Regina Anastasia Bailey Page 3 7/14/2011

Regina Anastasia Bailey, J.D., M.D., LL.M.

DATE OF BIRTH April 26, 1975


RESIDENCY Emergency Medicine

Baylor College of Medicine

One Baylor Plaza

Houston, TX 77030

July 2010-Present

General Surgery

University of Texas, Medical School at Houston

6431 Fannin Street

Houston, TX 77030

July 2008-September 2009

MEDICAL EDUCATION Doctor of Medicine

George Washington University School of Medicine, Washington, D.C.



Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C.


Masters in Law, Health Law

University of Houston Law Center, Houston, TX


COLLEGE Hampton University, Hampton, VA

Major, Molecular Biology; Minor, Chemistry



July 2010- Present Emergency Medicine Resident Physician

Baylor College of Medicine

One Baylor Plaza

Houston, TX 77030

February 2010-June 2010 Adjunct Professor, Anatomy and Physiology

July 2011-Present Houston Community College

Houston, TX

September 2009-May 2010 Research Assistant/Editor

University of Houston Law Center

Houston, TX

June 2008-September 2009 General Surgery Resident Physician

University of Texas, Medical School at Houston

Houston, TX

May 2005-July 2005 Research Assistant

University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center

Department of Thoracic Oncology

Houston, TX

May 2001-July 2004 Attorney, Intellectual Property (patent litigation and prosecution)

Rothwell, Figg, Ernst and Manbeck

Washington, DC

February 2000-May 2001 Law Clerk

Rothwell, Figg, Ernst and Manbeck

Washington, DC

June 1999-May 2001 Research Assistant, Reference Department

Edward Bennett Williams Law Library

Georgetown University Law Center

Washington, DC

January 1997-August 1998 Pre-Doctoral Fellow

National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS)

Laboratory of Skin Biology, Genetic Studies Section

Bethesda, MD

September 1992-April 1996 Research Assistant, Microbiology Laboratory

Hampton University

Hampton, VA

May-July 1995 Research Assistant

Summer Research Program in the Biomedical Sciences

Department of Biochemistry

Stanford University School of Medicine

Stanford, CA

May-July 1994 Research Assistant

Biomedical Research Training Program

Department of Molecular Oncology

Yale University, School of Medicine

New Haven, CT


The Texas Medical Jurisprudence Examination Study Guide. 13th Edition. W. Winslade, E. McKinney, R. Bailey (2010).


Cybermedicine: What You Need to Know. R. Bailey. The American Bar Association Health Law Section, The Health Lawyer, (August 2011-In Press).

The Legal, Financial and Ethical Implications of Online Medical Consultations. R. Bailey. Journal of Technology Law and Policy, (Spring 2011-In Press).

Medical Liability Reform: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. R. Bailey. What’s Up in Emergency Medicine (June 2011).

Are Emergency Department Billboards a Solution to Overcrowding or a Deterrent to Patients? What’s Up in Emergency Medicine (June 2011).

The Litigators Lions Pit: The Top 10 Medical Malpractice Issues Every Resident Should Know. R. Bailey. What’s Up in Emergency Medicine (March 2011).

mHealth: A Descriptive Analysis of the Technology that is Changing the Practice of Medicine. R. Bailey. What’s Up in Emergency Medicine (February 2011).

Delays in Generic Drug Approvals Seen as Rates of Generic Drug Applications Increases. R. Bailey. Health Law Perspectives. Health Law and Policy Institute, University of Houston Law Center, (March 2010).

The Problem of Retained Surgical Sponges and the Medical Malpractice Statute of Limitations. R. Bailey. Health Law Perspectives. Health Law and Policy Institute, University of Houston Law Center (December 2009).

Functional Defects of Cx 26 resulting from a Heterozygous Missense Mutation in a Family with Dominant Deaf mutism and Palmoplantar Keratoderma. G. Richard, T. White, L. Smith, R. Bailey, J. Compton, D. Paul and S. Bale. Human Genetics, volume 103:393-399 (1998).

Mutations in the Human Connexin Gene (GJB3) Cause Erythrokeratodermia Variabilis. G. Richard, L. Smith, R. Bailey, P. Itin, D. Hohl, E. Epstein, J. DiGiovonna, J. Compton and S. Bale. Nature Genetics, volume 20:366-369 (1998).

