2016 Annual General Meeting of theWoodsworth College Students’ Association

2016 Annual General Meeting of the

Woodsworth College Students’ Association

March 7th, 2016

Waters Lounge, Woodsworth College Residence




  1. Call to Order
  1. Approval of the Agenda

Motion that the Membership of the Woodsworth College Students’ Association approve the Agenda of the 2016 Annual General Meeting as presented.

Moved: HauckSeconded: Cookson

  1. President’s Address
  1. Approval of the 2015 Annual General Meeting Minutes

Motion that the Membership of the Woodsworth College Students’ Association approve the 2015 Annual General Meeting minutes as presented.


  1. Financial Address and Approval of the 2013/2014 Audited Financial Statements

Motion that the Membership of the Woodsworth College Students’ Association approve the 2013/2014 audited financial statements as presented.

Moved: NathaniSeconded: Hauck

  1. Constitutional Amendments

Motion that the Membership of the Woodsworth College Students’ Association approve the amendment of the Constitution to create the position of “Equity Chair of the Board” as Article IV, Section 4(d)(xvi).


Motion that the Membership of the Woodsworth College Students’ Association amends Article VIII, Section 2(b) of the Constitution to change the length of the written declaration of candidacy from “75 words” to “1000 characters”.


Motion that the Membership of the Woodsworth College Students’ Association approve the addition to the Constitution of Article VIII, Section 3(c),(d),(e),(f), and (g) to read as follows:

“(c) Part-Time Students’ Director if they are a part time student for the year in which they will be holding office.

(d) Full Time Students’ Director if they are a full time student for the year in which they will be holding office.

(e) Upper Year Students’ Director if they are an upper year student for the year in which they will be holding office.

(f) First Year Students’ Director if they are a first year student for the year in which they will be holding office.

(g) Woodsworth Residence Director and Chestnut Residence Director if they are a resident of the respective residence.”


  1. Candidate Speeches


Professional Development Director

GaHye (Erica) Jeong

Full Time Students’ Directors (2)

Akshika Dave

Ana Martinez

Justin Zelnicker

Martin Briand




Upper Year Students Directors

Ashley Lall


Wenjun Deng

Off Campus Directors (2)


HayaAdil Sheikh

Valerie Dos Dantos

Associate Director Of Athletic Affairs

Russell Canceran

Associte Director Of Financial Affairs

Rohan Shah

Victoria Toncic

Associte Director Of Public Relations

Julia Standish

Associate Director Of Social Affairs

Emma Leckey

Raabez Ahmad

Samantha Davis

Vice President Of Internal Affairs


Vice President Of Financial Affairs

Dylan Forgas

Vice President Of Social Affairs

Kristine Sarah Medrero


Vice President Of External Affairs

Minki (Ryan) Jeong


Vice President Of Athletic Affairs

Miranda Li

Vice President Of Public Relations

Sarah Bear


Novera Khan

  1. Other Business
  2. Adjournment


2015 Annual General Meeting of the

Woodsworth College Students’ Association

March 2nd, 2015; 5:00pm

Waters Lounge, Woodsworth College Residence

321 Bloor Street West


2016 Annual General Meeting of theWoodsworth College Students’ Association



2016 Annual General Meeting of theWoodsworth College Students’ Association

Danielle Ouellette

Chantal Issa


Christina Badiola

Mohammed ShadabYounus

Kenneth Mills

Emily Eisenbraun-Stone

Jessica Li


Ruoyu Li

Lucinda Yae-Rim Ro

Tom Gleason


Novera Khan

Olivia Hauck


Sydney Lang

Linda Wu

Honghu Wang


Teeka Cookson

Alexandra Spence

Robbie Raskin

Annette Szeliga

Kristine Medrero

Jingru Zhang

Sarah Bear

Kim Wachockier

Yukari Kosaka

Asad AJ Jamal

Aakanksha John

Cyndi Zhang

Jacqueline Veras

Jing Bian

Peixuan Chen


Rachel Lanning

Natalie Hoffmann

Nicole Girt

Isabelle VanasseCaosdidia

Mashal Khan

Margaret Elsifegha

Alex Kosne




Edwin White Chacon



2016 Annual General Meeting of theWoodsworth College Students’ Association

Proxy Votes:

Sabrina Lane-Smith to Chantal Issa

Alexander Marshall to EylulDefneArslan

KierferMicallef to Mohammed ShadabYounus

Dylan Lattimer to MinkiJeong

Kristina Manas-Chmielowski to Lucinda Yae-Rim Ro

Alison Read to Tom Gleason

Madeline Holmes to Olivia Hauck

Jordan Balls to OngioTsui

Joanna Chan to Honghu Wang

Sung Kim to SaadiaEsat

Martin Klovar to Alexandra Spence

JehanVidhani to Sarah Bear

Madison Frost to Jacqueline Veras

SaaniaPunja to Nicole Girt

Russell Concerar to SandleenAzam

1) Agenda

1. Call to Order

Meeting called to order at: 5:28 PM

2. Approval of the Agenda

Motion that the membership of the Woodsworth College Students’ Association approves the Agenda of the 2015 Annual General Meeting as presented.

