Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on6th January 2015 at 7.30pm

Present: Councillors: R Pearman (Chair), L Brady, S Brett, D Caley, C Garner, B Redfern,R Rockcliffe. Clerk: P Winson

153/14Accept apologies for absence.

Apologies received from C Snell.

154/14To consider requests for dispensationsfrom the restriction on participating in the

discussion or voting on a matter in which a member has a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest.


155/14Declarations of Councillors Interests


156/14Minutes of meeting held on 2nd December2014

Having been circulated before the meeting and amended, theminutes were agreed.

157/14Public Speaking

Agreed that meeting be adjourned for public speaking


Meeting resumed

158/14Matters Arising


159/14Correspondencein Folder for Circulation.

NALC – Leaflets and info

Letter from MP E Truss

BCKLWN – LDF letter

160/14Play Area

No report however R Pearman had a quick look around and nothing to report.

Wicksteed sent wrong tools for Shoot Ball, so pending correct replacements.

Cleaning has been carried out.

161/14Playing Field

Willow trees on the other side of fence need trimming back. Clerk to contact Wallington Hall and advise that fence to be replaced and ask for trees to be cut back.

Quotes obtained for replacement fencing which have been circulated. Agreed that high tensile galvanized fencing is required with steel posts and wooden top rail. Clerk to contact CGM and NORSE as their quotes were the most competitive and ask for quotes for this specification.

162/14Social Club Car Park

aAll agreed to order a bottle bank from Indigo Waste Services.

bR Rockcliffe agreed to repair fence at recycling pad.

163/14Noticeboard at Bus Shelter

Current noticeboard needs replacing. On proposal from S Brett and seconded by B Redfern, all agreed to the purchase of the noticeboard from Boards Direct for £235.00 excl VAT, which will hold 8 A4 sheets.


Clerk to chase up A Wallace (NCC) re Speed Gate collection and also area which is due to be cut for Noticeboard at Thorpelands Close. A10 junction area has still not been repaired. Crossroads in village lines needs re-painting.

165/14Parish Partnership Scheme.

All agreed to apply for two VAS, one on School Rd from the A10 direction and the other on Downham Road, as per quotes.


Articles needed for next newsletter.


NALC have just set up account today.


No applications to consider.

Woodlake’s – This matter has been ongoing for a number of years and despite frequent requests for information from the Planning Department of the Borough Council, such information was not forthcoming and there were two formal requests for a representative from the Planning Department to attend one of our Meetings, both of which were declined. Borough Council have advised that second entrance is to be closed off – clerk to check whether this is to be permanent. Also to ask for update re storage containers at 49 Downham Road. Common Rd phone box removal application has not been supported by the Borough Council.


aCheques agreed and signed.

bAccounts to 16thDecember 2014 agreed and signed.

CDue to high cost of fence repair, agreed to defer Budget/Precept until next meeting.

170/14Councillors Concerns and Items for Next Meeting Agenda.

Ditch along Flints Field needs clearing out.

Potholes on Downham Road.

171/14 Confirm date of next meeting.

Next meeting on Tuesday3rd February 2015 at 7.30pm. R Pearman tocheck accounts at that meeting.C Garner gave his apologies for that meeting.

Chairman ……………………………………….Date…………………………………

Meeting closed at 8.50pm