Town of Putney
127 Main Street, POB 233
Putney, VT 05346
Putney Selectboard Minutes
Monday, June 28, 2004
Selectboard Members Present: Regina A. Rockefeller, John K. Nopper and Lyssa Papazian.
Others Present: Larry Hyde, Anita Coomes, Eva Mondon, Mary Jones, Ann Fines, and Rod Payne-Meyer
Selectboard Chairman, Regina Rockefeller, called to order at 6:05 PM on a motion by John Nopper and seconded by Lyssa Papazian to go into executive session to discuss a contract matter. Also invited were Troopers Hopkins, Anderson, and Larry Hyde. They came out of executive session at 7:05 PM and there was no action taken.
The regular meeting convened at 7:05 PM.
1. Approval of the minutes of Selectboard meeting held June 18, 2004
Lyssa Papazian motioned to accept the minutes of June 18, 2004 as written. John Nopper seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.
2. Presentation and discussion of potential Senior Housing
Ann Fines along with a small group of citizens are making inquiries into independent senior housing within the town limits. They have a landowner considering to sell them some land.
Ann stated that the benefits to the town would be a contribution to the tax base and no children in the school.
They are looking at 8 to 10 units with 20% affordable housing and are working with Connie Snow of the Brattleboro Area Land Trust. Larry Hyde asked if these would be rentals? Ann Fines remarked that she wasn’t sure and there would be no special care units. They hoped there would be a common room.
Regina Rockefeller stated that other towns are doing this that could probably help with the research. John Nopper advised that Townshend has assisted living and that he knows of a man who is on the project committee that would share ideas with them. Also there is a Dover project being developed.
The Selectboard said they would enthusiastically support this effort and was sure the community would support this plan.
3. Discussion of the Monteiro property and Sacketts Brook Conservation Site well
Larry Hyde advised that he and Michael Monteiro have discussed the desire of Mr. Monteiro to get water to his property. He has rights to a spring across Sacketts Brook from the Conservation site land. The original pipe was torn up when the building burned. There is a well on the conservation site for the use by Mr. Monteiro, in which the Town granted prior approval. Mr. Monteiro believes the conditions in the agreement are onerous.
Mr. Monteiro is not on the water system signup. He advised that Ellis Derrig quoted him the price of $6,000 to pipe to the new water system without any ledge consideration.
Lyssa Papazian wanted to think this out regarding the conservation site and its future use.
Regina Rockefeller asked Larry Hyde to get a copy of the agreement and deed and talk with the conservation committee. John Nopper said we want to try to help him get his water.
Selectboard Minutes
June 28, 2004
Page 2
4. Sewer Allocation Change
See attached memo #4 (Attachment 1 below). Paul Mousel submitted an application to increase by 430 gallons per day at his former store. He plans to put in a Laundromat and he is currently in negotiations with the State that he signup for the new water system for that water to be used in his Laundromat and his current well water to continue its use to the two apartments in that building.
Regina Rockefeller asked if this was setting precedence and Larry Hyde advised, “No, it is not a change of use as it was commercial use in the past and for future use.” The state has two conflicting departments in their response as to whether Mr. Mousel can use his well and the use of the town water system.
Anita Coomes advised that two meters are needed for each user: one for water and one for sewer.
Regina Rockefeller motioned to approve the sewer allocation and will review again at such time when venue changes. John Nopper seconded. The vote in favor was unanimous.
5. Legg/Mason investment instruction resolution
Larry Hyde presented a “Certificate of Corporation Resolutions” from received from Legg/Mason Investment firm for the Town Treasurer, Town Manager, and Selectboard Chairman to sign authorizing needed changes. Legg/Mason will send statements once a paper is signed for the approved changes.
6. Town Manger Report (see attachment 2 TM Report)
#4. Regina Rockefeller advised that there were a few fire planning committee members who did not realize that there was a completion of firehouse plans. They were of the understanding that input was needed from the firefighters.
Larry Hyde stated that Phil Savoy is close to finishing to spending his dollar limit set by the town. Tom Goddard, Larry and Phil had a lack of communication.
Regina Rockefeller would like to meet with the fire committee and needs updating of the firehouse plans. She understands that the funds for the study are spent even if no firehouse is constructed right away.
#10. The Planning Commission will meet Tuesday, July 6 and the Zoning Board on Thursday, July 8.
13. The Town of Putney will submit a check for $1568.50 to the Putney Recreation League. They in turn will write a check for the same amount to Richards Insurance Group for the coverage needed.
7. Beer and Wine License approval
Green Mountain Orchard was granted and Selectboard signatures gotten for a Beer and Wine License.
Selectboard Minutes
June 23, 2004
Page 3
8. Review record of orders drawn for payment of Town Expenses
The Selectboard signed payroll warrant of June 25, 2004 for $9755.51.
9. Review monthly budget reports
10. Coming Events
June 30—Selectboard Meeting
July 9-----Pool Grand Opening Social
July 12----Selectboard Meeting
July 13----Yellow Barn Benefit Concert
September 11—Town Picnic
11. Other Business
Tax Rate Information was received from Anita Coomes and Larry Hyde as to setting the Municipal Tax Rate at .8237. Regina Rockefeller moved to set the Municipal Tax Rate, Lyssa Papazian motioned and John Nopper seconded.
Tom Pellam the Commissioner of the Vermont Department of Taxes sent information regarding the fiscal year 2005 educational tax rate. The Homestead (residential) rate is 2.2863 and the Non-Residential rate is 2.2219.
12. Executive Session
The regular Selectboard meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM and then they went into Executive Session at 9:31 PM for a personnel matter. They came out of Executive Session at 10:40 PM and no action was taken.