Moved:Younus Seconded:Issa

Younus: I would like to put forward a motion to amend agenda item that reads constitution amendments to read friendly amendments.

Jamal: What is the difference?

Issa: Constitutional amendment means changing the actual constitution, or to add something that was not there in the constitution. We are calling this a friendly amendment because we are only changing a typo.

Gleason: Friendly amendment has to be attached to amendment. I think what you are looking for is constitutional clarification?

Issa: Sure. The motion being proposed now will read as constitutional clarification.

Amendment carries.

Motion carries.

3. President’s Address

Younus gives his President Address. No questions asked during question period.

4. Approval of the Previous Annual General Meeting Minutes

Motion that the membership of the Woodsworth College Students’ Association approves the Previous Annual General Meeting Minutes as presented.

Moved:Younus Seconded:Issa

Motion carries.

5. Financial Address & Approval of Audited Financial Statements 2012/2013

Arslan presents the audited statements from 2012/2013. She discusses the current state of WCSA finances and addresses recent issues around referendum.

Motion that the membership of the Woodsworth College Students’ Association approves the Audited Financial Statements 2012/2013 as presented.

Moved:Arslan Seconded:Younus

Jamal: There is quite a significant change compared to 2012-2013, can you explain why?

Arslan: I was not actually in WCSA in 2012 but if you have any concerns please email me. The budget last year was definitely an issue so this year we really tried to fit it into a more reasonable measure.

Gleason: Why is there a gap between what you expected to spend compared to what you have spent?

Arslan: The gap is to prepare ahead for future expenditures. We are currently behind on many years of audits, we have not yet submitted our 2013-14 one but as soon as we get a clear from the governing council for submission we will do so immediately.

John: This is a question in reference to the referendum; a few students have came up to me to ask why we are increasing student fees when really we could have reallocated fees. We saved a lot of gala budget and have not spent as much as we projected so why ask for more money when we can work with the money we already have?

Arslan: As for the referendum (details in 2nd part, inflation index), WCSA have not had a fee increase for many years. If we haven’t spent as much as expected it would give us a lot of wiggle room. We had a prudent board this year but I cannot promise this for the next board. Once ratification period has past the next board will be taking over and have new budget spending which may not have this wiggle room.

John: How do we make sure that people or committees from this year who did not receive enough funding this year can get enough or more budgets next year?

Arslan: As a leaving board, we will always leave the coming board a guideline of transition so we will make sure to suggest where these extra fund should be allocated. Incoming board members are always welcome to come in and talk to us, especially Issa and myself, about transitioning. We can also include something in the contracts such as those for OCs and gala coordinators to make sure we can maintain certain financial prudency and to make sure certain portfolios have room to prosper.

Gleason: What events were scaled back?

Arslan: All the extra funds came from VP social. The budget was approximately $25,000 but the social portfolio only used $10,000 due to effective collaborations with other clubs and student associations. Cutting down from gala budget was another significant reduction.

John: Point of clarification, there have been portfolios that has needed more budget as it has been set out. How is WCSA making the possibility to create a pool for those clubs who want to have more events and need more budgets?

Arslan: By wiggle room I only meant that it should be reasonable. When budget was set in summer every directors and execs should come up with a preliminary budget. Once this is set it is hard to go back on as we would have to change line of items to reallocate fund and ask the directors responsible for that certain budget pool. In the beginning of the year it would be difficult because there are many more events to be done later on. But in the March board meeting it should be plausible, we can reallocate fund from different portfolios to create an emergency pool. Directors and portfolios can dip into this pool as long as they have the board’s approval.

Motion carries.

6. Constitutional Clarifications

Motion that the membership of the Woodsworth College Students’ Association corrects the typo in section (VIII.) (2.) (a) (ii.) of the Constitution to change the members sought for nomination if seeking a director position from “20” back to “10”.

Moved:Issa Seconded:Younus

Motion carries.

7. Candidate Speeches


Miranda Ruo Yu Li – Associate Director of Athletics.

Sarah Bear – Upper Year Director

Kristine Medrero – Upper Year Director

Nida-BaigMirza – Associate Director of Social Affairs

Ryan MinkiJeong – Associate Director of Social Affairs

NoveraHasan Khan – Off Campus Director

FahimLallani – Off Campus Director

Samantha Davis – Off Campus Director – Not Present but has submitted a speech.

SandleenAzam – Professional Development Director (Supposed to come around 6:30).


Danielle Ouellette – VP Athletics

Asad AJ Jamal – VP External

ShonaliLakhani – VP PR

OngioHo On Tsui – VP Social

Alexandra Spence – VP Financial Affairs

AadilNathani – VP Financial Affairs

Kim Wachockier – VP Financial Affairs

Teeka Cookson – VP Internal

Annette Szeliga – VP Internal

Olivia Hauck – President

Jenny Jingru Zhang – President

8. Other Business

Gleason: Tomorrow we have annual event at Hart House, there will be food and prizes.

John: Come and join the equity committee, it is an open committee and we have not promoted it yet. Please email me if you are interested to join the group.

9. Adjournment

Moved: Younus Seconded:Issa

Motion Carries.