In Pursuit of the Molecular Basis of Ichthyosis Vulgaris. J. Compton, J. Digiovanna, R. Bailey, F. Austin, P. Fleckman, S. Bale. Journal of Dermatological Science, volume 16:s 147 (1998).


Chasing Genes on the Alaskan Tundra. G. Rogers, J. Compton, R. Bailey, F. Austin, W. Paton, S. Bale.

Assessment of Selections for Whole Genome Functional Analysis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. R. Bailey, P.Brown and V. Smith.

Mutational Analysis of an EBV-Responsive Enhancer Element of CD-23. R. Bailey and J. Lacy.


The Legal, Financial and Ethical Implications of Online Medical Consultations (Cybermedicine)

Cornell University Law School

Seventh Annual Cornell Inter-University Graduate Student Conference

Ithaca, NY, April 2011

Mutational Analysis of an EBV-Responsive Enhancer Element of CD-23.

Poster Presentation; Yale University School of Medicine, August 1994

Poster Presentation; 1994 National Minority Research Symposium, Hilton Head, SC, December 1994

Oral Presentation; 52nd Joint Annual Meeting of the National Institute of Science and Beta Kappa Chi, Dayton, OH, March 1995

Assessment of Selections for Whole Genome Functional Analysis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Oral and Poster Presentation; Stanford University School of Medicine, August 1995

Poster Presentation; 1995 National Minority Research Symposium, Washington, DC, December 1995

Oral Presentation; 53rd Joint Annual Meeting of the National Institute of Science and

Beta Kappa Chi, Greensboro, NC, March 1996


2011 Appointed NIH/NMA Fellow in Academic Careers

2010 Robert S. Toth LL.M. Writing Award from the Health Law and Policy Institute of the University of Houston Law Center

2010 , 2011 Honoree, Who’s Who in Black Houston

2010 University of Houston Law Center Graduate Student Scholarship

2005 George Washington University School of Medicine Horwitz Grant

2005-2007 George Washington University School of Medicine Tauber Scholarship

1996 Golden Key National Honor Society

1993-1996 Beta Kappa Chi Scientific Honor Society

1992-1996 Hampton University Honors College

1992-1996 Dean's List, National Dean's List

1996 Award in Recognition of Academic Achievement

1993-1996 NIH/Minority Access to Research Careers Honors Research Program (Award included a 3 year full academic scholarship and stipend)

1996 Certificate of Achievement Awarded for Academic Excellence and Scientific Merit in Research

1993 Department of Education, Academy for Science, Space and Technology Scholarship

1996 2nd Prize for Oral Presentation in the Molecular Genetics Section of Annual Beta Kappa Chi Research Competition


Ben Taub General Hospital, Harris County Hospital District, Medical Ethics Committee Member

Baylor College of Medicine Emergency Medicine Residency Program EMRA Representative

TCEP Federal Government Affairs Committee

TCEP Membership, Public and Professional Relations Committee

Contributing Author to EMRA, “What’s Up in Emergency Medicine”


American Medical Association

National Medical Association

Emergency Medicine Resident Association

American College of Emergency Physicians

Texas College of Emergency Physicians

Society for Academic Emergency Medicine

Harris County Medical Society

Texas Bar Association

Health Law Section of the Texas Bar Association

Houston Bar Association

Health Law Section of the Houston Bar Association

Cyberlaw Section of the Houston Bar Association

National Bar Association

American Bar Association

District of Columbia Bar Association

NFL Alumni Association


Texas, Admitted May 2010

United States Supreme Court, Admitted June 2006

District of Columbia, Admitted December 2001


Student Sight Savers (Volunteer for Glaucoma Screenings)

Medical School Applicant Interviewer

“Rock the Boards” Board Review Practice Question Writer

Rock the Boards

Student National Medical Association

American Medical Student Association

American Medical Association


Street Law

Black Law Students Association


Ms. Texas 2010-2011

NFL Washington Redskins Cheerleader, April 1999-April 2000

NFL Alumni Association

Washington Redskins Cheerleaders Alumni Association

Member of the Science Cheerleaders, 2010-2011