Date: February 2, 2018


The City of Casper, Wyoming, Support Services Department, Fleet Division, is seeking a qualified vendor, hereafter referred to as “Contractor”, to provideIntegrated Business Solution services including stocking parts for and operating an On-Site Parts Store to be utilized exclusively for the City of Casper FleetMaintenance Division as well as comprehensive inventory management services for the City of Casper Fleet Maintenance Division. The Contractor implementing this solution must have an established and proven model for providing similar integrated business solution and fleet inventory servicesto municipal agencies and must operate and comply with all applicable local, county, state, and federal policies, procedures, rules, regulations, codes, and laws. Proposals will be reviewed by the staff from the City of CasperSupport Services Department.

The site of the On-Site Parts Store will be available for inspection by calling (307) 235-8392 for appointments, prior to the RFP submittal deadline. Additionally, the City of Casper will provide, upon request, for the Contractor’s use in preparing a proposal:

  1. A current listing of the City’s fleet part inventory.
  2. Annual costs for parts for the last two fiscal years.


To facilitate a Contractor in providing Integrated Business Solution services including stocking parts for and operating an On-Site Parts Store as well as comprehensive inventory management services, the City of Casper shall provide, at its sole expense:

  1. Safe, secure, separate usable space for the On-Site Parts Store, including restroom facilities and all necessary utilities and janitorial services, to be maintained in good condition and repair for the operation of the On-Site Parts Store.

Additionally, the City of Casper may provide, if desired by the Contractor:

  1. A vehicle to be utilized by Contractor solely in conjunction with the On-Site Parts Store operation. This Vehicle will be owned and mechanically maintained by City pursuant to current standards for City fleet maintenance.


  1. Contractor will operate anOn-Site Parts Store and provide the inventory to City’s location at 1800 East K Street, Casper WY 82601. Contractor shall provide all personnel required to operate the On-Site Parts Store to include trained personnel to cover full time employee’s time off in case of illness, vacations, emergencies, etc. Contractor personnel operating the On-Site Parts Store will take all calls for stock replenishment and just in time inventory. City shall not be charged for any service not provided by Contractor due to unavailability of Contractor staff for any reason whatsoever.
  • All personnel employed by Contractor shall be employed in conformity with applicable local, state or federal laws.
  • Contractor and City shall attempt in good faith to mutually agree upon the identity of the persons that will be selected to staff the On Site Store. If theCity wishes to remove or replace any of the Contractor personnel in the On Site Store, the parties will attempt to resolve City’s request by mutual agreement.All personnel engaged in the work shall be fully qualified. Contractor personnel salaries for the On-Site Parts Store will be mutually agreed upon by the City and Contractor.
  • Contractor and all personnel employed by Contractor on City property shall comply with current and applicable City policies and procedures including, but not limited to, security, confidentiality, emergency response, harassment, sexual harassment, drug free workplace, and workplace violence, and defensive driving. Contractor employees shall be willing to participate in applicable City training regarding these topics and sign documents attesting to the understanding and compliance with said policies and procedures.
  1. Contractor will provide parts to City’s locations on a daily route basis. In addition, Contractor will accelerate delivery on those items the City requires to be delivered on an expedited basis. Contractor will make all reasonable efforts to ensure prompt delivery to the City’s location(s) requesting part(s).Also, Contractor shall accept industry standard cores of equal value for core exchanges and rebuilding, provided the cores are deemed acceptable by the manufacturer standards.
  1. Contractor shall provide all computers and reports necessary to monitor monthly expenses as they pertain to the daily operation of the On Site Store. Contractor software will have the following capabilities: invoicing, cataloging, master interchange, inventory control, custom pricing, inventory stocking information, inventory on order information, inventory on backorder information, lost sales reports and analysis, automatic inventory min/max review, and inventory costing. The computer system will consist of at least 1 Server, 1 PC workstation and a minimum of 1 printer. Contractor shall coordinate with the City’s Information Technology Division to verify that all City technology security standards are met. Contractor must provide a complete point of sale (“POS”), Parts Catalog, Inventory Control & Replenishment and Reporting software solution. Software must capture all inventory and sales transactions entered for the City’s IBS operation. These transactions shall be provided to the City upon request.
  1. Contractor shall provide a profit and loss statement of the parts operations to the City on approximately the 15th of each month for the On Site Store.Statements shall include documentation with purchase order numbers for each part sold as a measure of reconciliation control for City administration.
  1. Contractor shall provide back-up emergency service during non-working hour contingencies.
  1. Contractor shall provide a full and comprehensive physical counting of the entire City-owned fleet parts inventory within the CityFleet Maintenance Facility (“City owned inventory”). Contractor personnel shall conduct the physical counting process with oversight by City personnel to provide assistance in identifying any corrections or discrepancies that may be found. Such discrepancies shall be reconciled in a manner agreeable to both Contractor and the City. The final inventory results from this physical count shall be mutually agreed upon by both Contractor and the Cityfor the IBS operations to begin within the inventory system.
  1. Contractor shall maintain and manage both Contractor owned inventory as well as the mutually agreed upon existing City owned inventory. Such Contractor owned inventory and City owned inventory will be maintained and managed by Contractor in the inventory system with ownership assigned to each product. City owned inventory shall be charged to City maintenance/repair work orders at zero dollars ($0.00). Obsolete City owned inventory in the inventory system may be sold to others, with credit for the sale applied to the purchase of new Contractor owned inventory.
  1. Contractor shall custom stock, both in part number spread and depth, an inventory to fit the City’s needs, based on the City’s requirements, using Contractor and non-Contractor branded inventory. Upon implementation of the On-Site Parts Store, Contractor shall be able to meet the following inventory fill rates and stocking requirements:
  • 70% fill rate within 48 business hours of request
  • 50% fill rate within 24 business hours of request
  • 40% fill rate within 8 business hours of request
  • Stock the On-Site Parts Store with parts that have been purchased by the City a minimum of three times in two years.
  • Contractor will stock specialty parts at the request of the City that are required to be maintained in active inventory for equipment that may be required when emergency operations arise.
  1. Contractor shall invoice the City for all Inventory purchased pursuant to theseServices on a monthly basis no later than the 5th business day of each month for all inventory purchased by City during the previous month.