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM


2016 Annual General Meeting of theWoodsworth College Students’ Association

2) Presidential Address

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to the 2015 Annual General Meeting of the Woodsworth College Students’ Association. I’m excited to report to you the activities of all of our board members over the last 11 months and the progress we’ve made so far.

This year has been extremely successful in increasing student engagement which is reflected in the voter turnout for our election cycles going from 2.57% last year to 6.89% in the last election cycle. As per our election promises, we have introduced Coffee with Exec that allows students to come chat with us about concerns that they might have outside of regular office hours and a solid floor plan for the student lounge to ensure its organised at all times. As we are all aware, mental health is a big concern on campus right now and we are working with the Provost and Dean’s office, as well as introducing new initiatives focused on mental health, to come up with strategies that can help students better cope with stress that has deeply permeated our lives as students. We have also made changes to our internal processes and how the board is run to give our portfolios increased flexibility and support in how they function. This was achieved through the use of workshops held throughout the year and by introducing guidelines for the Board of Directors in order to achieve their CCR for WCSA and its affiliate clubs. In addition our VP of EA has also implemented a policy for clubs to ensure that clubs are actively engaging students. We have also increased communication between WCSA and club presidents through monthly external committee meetings.

The athletics portfolio has worked hard at diversifying by reaching out to more students. We have expanded beyond simply going to major league games and running intramurals by introducing a greater scope of athletics that are more accessible to the average Woodsworth student. In terms of major league games, Woodsworth took students to a Leafs game for the first time ever, giving students the opportunity to see one of the toughest NHL teams at a price that most students can afford. The social and athletics portfolios collaborated with ISS and PSF to screen a Cricket World Cup match that was an immense success and brought almost 300 students to our college.

Learning from this year’s orientation week and recognizing a need for change we are working with the Dean’s office to improve our orientation structure. A steer heading committee has been implemented comprising of the President, VP Internal and VP Finance that will oversee the progress made by the Orientation Executive Committee and the Orientation Coordinators to ensure students have an amazing time. There is also a recognition that more work needs to be done to ensure mature students are receiving as much as other students from the association. MatSA, over the years has grown tremendously and we look forward to continue working with them to enhance their university experience.

As president of this Association I have sat on the St George Round Table with a number of colleges and faculty presidents. We are all working hard to ensure that our students are receiving the best representation at all levels of student government. We are also establishing a structure that facilitates transitioning the incoming council and giving them a positive direction to work towards.

3) Financial Address

Hello Woodsworth!

My name is DefneArslan and I’m the current Vice President of Financial Affairs.

As I was running for this position last year, I ran on the basis of promoting transparency, accountability and financial prudence. In terms of finance, I believe that this year has been very successful. Today, I will be going over the audit of the fiscal year end April 2013 as well as a brief rundown of our operations this past year.

I will be taking questions at the end of my address!

As per the audit, I will read out a blurb from our auditors’ qualified opinion. At UofT, our student fees get released once our audit passes at Governing Council. I am working on the April 2014 audit and will be sending in the last of our documents by the end of this month. Therefore, they should get approval before the summer term.

The April 2013 year was under the responsibility of our previous VP Finance, Tariq Haddadin. These are the findings respective of our financial situation. You can look at the appendix of your AGM package for details.

“Basis for Qualified Opinion In common with many not-for-profit organizations, Woodsworth College Student’s Association at the University of Toronto, derives revenue from events the completeness of which is not susceptible of satisfactory audit verification. Accordingly, my verification of these revenues was limited to the amounts recorded in the records of Woodsworth College Student’s Association at the University of Toronto. Therefore, I was not able to determine whether any adjustments might be necessary to revenue, excess of revenue over expenses, and cash flows from operations for the year ended April 30, 2013, current assets and net assets as at April 30, 2013.

Qualified Opinion In my opinion, except for the possible effects of the matter described in the Basis for Qualified Opinion paragraph, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Woodsworth College Student’s Association at the University of Toronto, as at April 30, 2013, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations. “

This year, we have worked extra hard to ensure WCSA’s finances are transparent and firmly on track. We know major sources of concern came from having such high costs for a few events, such as Gala and Frosh. This year, we have cut Gala down from $37,000 to almost $23,000 including the event revenue. We wanted to make this event with a larger budget accessible to our underage students as well as student who don’t drink, whilst maintaining the quality and tradition of the event. Therefore, we could drop ticket prices. Also, we are working very closely with our new Orientation Coordinators to decrease our large Frosh budget. Last year’s Frosh went a bit over what we wanted to cut it off at… Some events were supposed to be lower than what we realized, but we are focused on not making the same mistake again. Our OCs are working very closely with WCSA this year in order to ensure a prudent Frosh.

Furthermore, as you may know, we are holding the referendum. This referendum has been on the agenda for a few years now, and we didn’t think there was a good reason to postpone it any further. In order to increase our financial stability and enable us to reach out to a broader range of students, we hope to increase our student fees by a mere $2.50/semester. We have the lowest student fees on campus and we believe that by this additional 5$/year we can impact our students’ lives by facilitating their goals through academic grants and various initiatives (including mental health).