ENG3U – Mr. Campbell

The Crucible: Interview Assignment

The culminating activity for the unit on The Crucible is to conduct a fictitious interview with one or more of the characters from the play. A number of the main characters are dead by end of the play so you may conduct an interview with the spirit or ghost of the character. Most of the class will work in pairs for this assignment (one interviewer and on interviewee), but a few members of the class will work in groups of three or more. Your interviews will be conducted in front of the class in a talk show type forum.

Part 1 – Select a partner (or partners) and a character (or characters) to interview.

Part 2 – Write a rough draft of your interview that includes at least five questions that the

character can answer in some detail. The questions posed should allow the

character to respond in a manner that demonstrates a firm understanding of the

play. Likewise, the questions should be phrased in a way that demonstrates the

interviewers knowledge and understanding of the play. For example:

Q: Abigail, the late John Proctor once publicly denounced you as, and I’m

quoting here from court transcripts, “a whore”. Is it true that you in

fact, did become a whore, prostituting yourself on the streets of Boston

after fleeing Salem?

A: Those are evil rumours sir, the devil’s words, and I will not sit here if I

am to be made the scapegoat for a town gone wild. There is no hard

evidence to support your claims, and I will not dignify your question

with a response. I’m a decent girl.

Q: Decent girl? Oh Really now? How would explain…..

You will need to have your interview (script) approved by Mr. Campbell before

you perform for the class.

Part 3 – Rehearse your interview. Do not simply get up in front of the class and read

your script. When you conduct your interview in front of the class, it should

appear natural. These means everyone involved in the interview should be

familiar with their role.

Part 4 – Deliver your interview for the class. Be prepared to field answers from the


Part 5 – Take a bow.

Due: Mon Nov. 28

Group #1
Interviewer: / Abigail:
Group #2
Interviewer: / John Prcotor:
Group #3
Interviewer: / Elizabeth Proctor:
Group #4
Interviewer: / Mary Warren:
Group #5
Interviewer: / Rev. Parris:
Group #6
Interviewer: / Rev. Hale:
Group #7
Interviewer: / Tituba:
Group #8
Interviewer: / Hathorne & Danforth:
Group #9
Interviewer: / Giles & Martha Correy:
Group #10
Interviewer: / Francis & Rebecca Nurse:
Group #11
Interviewer: / Anne & John Putnam:
Group #12
Interviewer: / Cheever, Herrick, & Jacobs