Unit # 2:Name:



Introduction: Parks Canada Agency Mandate states the following:

On behalf of the people of Canada, we protect and present nationally significant examples of Canada’s natural and cultural heritage, and foster public understanding, appreciation and enjoyment in ways that ensure the ecological and commemorative integrity of these places for present and future generations.

Purpose of Canada’s Park System: Visit Parks Canada’s home page at For each of the key words listed below, follow the links and write a sentence or two explaining each one and how it relates to the role of our National Park System:

Select the National Parks button (under the Discover menu) on the left side and select the Introduction section. Take a moment to read through the page and answer the following:

  • What is the purpose of National Parks in Canada and what is Parks Canada responsible for?

What isEcological Integrity:

4. Select the Ecosystem Management Plan section and describe the potential Stressors to our National Parks:

5. Click on the Find a National Park link (in the left menu option). Search the List of Canada’s National Parks by Province.

  • Which province has the most National Parks? :
  • Name them:
  • Which province/territory has the least? :
  • Name them:

6. Select the National Parks System National Parks System Plan Intro

  • What is the objective of this plan?

7. Beginning with the side menu bar, follow these links: National Parks System National Parks System Plan Canada’s National Parks and National Park Reserves. Click on the image same as the right! 

  • Name the 5 largest parks or reserves:
  • Name the 5 smallest parks:

8. Click on the “table of contents” title to bring up the list of 39 individual natural regions. Now click on any of these to view its description. The information at the top of the screen includes a number corresponding to the region’s location on the National Parks System Plan map, as well as a list of parks, which “represent” the character of the area.

  • Name the 5 parks representing the Rockies:
  • Name 5 regions that are not represented by a National Park as of yet (hint: find a map!):

9. Name That National Park!

Navigate your way around the web site to identify the park described by each of the following statements. Record the name of the national park in the space provided.

1. Canada’s first National Park:

2. About to become Canada’s newest Park:

3. Features the world’s highest tides:

4. Contains Canada’s highest mountain peak:

5. The largest remaining chunk of habitat in southern Ontario:

6. A UNESCO World Heritage site in Newfoundland:

7. Canada’s most northerly park:

8. Home to Haida native culture:

9. Joined with Montana’s Glacier Park to form the world’s first international park:

10. The closest park to where you live:

CGC1D: Geography of Canada Canadian and World Studies