Minutes of the
September 27, 2016 REGULAR Meeting
Chairman Paul Harrington called the REGULAR meeting of September 27, 2016 to order at 6:30PM.
Board Members Present: Paul Harrington, Chairman
Michael Ciarcia
Malcolm Hamilton
Dennis Gragnolati
David Weigert
Norman Boucher
Stephan Brown, Jr.
Board Members Absent: Cornelius O’Leary
Also in Attendance: Amanda Moore, Assistant Finance Director
J. Christopher Kervick, First Selectman
Linda A. Kuchta, Recording Secretary
Melissa Baer, Tyler Technologies
Elizabeth Duffy, Town Assessor
Town resident, Douglas Glazier, discussed complexity of work conditions Town Assessor, Elizabeth Duffy has been dealing with. He stated she has been working approximately eleven to twelve hours per day, five days per week. Mr. Glazier felt that adding another part-time position would alleviate some of the workload Ms. Duffy is experiencing. He stated East Windsor, and other comparable towns have more than one person in the Assessor’s office. Chairman Paul Harrington inquired as to if Ms. Duffy has ever had help in the office and Mr. Glazier stated that during peak hours there is another individual added.
Town resident, Brian Michaud stated that he felt there is lack of communication within the Assessor’s Office. He did not feel the Assessor is overworked. Chairman Paul Harrington stated that the Assessor does not answer to this Board.
There was none.
Chairman Paul Harrington reminded the Board that a $5,000.00 transfer was requested by the Assessor’s Office to look into current software programs. Melissa Baer discussed her report on current software. She stated after she analyzed the Town’s data she found the issue Windsor Locks has been experiencing has been ongoing for at least the last 18
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months. She explained Windsor Locks uses a Version 7 which is SQL. She stated the issues with this system range from frequent program crashes and limited functionality of reporting module which causes inconsistencies and sketching issues. These issues are numerous and frequent with the system the town has. Ms. Baer suggested the best option would be to revert to Version 6.5 as 7.0 has many problems.
Mike Ciarcia asked what Ms. Baer thought the best solution would be. Ms. Baer suggested that it is best to make a change during a reassessment year. She stated this is the best time as the town is already doing value changes. Town Assessor, Elizabeth Duffy stated the next reevaluation year is 2018. She also stated 2013 was not a full measuring list however, the town is required to do a full evaluation in 2018.
First Selectman Christopher Kervick questioned if we signed a contract regarding the 7.0 version. Elizabeth stated yes. She stated that when she began she found 29 faults with the program. Steven Brown questioned if we had any recourse since the contract was not filled and perhaps this issue should be checked into.
Chairman Paul Harrington questioned Ms. Baer regarding costs. She stated it would be hard to determine as there fees included such as maintenance fees, licensing fees, support fees and technical support fees. Assistant Finance Director Amanda Moore stated there is a meeting scheduled next week to discuss this issue. Chairman Paul Harrington suggested adding this issue to the next agenda. To move forward, First Selectman Kervick requested a team to get the most competitive quote.
Mike Hannaford, Chairman of the Police Commission came forward and apologized to the Board regarding the issue of not reinstating the past Chief of Police and for the amount due to him. He believes that the majority of the amount will be paid by the Police Commission, however, he may have to come to the Board of Finance at a later date.
I. HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR-First Selectman Kervick discussed payroll expenditure regarding Human Resource Director. First Selectman Kervick stated the Human Resources Director brought to his attention an error had occurred. He stated this employee is an exempt employee and not hourly and should not have been paid as such. In 2009 an agreement was made to reduce hours to 25 hours per week in exchange for more flexibility within this job. First Selectman Kervick stated she should have been paid the agreed annual salary in weekly installments. A timecard was filled out to confirm she worked hours agreed upon. A miscalculation in filling out timecards resulted in an overpayment of $ 386.77. Chairman Paul Harrington questioned how
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such an oversight could be made. After discussing the issue, Mike Ciarcia made a motion requesting the First Selectman to work with the Finance Department to recover $386.77 in the 2015-2016 fiscal year to recover payment error resulting in an unauthorized payment in the Human Resource line item #089. Motion was seconded by Dennis Gragnolati. Chairman Harrington requested a roll call vote. The vote was as follows: Michael Ciarcia-yes, Malcolm Hamilton-yes, Dennis Gragnolati-yes, David Weigert-yes, Stephan Brown-yes, and Chairman Paul Harrington-yes. All were in favor. The vote was 6-0 and the motion was approved.