Attachment 1
Memo to: Selectboard
From: Larry Hyde
Date: 6/24/04
Subject: Sewer Allocation Change
Paul Mousel, Mtn. Pauls' has submitted an application for an increase in the sewer allocation for the store. At the present time the store has an allocation of 1,625 gallons a best I can determine from the old records.
Paul has eliminated the store, gas pumps and the restaurant, and proposes to establish a laundromat with 5 large washers, and 5 small washers. His application indicates water consumption of 855 gallons per day. Mark Youngstrom indicates a usage of 1,400 gallons per day.
Taking out the restaurant and store eliminates approximately 970 gallons per day, and adding the 1,400 gallons for the laundromat brings the total proposed allocations to a total of 2,055 gallons per day, an increase of 430 gallons.
I recommend the approval of the increase in allocation for Paul Mousel, Mtn. Pauls' at 3 Bellow Falls Rd., Tax lot # 30-50-23.
Attachment 2
Memo to: Selectboard
From: Larry Hyde
Date: 6/28/04
Subject: Town Manager Report
1. The Pool project continues. The fiberglass and gel coats are just about complete in the deep end, the pool plumbing is in, and the building is about 35% complete. They worked Sat. and Sun. Needless to say I am somewhat nervous about the 7/9/04 opening. There still is lot to do.
2. The Library project goes well, and all involved are pleased with the progress.
3. The Hi-Lo Biddy Bridge project is out to bid, and two contractors have requested bid packages. There is a pre-bid meeting at 2:00 PM on 7/1/04.
4. The Fire Planning Committee met last Thurs., and you received minutes of that meeting. I have not met with Floyd Roberts to discuss the committee's response to his suggestion.
5. I called Tom Clark of The Rural Community Assistance Program, who is collating the sewer survey, this morning and he indicated that he would work on it today and contact me with the results. He said the same thing on Friday. I will let you know results when I receive them. Gary Fern of Otter Creek and the low bidder, Penta Construction, have been working to phase the project and accomplish those things that could be done this summer for $600,000. Dennis and I had a conference call with Gary on Friday and I think definite progress is made toward that goal. Gary is going to pass the changes by the State for approval. I think we are very lucky to have Gary and Penta working for the Town.
6. Dennis Wilson will be on vacation from 7/6/04 until 8/4/04. He will have appropriate schedules and tasks for his crew to accomplish during his absence.
7. The Water Project contractor has completed most of the clearing for the pipe installation, Landmark woods, tank site, Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. They relocated their base of operation to Sand Hill Road, and are supposed to start digging tomorrow on Sand Hill. There have been discrepancies as to boundary lines, utility locations, etc., but that is normal for this type of project. Matt Willy has replaced Peter Holbrook as the job superintendent. He will be here supposedly for the duration of the project, and will be staying overnight in Brattleboro during the week. A positive improvement.
8. Two properties were sold at the Sat. Tax Sale, The Gordon Johnson property was purchased by the River Valley Credit Union, and the George Prior property on Old Depot St. was purchased by Robert Immler of Brattleboro. The other properties that were listed for sale were paid of prior to the sale.
9. As of the accident on 91 yesterday the run count for the Fire Dept. is up to 349. Unfortunately a record number. The Association is working on new bylaws to reflect the changes in the Chief status, and there are very preliminary discussions being held as to a possible way to compensate the members for time spent. The well at the Fire House is having trouble, and may need to be pulled and repaired.
10. Landmark College will presenting their proposal for the new dorms, dining hall expansion, and classroom building upgrade to the Planning Commission and Zoning Board next week.
11. Lyssa and I attended required State Enhancement grant workshops at opposite ends of the State last week both were less than gratifying experiences. It seems that we are ahead of ourselves in thinking that we could have final plans for the sidewalk project by the 8/5/04 deadline. Gary Fern of Otter Creek agrees. He suggests that the Town apply for a planning grant in the amount of $76,000 for engineering and legal costs to get the project ready for construction. $66,000 (25% of the total project, see attached) for planning and onsite engineering and the balance for legal, easements etc. Which would mean that we would have to put in the budget for next year $15,200 for the 20% local share, and the following year the 20% for construction costs.
12. The theatre curtains restoration project has come up on the list of projects that will occur this summer. The voters at the 3/03 Town Meeting approved $3,000 out of the Edwald Fund to restore the Curtains rolled and hanging in the Town Hall loft. Barbara is coordinating with the conservator to schedule a 3-4 day window to do the work. I will have to schedule with the Fire Department and the Highway crew to get the tables from the FD upstairs and the curtains brought down to the floor of the hall. Barbara is also verifying the costs to accomplish the work.
13. The Putney Rec. League has a separate liability insurance policy with the Richards Group which covers their liability for all there activities, basketball, baseball, soccer, the men's league baseball at the Dummerston field, and others. In the past the Town has paid for this policy, a long-standing member Richard Bissell confirmed this fact. I have contacted VLCT to see if they would add this to the Town policy. The initial reaction was negative because the Rec. League is a separate 501-3c entity. The Rec. League policy comes due 7/1/04 and I need to let Richards know if we are going to pay and renew. If VLCT changes their mind and are willing to add the Rec. League at no charge then problem solved. My question is, does the Town want to continue to pay the premium? This may entail making the Rec. League a part of the Town, a Town department like the Fire Department.
14. The estimate on new front doors for the Town Hall is $4,018.51. They are Douglas fir, 9 light, and thermo pane glass. The panic hardware and 3 hinges are included. Installation would be done by Archie Bricker. We can apply for a grant for Polling Place Accessibility up to $5,000, and change the hardware to adhere to the accessibility guidelines, which should allow the Town to qualify for the grant. The grant application must be in their hands by 7/16/04.