HL7 WG Project Meeting Minutes
Location: Conference Call / Date: 01/10/17
Time: 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm Eastern Time
Facilitator: / Craig Gabron / Scribe: / Penny Probst
Attendee / Name / Affiliation
Durwin Day / Co-chair
Craig Gabron / Co-chair
Penny Probst / Scribe
Bob Dieterle
Christol Green
Debbi Meisner
Laurie Burckhardt
Lenel James
Liora Alschuler
Mary Lynn Bushman
Rachel Foerster
Rick Geimer
Robin Isgett
Susan Langford
Quorum Requirements Met: Yes

Agenda Topics

1.  Review Changes from 01/02/17 call

2.  Open Forum

Supporting Documents: available on the AWG website

Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

1.  Review Changes from 01/03/17 call

·  Bob reviewed the changes he made based on the assignments made during the 01/03/17 call. The changes will be posted after the group agrees with them.

·  Section 3.6.2 - content related to multi-part MIME was deleted

·  Appendices - The LOINC long descriptions were updated to match RELMA

·  Appendix F.2 - Bob reviewed the Metadata Requirements and didn't see anything that needs to be added. There was discussion about moving this to section 3.6. It is in the appendix so that the readers don't have to go to another document for this information. It was noted that if an X12 wrapper is used, this data is accounted for. In context everything is accounted for

·  Examples for modifier code The three LOINC identifiers were discussed: LOINC Document Type Code, LOINC IG Modifier Code and LOINC Range Modifier Code.

o  After agreeing to these codes, Bob and Debbi will make replacements throughout the document as needed and add to definitions.

o  IG will be spelled out where appropriate.

o  It will be noted that LOINC IG Modifier Code and LOINC Range Modifier Code are both on request modifier tab

o  After RELMA is finalized, screen shots should be included in the ACP with instructional text

·  Rick did not complete the definitions. They will be added to the document when he finishes them

·  Bob will make the updates discussed and share with Debbi so she can confirm the format has not been impacted. Debbi will then send to Durwin for posting by the end of this week.

2.  Other Items

·  Liora and Rick recruited some others for additional review and have additional items. Some things don't seem to jive between comment, response and document. Durwin will modify WGM agenda first thing Wednesday.

Adjournment 3:25

·  Bob: Update document as agreed during the call
·  Bob: Send updates to Debbi and Durwin
·  Debbi: Review updates for impacts to format
·  Durwin: Post updated document
Next Meeting / Preliminary Agenda Items
·  WGM 01/16 - 01/19/17
o  Agenda posted
·  Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270
·  Participant Passcode: 8632591

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