Second Call for Papers and Registration

VENUE:W5AT1,MacquarieUniversity, Sydney

DATE:Friday, 1st October, 2010

TIME:Registration from 8.15 am

The program commences at 9.00 am and finishes at 5.00 pm with the latest research updates on the chemistry and biology of natural products.

COST:$60 (RACI members)$70 (non-members)

$30 (RACI student members)$35 (student non-members)

Registration fee includes lunch, refreshments and a book of abstracts.


A call for abstracts for 20 minute oral presentations (15 min lecture, 5 min question time) or poster presentations with the deadline for submissions Friday17th September 2010. Abstracts, preferably using the template attached, should be sent by e-mail as an attached file to with the header of the email ‘NPG Poster/Oral Abstract’ with your name also noted. Please also note your preference for an oral or poster presentation.

Further on abstract formatting: If you are unable to send the abstract using the template, please follow the following format: Your document should be in Times New Roman font, single spaced, with 2 cm margins top and bottom and 2.75 cm margin left and 2.5 cm right, and should be right justified. The title, author names, affiliation and first author email should be separated by a single spaced 12 point font lines, while the main text of the abstract should be separated by two lines. Your title should be in 14 point font, upper case BOLD. The authors should be italicised (first and last) name in 10 point font with the presenter underlined. The authors' affiliation should be referred to as numbers, italicised and superscripted, next to the names and in full below this with the Department, University (or equivalent), City, State and postcode, and country if outside of Australia, all italicised. The email of the first author should follow, italicised. The main text, can be followed by references (if required) in 10 point font, with two lines between the references and the main text. References should be referred to by use of superscripted numbers.

As is our custom, students giving an oral presentation will have their registration fee waived.

You will be notified by email of your acceptance for a poster or oral by Tuesday 21st September.

Further enquiries to: A/Prof Joanne Jamie: Ph 61 2 9850 8283; Email:

REGISTRATION: The RACI Natural Products Chemistry Group Annual One-Day Symposium, MacquarieUniversity

TAX Invoice/Receipt ABN: 69 030 287 244

Friday 1st October, 2010

Name: / Address:
Name For Badge:
Phone Number: / Email Address:
Wish to present oral (circle) YES NO / Wish to present poster (circle) YES NO
Have you already sent your abstract (circle) YES NO
Do you wish to attend dinner (at own cost) after the symposium (circle) YES NO UNSURE

Please check one box:

$60 (RACI member)$70 (non-member)

$30 (RACI student member)$35 (student non-member)

Prices include lunch, morning and afternoon teas and the abstract booklet. Early bird registration is by Friday17th September. After this date, registration costs are $5.50 extra.

Pay by:  Cheque or  Money Order, made payable to RACI NSW Natural Products Group. or  Credit Card (PAYMENT BEFORE THE SYMPOSIUM PREFERED)

OR Payment can be made on the day, including by cash.

Total Amount Payable: $______MasterCard Visa

Cardholder Name: ______

Card Number: ______Expiry Date: _____/_____

Signature of cardholder: ______

Send completed registration form and payment details to: RACI (NSW), School of Chemistry UNSW Sydney 2052.