II. TOWN PLANNER AND TAX COLLECTOR INCREASE: First Selectman Kervick stated the Town Planner and Tax Collector were underpaid and at risk of losing good employees it was necessary to make their wages more competitive. He stated that as of March 1, 2016 these wages were to be increased by $10,000. After a lengthy discussion Dennis Gragnolati “called a question”. Motion was made by Michael Ciarcia to ask the Finance Department for a resolution to unauthorized expenditures. Seconded by Dennis Gragnolati. Chairman Harrington requested a roll call vote. The vote was as follows: Michael Ciarcia-yes, Malcolm Hamilton-yes, Dennis Gragnolati-yes, David Weigert-yes, Chairman Paul Harrington-yes, David Weigert-yes. All were in favor. The vote was 6-0 and the motion was approved.
III. YOUTH SERVICES AND CONA COORDINATOR: Chairman Paul Harrington stated the new position created was not authorized by Board of Selectman and funding not authorized by Board of Finance. Michael Ciarcia asked if this situation was similar to that of the Town Planner. Amanda Moore stated yes. Discussion held. Michael Ciarcia made motion that Department of Finance do research regarding unauthorized expenditures and to find out what is needed to rectify this situation. Seconded by Dennis Gragnolati. First Selectman Kervick noted for record that although Sue Barsanti was to cease in performing these duties, she is still continuing without compensation as she feels this is a necessity to the town. Chairman Harrington requested a roll call vote. The vote was as follows: Michael Ciarcia-yes, Malcolm Hamilton-yes, Dennis Gragnolati-yes, Stephan Brown-yes, David Weigert-yes, Chairman Paul Harrington-yes. The vote was 6-0 and the motion was approved.
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After brief discussion motion was made by Dennis Gragnolati to add Transfers to agenda. This was seconded by Michael Ciarcia. All were in favor. The vote was 6-0, and the motion was approved.
Michael Ciarcia made a motion to approve the following transfer as requested by Probate Court. Motion seconded by Dennis Gragnolati. All were in favor. The vote was 6-0 and the motion was approved.
T12 Transfer of : $475.00
To: Recording Fees Acct# 277
From: Legal Publications Acct# 282
Dennis Gragnolati made a motion to approve the following transfers as requested by the Board of Selectman. Motion seconded by Stephan Brown. All were in favor. The vote was 6-0 and the motion was approved.
T16 Transfer of: $1,866.00
From: Lease-Copier Acct. #100-829 Amount: $ 452.00
Advertising Acct. #100-6 Amount: $967.00
D & W Grant Advisor Acct. #100-1019 Amount: $225.00
To: Newsletter Postage Acct. #100-1324 Amount: $1,644.00
From: S & W Grand Advisor Acct. #100-1019 Amount: $124.00
To: General Supp-Exp Acct. #100-8 Amount: $124.00
From: Supplies-Gifts Acct. #100-7 Amount: $98.00
Community Advisory Comm. Acct. #100-1020 Amount: $98.00
After a brief discussion, Dennis Gragnolati made a motion to approve the following transfer as requested by The First Selectman. Motion seconded by Stephan Brown. All were in favor. The vote was 6-0 and the motion was approved.
T-16 Transfer of: $1,485.00
From: Fringe-FICA/SS Acct. #134-159 Amount: $1,485.00
To: Unemployment Acct. #515-158 Amount: $1,485.00
Dennis Gragnolati made a motion to approve the following transfer as requested by Probate Court. Motion seconded by Stephan Brown. All were in favor. The vote was 6-0 and the motion was approved.
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T-12 Transfer of: $310.00
From: Postage Acct. #128-281 Amount: $310.00
To: Supplies Acct. #128-280 Amount: $310.00
Dennis Gragnolati made a motion to approve the following transfer as requested for Election Services. Motion seconded by Stephan Brown. All were in favor. The vote was 6-0 and the motion was approved.
Transfer of: $102.69
From: Acct. Name: Office Equipment Amount: $102.69
To: Acct. Name: Election Services Amount: $102.69
Dennis Gragnolati made a motion to approve the following transfer as requested by The Board of Finance. Motion seconded by Stephan Brown. All were in favor. The vote was 6-0 and the motion was approved.
