Queer and Ally Student Assembly

Executive Board 2012-2013 Application

Positions and Descriptions

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Not up for election

·  Represent QuASA and its constituents to external communities

·  Coordinate the activities of QuASA and delegate tasks to achieve organization’s goals

·  Act as a source of creativity, support, and information for board members

·  Maintain an ongoing recruitment program

·  Oversees all financial expenditures and paperwork filings

·  Conduct a leadership/training retreat for board members at the start of the year

·  Appoint board members and coordinators of QuASA programs

·  Fulfill all other duties and responsibilities mandated by Program Board policies


·  Serve as acting Executive Director in the absence of the Executive Director

·  Take and distribute minutes of the Executive Board meetings

·  Be knowledgeable in the constitution, regulatory documents, and 3 year history of QuASA

·  Ensure that all QuASA proceedings and events are constitutional

·  Fulfill other duties as needed by Executive Board


·  Monitor the budget and expenditures

·  Present budget updates to the Executive Board every other board meeting

·  Assist the Executive Director and board members with the filling of Programming Proposals and paperwork to disburse funds

·  Monitor the attendance and standing of Executive Board members

·  Fulfill other duties as needed by Executive Board


·  Oversee publicity for all QuASA sponsored events including handling all Media Relations (Sound bites, Interviews, etc.)

·  Maintain QuASA presence on social networking sites

·  Maintain the QuASA listserv and post regular announcements regarding events and relevant news in the community

·  Maintain the g-mail account and ensure event calendars stays up-to-date

·  Maintain the QuASA email account and ensure that relevant emails are forwarded to the right parties

·  Fulfill other duties as needed by Executive Board


·  Network with other assemblies, Resource Centers, and student organizations

·  Focus on creating new programming initiatives to reach out to many different LGBT and queer constituencies.

Social Events Co-Chair


·  Oversee the procuring of funds from outside organizations to pay for the 2-page spread in the Daily Trojan.

·  Oversee the procuring of student, faculty, staff, and alumni signing the Outlist.


·  Facilitate Prom Committee Meetings at weekly QUASA Meetings

·  Oversee the prom budget, theme, decorations, committee and all other prom needs with the support of the Executive Board


·  Conduct market research to create new programming initiatives by looking into other schools and programs

·  Work with the Executive Director to find new avenues of programming, vendors, and constituencies


·  Create designs for posters and fliers for QuASA and its coordinated programs

·  Assist member organizations with publicity when needed


·  Take pictures of all QuASA events & organize pictures to be placed online

·  Take video footage of all QuASA events to be compiled into a video at the end of the year


·  Program events with the Greek Community

·  Keep up communication with the Greek Community

·  Continue positive dialogue and relationships with the Greek Community


·  Attend Saturday morning meetings with the Lambda group

·  Responsible for maintaining a relationship and communication with Lambda.


·  Program events that include LGBTQ groups on other campuses

·  Maintain communication and a relationship with other campus LGBTQ groups.


·  Make sure that the executive board strictly upholds all articles stated in the Constitution

·  Keep judicial affairs in order


·  MUST attend weekly Executive Board and Assembly meetings

·  Help in promoting QuASA events

·  Attend a leadership and training retreat at the start of the year (August, 2011)

·  Assist in planning QuASA events.

Queer and Ally Student Assembly

Executive Board 2012-2013 Application

Name: ______Year: ______

Desired Position(s): ______Major: ______

Local Address: ______

Phone/Mobile: ______E-mail: ______

Rank Your Desired Positions from 1-3. One being top choice, 3 being last choice.

_____ Finance & Administrative Chair _____ Lambda Alumni Liaison

_____ Graphic Designer _____ Multimedia Coordinator

_____ Outlist Manager _____ Creative Research Specialist

_____ Prom Chair _____ Multiculturalism Diversity Affairs Chair

_____ Public Relations Chair _____ Greek Liaison

_____ Parliamentarian _____ Intercollegiate Chair

Please attach a 1-page document with your answers to the following questions as well as a Resumé

1.  In any position on the Board, you will be required to commit time and effort to QuASA activities such as weekly mandatory meetings, event planning, promoting, etc. How much time and effort can you put into these activities? What inspires you to become a leader of the queer community on campus?

2.  What personal characteristics of yours do you feel will aid in continuing development of QuASA into a social and political space?

3.  What are your plans for the position(s) for which you are applying? In other words, provide at least one example of an event you would like to see in the QuASA space.

Please submit this application form, along with all the required supplemental materials, to the QuASA mailbox in Program Board (TCC 224) by 5:00PM on April 13th, 2012. You may also e-mail the application to

All applicants will be required to participate in an interview process with the Executive and Assistant Director of QuASA. Interviews will take place during the week of April 16th-20th.