Guideline of the 2015 Nagoya University International Summer Seminar
Nagoya University, School of Law

1.  Outline of the Program :

This summer, the Nagoya University School of Law (NUSL) hosts the 4th annual “NUSL International Summer Seminar” (NUSL ISS), in close cooperation with universities affiliated with Campus ASEAN or Campus Asia and with other individual universities (see last page). The NUSL ISS provides students from these partner universities with opportunities to discover and experience student life in Japan and to interact with students from other Asian countries.

Cultivating their practical skills and knowledge, we hope that participants in the NUSL ISS will be a major force in the future development of Asian countries in cooperation with the countries of East Asia. This seminar will be a first step in the development of student’s international consciousness and will allow them to begin developing international networks with participants from other countries. Participation in this program will be a great opportunity to discover Japan, gain new knowledge, and meet life-long friends.

2.  Qualification for Participants :

Must belong to affiliated schools, and have been recommended by the home university.

3.  Number of Applicants Accepted :

a) Campus Asia: 18 Total

-China (undergraduate) 5

-Korea (undergraduate) 5

-China (graduate) 4

-Korea (graduate) 4

b) Campus ASEAN: 8 Total

-Hanoi Law University (Vietnam) 2

-Ho Chi Minh City University of Law (Vietnam) 2

-Royal University of Law and Economics (Cambodia) 2

-Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia) 2

c) Other Individuals: 10 Total

-China University of Political Science and Law (China) 2

-Nanjing University (China) 2

-National Taiwan University (Taiwan) 2

-Kookmin University (Korea) 2

-University of Palermo 2

d) Nagoya University 4

4.  Activities :

-Lecture of Politics

-Lecture of Law

-Research Visits to judicial facilities.

-Internship at Law Firm (Graduate students only)

-Other programs:

Homestay and various events planned by SOLV (School Of Law Volunteer).

5.  Credit Transfer / Certificate of the International Summer Seminar :

Upon completion of the NUSL ISS, students will receive a certificate of attendance.

Undergraduate students have to attend all the lectures and research visits as well as satisfy the requirements (individual research, homework, etc.) set by instructors in order to get the certificate. Credits issued by the NUSL can be transferred into the credits of their original universities under certain conditions. Students who are interested should inquire about the conditions and the method of transfer to their universities.

Graduate students should inquire about the program to the person in charge in their university.

6.  Duration / Dates :


Summer Seminar duration:August 4, 2015 (Tue) to August 25, 2015 (Tue)

(Arrival: August 3, 2015 / Departure: August 26, 2015)

7.  How to Apply :

Submit all documents by email to the person in charge.

8.  Application Deadlines : April 20, 2015 (Monday)

9.  Documents required for Application :

-Application Form

-Identical photograph (attach to the application form) (3.5cm x 4.5cm)

-Copy of Language Proficiency certificate

*i.e., TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS or submit the Evaluation of English Language Proficiency Form

-Official Certificate of Enrolment as a Student in English

(to be issued by the institution presently being attended)

-Copy of the information page of the student’s passport

*If you have not obtained your passport by the indicated deadline, please make sure to submit a copy as soon as you receive it.

-Homestay Application Form (applicants only)

-Curriculum Vitae (Graduate applicants only)

10.  Tuition Fee :

Participants from partner universities are not required any expense to participate in the NUSL ISS.

Please contact the person in-charge regarding other expenses.

11.  For Inquiries

Nagoya University Graduate School of Law

(Contact person:○○) E-mail:


List of affiliated universities

a) Campus Asia:

- Seoul National University (Korea)

- Sungkyunkwan University (Korea)

⁻ Renmin University of China (China)

⁻ Tsinghua University (China)

⁻ Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China)

b) Campus ASEAN:

- Hanoi Law University (Vietnam)

- Ho Chi Minh City University of Law (Vietnam)

- Royal University of Law and Economics (Cambodia)

- Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia)

c) Others:

- China University of Political Science and Law (China)

- Nanjing University (China)

- National Taiwan University (Taiwan)

- Kookmin University (Korea)

- University of Palermo