T-16 Transfer of: $683.00
From: General Supplies Acct. #104-48 Amount: $450.00
From: Print & Bind/Copying Acct. #104-47 Amount: $ 50.00
From: Contingent Fund Acct. #183.00 Amount: $183.00
To: Advertising Acct. #104-44 Amount: $683.00
Dennis Gragnolati made a motion to approve the following transfer as requested by the Finance Department. Motion seconded by Stephan Brown. All in favor. Vote was 6-0 and motion was approved. Brief discussion held. Amanda Moore, Assistant Finance Director defined CCJEF as an organization acting on cities behalf and educational legislation. First Selectman Kervick questioned whether to continue funding this organization. He stated it would be a good idea that if this has not been paid, it should not be paid in the future until it comes back to Board of Selectman to determine whether or not it is something that funding should be continued for. Michael Ciarcia questioned if the Board of Education made a matching payment.
T16 Transfer of: $3,500.00
From: Prof. & Tech. Serv. Auditing Acct. #108-78 Amount: $1,335.00
From: Contingent Fund Acct. #142-276 Amount: $2,165.00
To: Prof. & Tech. CCJEF Acct. #108-1021 Amount: $3,500.00
Dennis Gragnolati made a motion to approve the following transfer as requested by The Finance Department. Motion seconded by Stephan Brown. All were in favor. The vote was 6-0 and the motion was approved.
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T-16 Transfer of: 650.00
From: Contingent Fund Acct. #142-276 Amount: $650.00
To: Prof. & Tech OPEB Acct. # 108-754 Amount: $650.00
Dennis Gragnolati made a motion that the Assistant Finance Director be compensated for time during which there was no Finance Director. Motion seconded by Malcolm Hamilton. The vote was 5-1 in favor. Michael Ciarcia voted no due to the fact that he had concerns regarding other pending salary issues and that he was not familiar with all the rules and regulations concerning this issue. Transfer is as follows:
T-17 Transfer of: $3,850.00
From: S & W Regular Acct. # 106-80 Amount: $3,850.00
To: S & W Regular Acct. # 106-80 Amount: $3,850.00
Due to the lengthy discussion this agenda item may require, Dennis Gragnolati requested to have this discussion at next meeting. Michael Ciarcia agreed.
Chairman Harrington suggested workshop meeting. Discussion held regarding such.
First Selectman Kervick stated regarding T.I.F. district, there still needs to be at least one more Public Hearing which requires to be published at least ten days before said meeting and also a Town Meeting. He also noted the town is seeking the opinion of an outside expert regarding some of the financial issues being faced. He stated a concern is the opinion of the Assessor as to what the improved Montgomery building would be assessed at post improvement. Chairman Harrington stated he had issues with the idea of monies being held in a “lock box” . First Selectman Kervick stated the Board of Selectman would agree to limit assessments by contractual agreement with potential builders for a period of up to fifteen years. Chairman Harrington asked if this would be the responsibility of the Board of Finance to sign off on. First Selectman Kervick stated he did not believe so. Chairman Harrington stated that for the best interest of the town, the Board of Finance should sign off on any issues regarding the T.I.F. District as it deals with financial issues of the town. First Selectman Kervick stated that decisions would have to be voted on at a Town Meeting. First Selectman Kervick will check on charters and statues regarding this issue.
Chairman Harrington referred to the minutes of August 23, 2016 and September 13, 2016, asking for any changes or corrections. There were none.
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Dennis Gragnolati made a motion to approve the minutes of August 23, 2016 and September 13, 2016 as written. David Weigert seconded the motion. All were in favor. The vote was 6-0, and the motion was approved.
Douglas Hamilton discussed software issue and felt there should be reimbursement regarding defective software. He also stated that if town hardware does not support the solution, that would be a different situation. Mr. Hamilton also stated when he sat on the Board of Selectman, any transfers of funds was brought forward to the Board of Selectman. He also discussed the issue regarding payment for Director of Human Resources.
In regard to the Train Station, First Selectman Kervick stated the town is not on list to receive $500,000 grant from OPM and the Department of Economic Development, however, approval was received for a matching grant for up to $50,000 by the State Historical Preservation Office.
Chairman Harrington announced tonight is Linda Kuchta’s final evening as Recording Secretary for the Board of Finance. He thanked her for over six years of service.
A motion was made by Stephan Brown, seconded by Dennis Gragnolati to adjourn. The vote was unanimous and the meeting stood adjourned at 10:20PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Terrie Becker
Recording Secretary