Dominion Trail Elementary SchoolDecember2011

PTA Pawprints

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This Month’s PTA Events

12/14 Market Day pick up, outside music room

12/21 FWMS Chorus & Band Concert for Grades 3-5

1/10 PTA Meeting, Library 6:30 pm

1/11 LEAP Meeting, Loudoun Adm. Bldg., 7:30pm

1/12 Spirit Night Fuddruckers

1/17 SEAC Meeting, Loudoun Adm. Bldg, 7 pm

1/18MSAAC Meeting 7 pm Loudoun Admin. Bldg.

1/27 Bingo Night, 7-9 pm


Registration forms for the next session of ASEP will be in your child's Friday folder and online today. We will be taking registrations all next week. There are a lot of great classes, something fun for everyone! Classes start on January 9th and run for 8 weeks.-Nicole & Dena, ASEP co-chairs,

Box Tops Contest Extended Deadline!

Please turn in all box tops by Friday, December 16

Are you collecting Box Tops? The pink coupons found on the packaging of many food and grocery items are worth money to our school. Each coupon is worth 10 cents and those coupons add up fast! Check your register receipts, too. Some register receipts at Bloom and other grocery stores offer 100 or more Bonus Box Tops! This is a free fundraiser with no added cost to you and your family. It just takes your time, scissor skills and sending them to school! Our school sent in $700 worth of box tops in the spring. Let see if we can double this total by Friday,December 16! The top two classes that collect the most Box Tops will receive a game or recess equipment!

Parent to Parent

The Parent Liaison officewould like to thank Patrice Stoller and her son Kevin (a former Huskie), Sylvia Glass and her sons Jordan, Josh (former Huskies) and Taylor (currentHuskie),and Blake Berger (a former Huskie)for helping to set up the Donuts with Dad event on the eveningof November 10th. Another big Thankyougoes out to Julie Klein, Ted Jakubowski and Miguel Manzo for helping to take down and reorganize the cafeteria after the Donuts withDad event. Without the help of these great volunteers it would have taken hours to get the jobs done. Thank you!!!!

Mark your Calendars for Bingo Night

DTES PTA would like to invite all families to Bingo Night 2012, Friday, January 27th. Doors open at 6:15 pm. Bingo begins at 6:30 pm. There will be Pizza and snacks, as well as great raffle prizes.

Donations Needed!

We are looking for donations of items for raffle baskets and bingo prizes. Suggested donations are: Movies, Books, and Music, or restaurant, Target, Wal-Mart, etc. gift cards in $5 and $10 amounts. For questions or if you wish to donate or volunteer, please contact Jen Rose at 703-349-6696 or or Theresa Luby at 703-726-0033 or .


Are you getting all the details?If you are not currently on the PTA sponsored email list you could be missing out.It’s easy to get signed up.Simply contact Cricket Grobe ’s also not too late to fill out a Volunteer Form.New volunteers are always welcome!I can send you one or you can pick one up in the school office.Early estimates have Dominion Trail Volunteers serving a minimum of two thousand, two hundred and fifty volunteerhours in themonths of August, September, October and November alone!Wow, that’s a lot!I would like to offer a warm thank you to each and every volunteer for your generous offer of time and talents during the school year so far.We wish everyone a warm and happy holiday season!Cricket Grobe, Volunteer Coordinator

Thanks to Our Holiday Shoppe Volunteers

This year’s Holiday Shoppe was a smashing success and fun was had by all! Over 160 children were able to purchase and have wrapped almost 900 gifts picked out for friends and family. While waiting for their children to finish shopping, parents were able to visit the tables of our 27 vendors or grab a cup a coffee & a yummy treat at the bake sale. All of this could not have been accomplished without the help of our dozens of volunteers, many of whom showed up early and stayed late - the Holiday Shoppe chairs would like to sincerely thank you for your dedication for making this a special event for the children.

Please note that the contact information for all of the vendors will remain on the Holiday Shoppe web site for the next couple of months, in case you would like to contact one of them and place an order. Also, if you are out shopping during the after-Holidays sales and would like to help the Holiday Shoppe committee get a head start on next year, please purchase some gift bags, name tags, and/or tissue paper for our wrapping station. Donations can be dropped off in the main office in the PTA donation box.Submitted by Kara Burgan, Holiday Shoppe co-chair

Use DTES GoodSearch & Amazon Links while Holiday Shopping

Due to its convenience, many of you will likely be purchasing holiday gifts through the Internet. Please remember to use the DTES Amazon link ( when shopping at Amazon’s website and to enter other website through the GoodShop portal ( with Dominion Trail Elementary School PTA selected as designated charity). By doing this, DTES can generate FREE money while you are making your regular gift purchases!Submitted by Kara Burgan, Grocery Receipts Chair

Grocery Club Cards – Have You Linked Yours?

The Grocery Club Card fundraising program is cruising along and generating a lot of FREE money for DTES. Through Giant’s A+ Rewards program, DTES has earned $1,505.49 during October & November – we’re on pace to generate $4,500 with this program during the school year! And we have already earned $306.26 through the Harris Teeter Together in Education program for this school year – if we earn over $1,000 through this program by May 31st, we’ll receive a $2,000 bonus! If you still haven’t registered your cards in these fundraising programs, fill out the following form, send it to school through your child’s homework folder, and we’ll enroll your cards for you. Have any friends or family who would like to help us raise some free money?Send in their numbers as well.Submitted by Kara Burgan, Grocery Receipts Chair


Grocery Receipt Registration Form – Please Place in PTA Mailbox in Main Office


Giant (12 digits) ______

Harris Teeter (12 digits) ______

Bloom (12 digits) ______