  1. Proposal due date is Monday, March 5 at 4:00 p.m. Proposals must be received, prior to this date and time, at Casper City Hall Suite 107, 200 North David Street, Casper, WY 82601. Proposal submittals should be directed to: Support Services Department, Attention: Zulima Lopez, Assistant Support Services Director.
  2. In making a proposal, the Contractor hereby certifies that they have reviewed this RFP and are familiar with all conditions contained therein. The City will not be responsible for nor incur any cost associated with the submittal or preparation of this Request for Proposal.
  3. Contractor’s services will begin upon the execution of a contract and terminate after five (5) years. Additional one year renewable term additions may be addressed/proposed by vendors.


  1. Outline the scheduleand process for establishing a fully functioning Integrated Business Solution as described within the Scope of Services.
  2. Provide a pricing model as proposed to include:
  3. Product Price. The pricing of the Products to be supplied to City by Contractor for both Contractor brand produces and non-Contractor brand products.
  4. Operational Expenses. Any and all costs and expenses associated with the operation of the On Site Store, including, but not limited to, salary and benefits payable to Contractor employees at the On Site Store(s), worker’s compensation benefits and insurance, unemployment insurance, personal property insurance for the On-Site Parts Store, other insurance policies of Contractor, all equipment supplied by Contractor, pension funding costs, accounting fees, general office expenses, etc.
  5. Profit and Loss Statement.Statement must reflect the typical monthly and annual itemized costs and expenses of the On-Site Parts Store.
  1. Describe in detail any exceptions to the requested scope of services or a different pricing model, if applicable. Attach additional documentation as needed.


In addition to the items addressed in the Scope of Services, the following information relating to the Contractor qualifications is requested:

1.Professional Contractor name, address, and telephone number(s),

2.Name, qualifications, and experience of key personnel available for this


3.Recent list of three references for integrated business solution services with
municipal fleets of similar size and composition.


The contents of this proposal, for the successful Contractor, may become contractual obligations if the City of Casper wishes to execute a contract based on the submitted proposal. Failure of the successful Contractor proposer to accept these obligations, in a purchase agreement, purchase order, contract, lease agreement or similar instrument may result in cancellation of the award and such Contractor may be removed from future solicitations.


The successful Contractor must be able to procure and maintain, during the course of an agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work performed by the Contractor, its subcontractors, agents, representatives, or employees. Required coverage includes general liability insurancein the amount of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000) for each claimant for any number of claims arising out of a single transaction or occurrenceand in the sum of no less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) for all claims arising out of a single transaction or occurrence. Contractormust also furnish appropriate automobile liability coverage with limit no less than Five Hundred Thousand ($500,000) per accident for bodily injury and property damage and Workers’ Compensation coverage as required by the State of Wyoming with Statutory limits.

Contractor shall provide the City with certificates evidencing such insurance as outlined above prior to beginning any work under this project. Such certificates shall provide the thirty (30) days advance written notice to City of cancellation, material change, reduction of coverage, or non-renewal. Insurance certificates shall name the City as additional insured.


The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any informalities. The Contractor shall be responsible and responsive to the City in its requirements within the scope of this proposal, and shall confer with and be guided by the directive of the City through the office of the City Manager, or his designated representative. The Contractor shall attend any special meetings with the City Manager, or City Staff, relating to questions, performance or negotiations concerning this proposal.

In the event that it becomes necessary to revise any of this Request for Proposal, an addendum to this RFP will be provided to each Contractor. The City reserves the right to change submission date(s) for any reason, including an addendum or supplement to the RFP. Late proposals will not be accepted. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that the proposal arrives prior to 4:00 p.m., Monday, March 5, 2018.

I have read, understand, and will comply with all of the conditions of this RFP, as it applies to my elevator maintenance and service responsibilities, as noted and quoted in the above proposal information.

Authorized Individual Signature:______Date:______

Print Name:______(Individual/Contractor Representative)





Address (Street and/or P.O. Box)


CityStateZIP Telephone

City of Casper Integrated Business Solutions RFP - 1