President’s Message

Greetings to everybody. Winter is towards its tail-end, spring is in the air, longer and warmer days are ahead. I was volunteered to serve as ICRCC's President for 2010 by our board members. As you see there are some old and some new Board of Directors. Please join me in welcoming new and thanking old for their services to the community. Despite their busy lives, they have given their 100% to the community. Spring Festival is around the corner and we need your help in organizing the cultural program and the food fair. I request you and your family to actively participate in the Spring Festival and other ICRCC's activities planned during the summer and fall.

Our fiscal year starts in the month of October 1 and our membership are generally renewed at that time. However, we encourage new people of our community to become members any time at reduced rate (if membership starts much later than October1) and then continue with their yearly membership dues around Deepawali time.

We are going green and for this reason we will be requesting your e-mails in our Spring Festival. In the future, we plan to keep you updated with the community news and activities through our e-mails, thus reducing the frequency of our news letter. Please visit our web site http://www.icrcc.org for the latest ICRCC information. I thank you all for letting me serve you.

Health Fair

BAPS Swaminarayan Satsang Mandal is organizing a health fair on the behalf of BAPS charities, operated by BAPS Medical Services,. During the health fair laboratories screening exams will be conducted. Everyone is encouraged to participate. Health fair is on 17th April, Saturday, 2010. And IT IS FREE.


BAPS Medical Services

1990, Meadowbrook Drive, SYRACUSE NY 13224, PHONE # 315 445 3034

First Name: LAST NAME:

Address: ZIP: PHONE:

Age: MALE: ( ) FEMALE: ( )

Emergency Contact:

Emergency Phone #:

Blood work time: 9 AM TO 11 AM April 17, Saturday

Health Fair Time: 10 AM TO 12 AM April 17, Saturday

Juice, tea or soft drink will be served after the blood work. Light lunch will be served after the health fair.


RAMESH SHAH 315 560 5372

KISHOR KANABAR 315 263 4832

ICRCC 2009 Annual General Body (AGB) Meeting

ICRCC General Body Meeting was held on November 25, 2009 at Manlius Village Center with Dilip Bhole presideing.

Reports by the President (Dilip Bhole), Secretary (Sailaja Sistla), Treasurer (Ashok Sangani), and Membership Coordinator (Anju Gupta) were presented.

Rama Mehrotra, Ramana Adavikolanu, N.V. Suryanarayana, Abraham Thomas and Anuradha Varada were elected to the Board of Directors (the names of the current directors are available on page of this newsletter.

GB members expressed that telephone-calling system is working very well. Members also suggested that a suitable mechanism be developed for attracting more members to ICRCC events, such as the Independence Day Picnic.

Changes in 2007 ICRCC Directory as of March 1, 2010: There have been many changes since the 2007 ICRCC Directory was published. A consolidated list of the changes is in our website.

For Cultural Activities, Contact Charu Saini (315) 6387395

For General Information including volunteers for food court, Contact Neerja Vajpayee (315) 4450713 Anju Gupta (315) 4696770


Events Calendar

/ Venue / Time
Spring Festival / May 15 / Lincoln Middle School / 3:00 pm -