Application Form

A. Personal Data
Last or family name (as in passport)
First name(s)
Date and place of birth
Other nationalities
Postal address
Postal code
Name of spouse(if married)
Nationality of spouse(if married)
Occupation and employer of spouse
Number and age of children


Version 10-June-2015

B. Education and Additional Qualifications

B.1. Education

School leaving certificate
Secondary school
Duration (from – to)
yy/mm/dd - yy/mm/dd
City, country
Bachelor studies or equivalent
Field of study, academic degree
Duration of studies (from – to)
yy/mm/dd - yy/mm/dd
City, country
Title of the master thesis
Master studies or equivalent
Field of study, academic degree
Duration of studies (from – to)
yy/mm/dd - yy/mm/dd
City, country
Title of the master thesis
Other relevant courses or trainings
Title of the course or training
City, country
Duration of course /training (from – to) yy/mm/dd - yy/mm/dd

Please copy and paste the above tables if necessary on order to include other relevant courses or trainings.

B.2. Additional Qualifications

Language skills
Mother tongue
Foreign languages / English / German / ………………….
written / spoken / written / spoken / written / spoken
not at all
Published in

Please copy and paste the above tables if necessary on order to include other relevant publications.

Already received scholarships for academic studies or research in Austria or elsewhere
Name of scholarship
Financing organisation
City, country
Duration (from – to)
yy/mm/dd - yy/mm/dd

Please copy and paste the above tables if necessary on order to include other scholarships.

Other professional or scientific stays abroad
City, country
Duration (from – to)
yy/mm/dd - yy/mm/dd

Please copy and paste the above tables if necessary on order to include other professional or scientific stays abroad.

C. Work Experience
Current employment
Name of the director of the institution
Postal address
Postal code
Legal status (i.e. public university)
Relevant tasks of the institution
(What is the institution dealing with?)
Employed since
Describe your working duties
Former employment
Name of the director of the institution
Postal address
Postal code
Legal status (i.e. public university)
Relevant tasks of the institution
What is the institution dealing with?
Describe your position and working duties
Duration (from – to)
yy/mm/dd - yy/mm/dd
D. PhD Studies in Austria

The PhD application is linked to an existing APPEAR project

Title of the APPEAR project / STRECAFISH
Project number (if known) / 101
Project start / 01-07-2015
Project coordinator / Dr Peter Akoll
E-Mail /
Phone / +256-774-438131 or +256-755-431766

D.1. Scientific supervision

University in Austria
Name of the university / BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Potential Scientific supervisor in Austria
Name of supervisor
Phone / E-Mail
Name of co supervisor
(if existing) / E-Mail

How did you get to know your scientific supervisor in Austria?

I already knew her/him / contacted via
E-Mail / through colleagues / through friends / other
Host university and scientific supervisor in your home country
Name of supervisor
Phone / E-Mail
Name of co supervisor
(if existing) / E-Mail

How did you get to know your scientific supervisor in your country?

I have been working already with her/him / contacted via
E-Mail / through colleagues / through friends / other

D.2. PhD proposal


(A)  Please formulate one 1st-priority PhD research project, plus one alternative PhD research project of 2nd priority

(B)  Both research projects are expected to address:

·  Filling research gaps to foster sustainable aquaculture development/extension in Eastern Africa- e.g. environmental, technological and socio-economic (e.g. public-private partnership, participatory approaches, etc) research gaps;

·  Innovative approaches to foster sustainable aquaculture development/extension in Eastern Africa;

·  Contribute to improved food and nutritional security through sustainable aquaculture development and innovations.

·  Contribute to sustainable capture fisheries management or innovative fisheries-aquaculture-environmental research approaches that contribute to sustainable livelihoods and environmental conservation

D.2.1. 1st-priority PhD research project

Title of the PhD proposal
Abstract of the PhD proposal(Maximum: 1/2 page)
Contents, objectives, methodology, expected results/outputs(Max. 4 pages)
Time schedule, activities and estimated costs of planned field studies
Where do you plan to hold the fieldwork within your country?
Duration of field studies / From
yy/mm/dd / To

Please insert a time schedule including the activities and a budget plan (stating if contributions of the home institution in kind and/or cashare expected.)

D.2.2. 2nd-priority PhD research project

Title of the PhD proposal
Abstract of the PhD proposal(Maximum: 1/2 page)
Contents, objectives, methodology, expected results/outputs(Max. 4 pages)
Time schedule, activities and estimated costs of planned field studies
Where do you plan to hold the fieldwork within your country?
Duration of field studies / From
yy/mm/dd / To

Please insert a time schedule including the activities and a budget plan (stating if contributions of the home institution in kind and/or cash are expected.)

E. APPEAR relevance of your PhD Proposal
Thematic focus of the appear programme:

Describe how your studies are in line with the thematic focus of the appear programme? (Max. 200 words)
Why do you consider your PhD studies to be important for the development of your country of origin? (Max. 200 words)
Why do you consider your PhD studies to be important for the capacity development of your home institution?(Max. 200 words)
How is your home-institution/employing-institution involved in the PhD studies?(Max. 200 words)

Checklist for a complete PhD application

Required documents / Please tick
Application form
Including the PhD proposals – short description, contents, objectives, methodology, time schedule (stating the tentative time for field studies in the home country) estimated costs of field studies and the relation to the thematic focus of APPEAR.
Nomination by the home institution (form)
It must be demonstrated that the individual need for academic education serves the specific demands of the home/employing institution and the development-needs of the country of origin (e.g. within the development plan of the academic institution) and that the applicant is employed and will be reemployed by the institution and that the institution will support the applicant during the field studies (in cash or in kind contribution).
Curriculum vitae
Proof of language skills (English and/or German)
Evidence of previous studies:
Certified copies of Bachelor and Master degree and certified copies of complete transcripts of academic records (listing of subjects and grades). The documents can be handed in German or English, in the original or certified photocopies.
Abstract of the Master’s thesis
Photocopy of the passport / ID


All the information provided on the application form is correct. I agree to inform the STRECAFISH project-consortium immediately of any changes or additions to the statements submitted.

Place, date / Signature


Version 10-June-2015