]

11/04-19:31:40.465554 ->

UDP TTL:128 TOS:0x0 ID:35979 IpLen:20 DgmLen:45

Len: 17

Counter Measures

The core goal of the DoS defense is not to stop the DoS attacking packets, but to ensure that the legitimate users can continue to perform their normal work despite the presence of a DoS attack. Therefore, a good defense method must achieve that goal.

A good DoS defense method should target only true DoS attacks. Preventive methods should not have the effect of spoiling other forms of network traffic. Reactive methods should be activated only when a DoS attack is under way. False positives may cause indirect damage in many cases, but there are other undesirable methods of high false positive rates.For instance, when a reactive system detects and responds to a DoS attack, it cansend a signal to the system administrator of the targeted system that it is taking action. In the case where most the signals proven to be false, then the system administrator will start to ignore them.

Some DoS counter measures concentrate on protecting you against the DoS. They try to ensurethat your network and system will never suffer the DoS effect. Other counter measures concentrate on detecting attacks when they take place and by responding to them to reduce the DoS effect on your site.

The followingcounter measure mechanismscould help in defending the system, and one can build a more effective overall defense by combining several of them. Using a layered approach that combines several types of defenses, at several different locations, can be more flexible and harder for thehacker to completely bypass. Thesemechanisms includefiltering, monitoring, port blocking and other adequate resources.

1. Filter ‘forged source addressed – spoofed IP’ packet with Network Ingress Filtering

In this type of filtering, the attacker’s packet with spoofed IP is caught and discarded at the first hand before reaching to another network.

Fig 5: Ingress filtering

Algorithm of ingress filtering may be like this:

IF,the source address of the incoming packet in the router of the attacker destined to the network of the victim is within

THEN forward appropriate port

ELSE forward the packet to some other place as a ‘suspicious packet for action’ or discard it.

2. Disable the service port (port #7) and chargen port (port # 19) and filter the chargen and echo services – Fraggle attack.

  • Fraggle attack exploited using the chargen or echo services. For most of the equipments and computers,these ports are usually not used for services. Therefore, it is recommended that these services (i.e. port#7 and port # 19) be disabled.

3. Disable and filter all unused UDP services

UDP flooding is done using specific or random ports of the victims system. Therefore, it is recommended that:

  • All unused UDP services on hosts be disabled.
  • Firewallis configured with all UDP ports less than 900 be blocked except some specific services,such as DNS (port 53).

4. Monitor your network.

In case, UDP services are accessible from external network, it is recommended that proper packet and flow monitoring is in place to learn which systems are using the UDP services and to monitor for any misuse by the external systems. Monitoring could be done using Snort, tcpdump, and netlog, etc. While monitoring with the Snort, suspicious packet may be detected using packet sniffer (we used wireshark) and filtered accordingly. Threshold for network flow may be fixed and alert is generated accordingly.


While doing the test, we could not make a real and practical setup due to lack of resources. However, we have obtained the desired outcome through the IDS (snort) that was expected for the test bed we set.

DoS attacks with UDP flooding are one of the many techniques hacker’s uses to make the attack. Such attacks are made to make the network and related services non-operational and thereby restricting the legitimate user from using the system.. In our paper we have presented the problems and the solution those are presently available and developed on the basis of the attack emerged at past. Future consequences of such kind of attack could be more critical and damaging to the technology and economy of the service providing system and organization.

As more amoral and not satisfied users of the Internet observe the success of DoS attacks, the chances for the frequency and severity of DoS attacks will increase. Until we find a reasonable defense against some type of DoS attacks, we can expect to see their occurrence, power, and gravity to increase. That is because of the network bandwidth, CPU speed, and number of available resources that can be hacked and compromised which all continue to increase, as does the advancement of hacking tools for compromising computers and using them to attack.

Therefore, it is a prime responsibility of the technologist, business man’s as well as the users of the computerized and networked system of the globe to invent effective solution to prevent such an attack at present and future.


1.“Denial-of-Service attacks: Understanding

network vulnerabilities”,

2. Stephen Specht and Ruby Lee, “Distributed Denial of Service: Taxonomies of Networks, Attacks, Tools, and Countermeasures,” PrincetonUniversity, Department of Electrical Engineering Technical Report

  1. “Winsort Configuration”,
  1. “ Snort User Manual”,
  1. “SnortFrom Wikipedia”,
  1. “Snort and Winsnort”,
  1. “WinDump Manual”,
  1. JelenaMirkovic, SvenDietrich, DavidDittrich,

PeterReiher : “Internet Denial of Service: Attack and Defense Mechanisms”

Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR

9. Ryan Russell (Editor), Dan Kaminsky (Author), Rain Forest Puppy (Author), Joe Grand (Author), K2 (Author), David Ahmad (Author), Hal Flynn (Author), Ido Dubrawsky (Author), Steve W. Manzuik (Author), Ryan Permeh (Author): “Hack Proofing Your Network (2nd edition)”


Network setup:

We have 3 computers in our network, the hacker computer, IDS computer, and legitimatecomputer. A5 port workgroup hub (10MB/S) with 3 cables connects three computers and make a local area network

1. Hacker computer


Subnet mask:

Network card:

2.\Device\NPF_{87BF08D7-392D-4D2B-8406-4C123BB567A0}(Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Driver (Microsoft's Packet Scheduler) )

LAN: 100/1000 Mbps Fast Ethernet

2. IDS computer


Subnet mask:

Network card:

3.\Device\NPF_{88A867A3-0DF5-47E6-84A6-C37663DF457B} (SiS NIC SISNIC (Microsoft's Packet Scheduler))

LAN: 10/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet

3. Legitimatecomputer


Subnet mask:

Network card:

2.\Device\NPF_{F55030C1-CA2E-42D9-A73B-834595873C4D} (Realtek RTL8139 Family Fas
t Ethernet Adapter (Microsoft's Packet Scheduler) )

LAN: 100/1000 Mbps Fast Ethernet

IDS ComputerSoftwareconfiguration:

1. Snortconfiguration:

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]

(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Steven>d:

D:\>cd d:\win-ids\snort\bin

D:\win-ids\snort\bin>snort -v -Afull -c test.conf -l D:\win-ids\snort\log -i 3