Eagles Mere Borough

August 4, 2014

Public Issues & Comments:

Minutes: previous monthly meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: written reports were sent with agendas. Balance due for 13 unpaid 2014 Trash fees or late fees $2276.50. Late notices have been sent.

Receipts: RE- $378.68, 605.71, 8687.84- FireTx- $56.19, 75.19, 1289.14.

Realty Transfer Tax: June-$2690.10 Reedun to Mills

Act 13 Gas Extraction-$7917.44

Open Records Officer: No O.R. forms received.

Street Superintendent Report:

Zoning & Ordinance Officer report: Permits:Hudock- addition to house, Nadanyi for pre-constructed shed, Lyon for Carport attached to house & driveway upgrade.

Letters sent to 6 residents asking them to trim bushes and branches.

Code Inspections: Hudock-Addition

Continued Business:

1.  Emergency Planning:

a)  EM Borough Emergency Operations Plan(EOP) approve updates.

b)  Ad Hoc Committee- emergency procedures for Council are outlined in the Emergency Management Handbook for Elected Officials and a one page reference is in development.

c)  Swift Reach – working on static messages to deal with recurring events, such as power outages.

2.  Letter from Accountant, Rick Lowe re: 2013 taxes still owed to the Borough.

3.  Eagles Mere Inn Sign- President Feese contacted solicitor for advice on how to handle.

4.  Salt contracts are due out this month.

5.  For events held in the borough, using outside fire police, the invitation to participate must come from the Borough Council. Update assembly permit to include.

Pending Issues:

a.  Petition to mandate permits for vertical construction and drilling- on hold pending determination of Act 13.

b.  PEMA- Ordinance amendments to limit drilling- on hold for determination regarding Act

New Business:

1.  Eagles Mere Conservancy- installing a playhouse at Pond property. Needs a zoning permit. Letter sent advising regulation and an application.

2.  EMHVI appointees:

a.  Foundation will submit Eric Allen for a 3 yr. term to replace Bill Gruver whose term expires Sept 30.

b.  EMHVI asked that the Borough reappointment Art Pursel for another term beginning Oct 1.

3.  PSAB is requesting emails for all council members- Does anyone wish not provide theirs?

Mayor’s Report:


Infrastructure Committee:

o  Water drainage issues will be addressed for J. Stauffer, S. Funk & F. Shoemaker when Allegheny Ave is paved 2015.

Museum: shop manager for gift shop

Finance: Budget needs for 2015

Personnel: Work Clothing


Website: review complete, new format requested. Meeting with Sue planned.

Points of Interest:

ü  DEP- letter received acknowledging receipt of the Authority’s Chapter 94 report. No all is in order.

ü  Shrewsbury Twp- Sent a check for $1484.44. Thank you letter sent to them.

ü  Conservancy 911 Remembrance Bench-Letter sent turning over the bench and $173 in donations. Received a letter from the Bullers stating EM Conservancy is considering renaming the Dell after Carter Buller and supporting the Council’s decision to donate the 911 Bench to the Conservancy.

ü  Several interesting articles in the Borough News Mag. this month.

Workshops & Information -


o  Fall Leadership Conference Gettysburg Oct 17-19

o  Basic budgeting tools & technics different locations & dates.

o  Webinars too many to list- see secretary list and costs.

v  PA. Asso. of Municipal Administrators Aug-13-15

v  PA. Asso. of Council of Governments Sept-12-13

v  Human Resources seminar Sept 29 Williamsport.