Litter action plans – collaboration - community Plan


£53 million of public money is spent tackling litter and flytipping annually, with at least a further £25 million associated with indirect costs of litter and flytipping.

Towards A Litter-Free Scotland is the Scottish Government’s National Litter Strategy, published in June 2014. The aim of the strategy is to prevent littering and flytipping, identifying a range of delivery partners who are required to influence behaviour and ultimately deliver the aims of the strategy.

The Strategy identified a need to develop action plans to encourage joint-working in litter and flytipping prevention. Everyone has a role to play in helping change behaviour and reduce the amount of waste that ends up as litter or flytipping.

The Solution – Litter Action plans & Community Litter Plans

A Litter Action Plan is a voluntary commitment by organisations in Scotland to adopt a range of actions to prevent litter and flytipping in Scotland.

Those actions identified by individual organisations would feed into an over-arching Community Litter Action Plan allowing collaboration across multiple sectors to achieve significant impact and provide a platform for a shift towards litter and flytipping prevention.


This collaborative approach offers a mechanism to provide opportunities to align activities, deliver best value, allow a gap analysis, increase innovation, amplify the impacts of existing activities, increase stakeholder morale, break down silos, decrease costs and eliminate duplication.


Involvement will improve transparency and credibility with your customers and stakeholders, offer direct and indirect financial benefits, improve efficiency and effectiveness through coordinated activities and encourage innovation through the sharing of knowledge and expertise.


Template action plans have been produced, allowing organisations to easily populate plans by selecting actions and/or adding in any additional actions.

Support will be provided to coordinate the development of the Community Plan which will identify where resources can be shared and opportunities to collaborate are available. Scheduled meetings of those organisations involved in the community plan will help organisation monitor progress, share ideas and identify where gaps exist.

How To get involved

All organisations who consider themselves to be part of their local community should be involved. This will include the public sector, all sizes of business, the 3rd sector, educational institutions and community groups.

Simply complete the Litter Action Template provided and return it to

Support is available to help you select the most relevant actions for your organisations or tailor it suit your requirements.

Once your organisation has completed the Litter Action Plan, the actions will be fed into the wider Community Litter Plan and you will be encouraged to collaborate with other organisations to deliver the actions and contribute to litter and flytipping reduction in your local community.

This will be supported by Zero Waste Scotland and Dundee City Council.