Westbury Sub Mendip Parish Council Meeting

Wednesday 25th October 2017, 7:30 pm

Village Hall

Before the meeting starts there will be a period of up to fifteen minutes when members of the public may raise any matters for the attention of the Parish Council. Members of the public may speak for up to five minutes, and the matter will be noted, or put on the agenda of the next meeting, or responded to by the Clerk. During the meeting members of the public will be permitted to speak at the discretion of the Chair.


1.  Apologies for Absence

2.  Declarations of interests and dispensations

1.  To receive declarations of interest from Councillors on items on the agenda

2.  To receive written requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interests, or personal and prejudicial interests (if any)

3.  To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate

3.  Minutes

To resolve that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on the 27th September 2017 be signed as a correct record.

4.  Report from Somerset County Councillor, Mendip District Councillor, and PCSO

5.  Clerk’s Report (Including: WS13/16 north from Crow Lane; SCC Hinckley ‘C’ Community Fund Consultation;…)

6.  Parish Councillor vacancy:

7.  Westbury Inn Report: Registration as an Asset of Community Value : report

8.  Neighbourhood Plan Working Group Report:

9.  New Litter bins (Mortar Pits, Roughmoor Lane) Report

10.  Notice Boards Report

11.  A371 HGV usage, and village backroads traffic volumes Report (Email from Cllr Noel and Christopher Betty, Traffic management)

12.  Shamrock Stables: licencing and Lynch Lane foul water disposal Report

13.  Church Commissioners report on possible footpath WS13/1 diversion

14.  Memorial Bench Location

15.  Website Report (including increase in webmail storage, PHP upgrade, quote for Subscription plug-in)

16.  Planning

Consultation Responses requested by Mendip District Council

2017/2542/TCA Cross House, Crow Lane Tree Works (extension agreed)

2017/1949/HSE Fir Tree House, Back Lane , Rear and Side extension (re-consultation)

2017/2593/TCA Springfields, Station Road, Fell Silver Birch

2017/2299/FUL Shamrock Stables, Lynch Lane Retention of Reception room

2017/2679/TCA The Old Vicarage, School Hill tree works

2017/2636/TCA Highbank, Lynch Lane tree works

2017/2768/TCA Kings Hay, Back Lane tree works

2017/2682/TCA Chalcroft, Station Road tree works

2017/2680/TCA Langarth, Stoke Road tree works

2017/2637/HSE 3 Bell Close, Side extension

Mendip D.C. Decisions

2017/1658/HSE 4 Broadhay, Extension Approved with conditions

2017/2190/LBC Westbury House, Church Lane, Widen gateway, outbuildings work Approved with Conditions

2017/2189/HSE Westbury House, Church Lane, Widen gateway, outbuildings work Approved with Conditions

17.  Finance

Q2 Cash Statement

Payments to approve: none

18.  Correspondence & reports on Meetings Attended, including

1.  Report to Somerset County Council on unauthorised car access at Westbury Beacon

2.  RGPFT and use of a donated summerhouse as a field shelter

3.  Thank you emails from RGPFT and the Community Shop for planned grants decisions

4.  Kim Davey of SWAST confirmed that the defibrillator had been replaced following a warning light report

19.  Notices

1.  Somerset County Council – Footpath Diversion Confirmation of WS13/21 via Longlands Lane

2.  CPRE AGM 12 October 2017

20.  Items for next agenda

21.  Dates of future Parish Council meetings (Wednesdays, Village Hall, 7:30pm):

29th November 2017 / 7th February 2018 / 4th April2018
3rd January 2018 / 7th March 2018 / 2nd May 2018

1.0 Clerk – Mark H. Smith 20/10/2017

Orchardside, Mares Lane, Westbury Sub Mendip, Wells BA5 1HX

Tel: 01749 871076 Email