How do I log on to Digital Measures?

The UCCS Faculty Activities Reporting System log in page is To log in enter your UCCS email name and password. If you are unable to log on to Digital Measures for any reason, please contact the Institutional Research office at or 255-3167.

Staff supporting faculty with entering or running activity reports can contact the IR office to obtain log in credentials and appropriate access.

Do I have to complete my report in one sitting?

No. We encourage faculty to enter activities throughout the year to ensure accuracy and decrease “form fatigue.”

What is the deadline for submission?

Digital Measures does not have a cut-off date for entering activities. However, university departments and colleges will have deadlines for pulling annual reports. Faculty should be aware of review deadlines and enter all relevant information before reports are due.

Since Digital Measures is a real-time database all data is report ready as soon as it is saved.

Where are the activity codes and keywords?

Digital Measures does not require activity codes or specific keywords. Instead, each screen has a dropdown list of relevant activity descriptions.

Can I copy and paste text from other documents into Digital Measures?

Anytime you are at an area where you can enter text you may also use the copy and paste function from your word processing software. Highlight the text you want to copy and press Ctrl C (Macs use command instead of Ctrl), place the cursor in the field you want to insert the text and use Ctrl V to paste your information.

Digital Measures also includes a PasteBoardas an additional time-saving feature. The PasteBoard allows you to copy text from another document, such as your vita in Microsoft Word, and paste it into the PasteBoard. After you have pasted text into the PasteBoard, you can then select text from it, click-and-hold on the text you selected, and drag it into a field in the system to have it pasted into the field. Any text in the PasteBoard upon logging out will remain in the PasteBoard for future sessions.

How do I carry records forward?

Data automatically carries forward based on date. Digital Measures uses open-ended date ranges for most data in addition to academic years and Faculty Activity Reports are pulled using date ranges.

Who can see/change what?

  • Department chairs can see/alter information in the fields for their own faculty.
  • Deans can see/alter all of the faculty and department level information in their colleges.
  • The Provost can see all college/departmental/individual information.

An electronic record is kept for any changes.

To verify or change security roles contact the Institutional Research office at or 255-3167.

Someone else entered in a co-authored publication and it has errors, what do I do?

Speak to the person who entered the information and request the change (their name will be indicated in the Digital Measures report).
