The Lazardo family goes on vacation and meets a wonderful dinosaur named Bob. They love him so much they decide to take him home. That’s when the adventure begins.--- Conversation Questions---
(1) / Explain what that story is about.(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Tell why this was you favorite part.
(2) / If you had found the dinosaur, what would you have named him?
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Explain why you chose that name.
(3) / List what you would eat for a bedtime snack if you were Bob.
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Describe this snack to me.
(4) / compare the way the Pirates were before to how they played after Bob joined team.
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / How do you think that Bob helped them out?
(5) / Define “hero”.
(Answer) / A hero is a person with exceptional courage and fortitude.
(Follow Up) / Name a person that you think is a hero.
(6) / Share how the family and Bob sailed down the Nile River.
(Answer) / They made Bob into a ship and steered him down the river.
(Follow Up) / Describe a kind of boat that you like.
(7) / Explain why they could not sail Bob all the way home.
(Answer) / It was to far and they had to cross the ocean.
(Follow Up) / Name a time that you saw the ocean. When?
(8) / List what Bob had for a bedtime snack.
(Answer) / He ate tow peanut butter and bologna sandwiches and 400 double Dutch chocolate cakes.
(Follow Up) / What is you favorite snack?
(9) / Name where the Lazardo family and Bob lived.
(Answer) / They lived in Pimlico Hills.
(Follow Up) / give the name of your hometown.
(10) / Describe the kind of baseball team the Pirates were before Bob joined them.
(Answer) / They had never won a game and were the worst team in history.
(Follow Up) / In the major league, what is you favorite team?
1. / Rewrite the ending to the story.
2. / Write the word “dinosaur” at the top of the page. Help the child come up with as many words and they can.
3. / Write a story using their target words. The story can be about anything that they wish.
1. / Have a picture of a dinosaur on the table. What do you know about dinosaurs? When did they live? What would you do with one as a pet? Let’s read the book “Dinosaur Bob and His Adventures with the Family Lazardo” and see what adventures that they have.2. / Have pictures of different pets. What kind of pets do you have? What is the strangest pet that someone could have? What would you think of a dinosaur as a pet? Let’s read our book and see how they like having Bob as a pet.
3. / Have baseball equipment on the table. What sport do you like to play? What would you think if you saw a dinosaur playing baseball? To day we are going to read about a baseball playing dinosaur in the book “Dinosaur Bob and His Adventures with the Family Lazardo.
Book Title: Dinosaur Bob and His Adventures with the Family Lazardo
Author: William Joyce / Illustrator: William JoyceISBN: 0-590-42999-2 / # of Text Pages: 15 AR: 2.0 LEX: 520
Building Oral Vocabulary
2 / bodyguard / 8 / orchestra / 11 / famous
Prediction Questions
3 / Do you think Bob will play baseball for the Pirates? Why?
15 / What do you think will happen to Bob?
19 / Do you think Bob will make it to the last game? Why?