Quote: “…it won’t hurt a bit…” “The doctor was twisting something at the back of Ender’s head. Suddenly a pain stabbed through him like a needle from his neck to his groin. Ender felt his back spasm and his body arched violently backward; his head struck the bed.”______
Documentation: page 2 and 3______
Context: Ender is finally getting his monitor removed. The quote describes the pain he endures even though he was told it wouldn’t hurt. / Assertion: The mood of the first chapter is nightmarish and painful.
Commentary: The author uses very violent language to describe Ender’s experience at the office. Words like “stabbed,” “spasm,” “arched, “and “twisting” sound very intrusive. Ender’s movements are sharp and jerking which is how a person in a lot of pain might move. Many of these words are also used to describe someone who is moving suddenly, which would mean his movements aren’t peaceful. It sounds like the movements of a person in a nightmare. / MOOD
(diction/figurative language)
Quote: “And Peter won’t hate me anymore. I’ll come home and show him the monitor’s gone…he’ll forgive me that I had my monitor a whole year longer than he had his…Peter was so dangerous...Peter got so angry. Brother’s though. Not enemies, not friends – but brothers.”
Documentation: page 2______
______/ Assertion: Ender if a very thoughtful, intuitive child who is able to realistically evaluate a relationship.
Quote: ______
Documentation: ______
______/ Assertion: ______
Quote: “…it won’t hurt a bit…” “The doctor was twisting something at the back of Ender’s head. Suddenly a pain stabbed through him like a needle from his neck to his groin. Ender felt his back spasm and his body arched violently backward; his head struck the bed.”______
Documentation: page 2 and 3______
Context: Ender is finally getting his monitor removed. The quote describes the pain he endures even though he was told it wouldn’t hurt. / Assertion: Adults often lie to children as a means to control them.
Commentary: The nurse’s placating statement that removing the monitor won’t hurt was used to keep Ender calm before the removal. Brusque diction such as “stabbed,” “spasm,” “struck,” and “arched” indicate that the experience is piercingly painful. The physical response from Ender would be evident to the nurse, who has doubtless seen this procedure done before. However, she still chooses to lie to Ender, who otherwise might have fought the process if he knew the truth. / THEME
(diction/ characterization)
Quote: “They would be waiting though, the bad ones. His monitor wasn’t perched on his neck, hearing what he heard, seeing what he saw.” “Lost your birdie, Thirdie.”
Documentation: page 6______
______/ Assertion: Children rely on adults to protect them from painful events.
______/ THEME
Quote: ______
Documentation: ______
______/ Assertion: ______