THA 15b Spring 2018

Wed.: 2:00 – 4:50 p.m.

“To listen is to continually give up all expectation and to give our attention, completely and freshly, to what is before us, not really knowing what we will hear or what that will mean. In the practice of our days, to listen is to lean in, softly, with a willingness to be changed by what we hear.”

—Mark Nepo, The Book of Awakening

Instructor: Marya Lowry Email:

Office Hours: TBD and By Appointment Room: Spingold 218


To expand the comfort zone in speaker/audience communication and to build competency in the use of rhetorical devices, organization of content, and communicating authentically and succinctly to affect the hearts and minds of an audience.


•  To develop a workable knowledge of the voice and body to create more flexibility

•  To match content and emotional purpose to voice body to promote congruency

•  To examine different styles of verbal communication

•  To understand how to synthesize content for succinct and articulate communication

•  To employ personal stories with teachable points of view within a business setting

•  To expand the ability to speak extemporaneously and work interactively with an audience

•  To learn how to give appropriate feedback to peers (“identify & communicate strengths and areas for improvement”)

Session Outline

This class is thoroughly grounded in experiential learning. A vocal/physical regimen will underscore the work at all times, upon which you will build communication techniques. Through exercises utilizing both improvisation and prepared material, you will practice these techniques in class and small group rehearsal sessions. You will also develop your coaching skills and ability to give and receive verbal feedback. There will be a modest amount of research. There is no text – you will keep a journal, which you will submit on 2 occasions. All written assignments will be typed, double-spaced, stapled and submitted in class, on time (not emailed attachments).


Brief Goals Papers, due Jan 19

Fight or Flight Paper, due Jan 19

Rhetorical Device Paper, due Feb 9

Journals Due Feb 2 and Mar 9

Final Project

The final project will be a presentation given on the last day of class: April 18, 2018


o  Mandatory and on time

o  One absence permitted, reason immaterial

o  Each additional absences/tardiness will diminish grade by 1/2 letter point each

o  For other university sanctioned events see instructor

The experiential aspect of this course requires your physical presence in each class. The learning happens through doing, observation, and application through rehearsal and performance.

For that reason, you are allowed only one absence for the semester. Plan accordingly. If you think you may not be able to keep up the necessary level of participation, please consider taking the course at another time.

Grading ~ Three equal parts:

Class work - Flexibility / Creativity / Listening / Risk-taking / Collaboration / Growth /

Ability to Receive and Incorporate Feedback /Skill in Taking Feedback

Assignments - Preparation / Execution / Timeliness

(written and performance)

Final Project - Authenticity / Passion / Connection / Risk Taking / Application of Skills

Note: Schedule subject to change!

Details of assignments will be handed out in class and uploaded to Latte. If you are unsure of what you need to prepare, please contact me.

May I have the courage today

To live the life that I would love,

To postpone my dream no longer

But do at last what I came here for

And waste my heart on fear no more

-John O'Donohue


Four-Credit Course (with three hours of class-time per week)

Success in this 4 credit hour course is based on the expectation that students will spend a minimum of 9 hours of study time per week in preparation for class (readings, papers, discussion sections, preparation for exams, etc.).

If you are a student who needs academic accommodations because of a documented disability,please contact me and present your letter of accommodation as soon as possible.


THA 15b Public Speaking MLowry Syllabus Spring 2018

Public Speaking Spring 2018 Wed. 2-4:50 Class Progression

Most classes will begin with a physical/vocal warm up, please arrive ready for warm up.

Jan 12 Introduction / Speaker Skills / ‘Life Is A Highway’ Exercise


~Memorize a quote that has meaning for you, 2-3 sentences in length. 40-minute

rehearsal session with partner in preparation

~‘Fight-or-Flight’ paper due 1/19

~Goals paper due 1/19

Jan 19 Quotes Exercise

Assignment ~Extemporaneous Speech from a bullet-point outline for 1/26

Jan 26 Quotes Wrap-up & Begin ‘Extemporaneous Blast’

Assignments ~Excerpt from Famous Speech for 2/2

~Research Albert Mehrabian findings on 7/38/55 for discussion, 2/2

Feb 2 Famous Speeches

Assignment ~Rhetorical Device paper due 2/9

~Journal #1 Due 2/2

Feb 9 Famous Speech cont. & Begin Written Speeches

Assignment ~Research Amy Cuddy (TED) for discussion on 2/16

Feb 16 Written Speeches cont. & Begin Stories with a Teachable Point-of-View

Amy Cuddy Report out

Assignments ~ Revise Goals #2 due 3/2

~The Speech You’ll Never Give, written out, due 3/2

Feb 23 No Class – Break

Mar 2 [Possible Guest Instructor] Stories w/ a Teachable Point-of-View

Assignment ~Research Daniel Goleman & EQ, for report out 3/9

Mar 9 Classroom Presentation Power Point (out–of-the-box!) (Pease be prepared with your own connection/adapter) Report out on Goleman /EQ

Assignment ~Research Amy Cuddy (TED) for report out 3/16

~Journal #2 due

Mar 16 Cont. Classroom Presentations PowerPoint [out-of-the-box!]

The Speech You’ll Never Give, due

Mar 23 Job Interviews & Elevator Speeches [role-plays & fishbowl]

Assignments ~Research Ben Zander (TED) for report out 4/13

~Reflection Paper #2 due

~Identify ‘Open Session’ content for 4/13 &20

Mar 30 No Class – Break

Apr 6 No Class – Break

Class Progression cont.

Apr 13 Job Interviews & Elevator Speeches cont. & Open Session for Customized Work

(Suggestions: an assignment you would like to improve upon, or The Speech You’ll Never Give, A Tribute Speech, A Persuasive Speech)

Apr 20 Open Session cont. & TBA

Apr 25 Wed. Brandeis Friday!

Final Presentations in class! Topic: ‘Your Personal Passion”


THA 15b Public Speaking MLowry Syllabus Spring 2018