Milan C-2 School District
Regular Board of Education Meeting
September 15, 2015 – 6:00 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Jeremy Mosley, President; Mr. David Richardson, Vice President; Mr. Duane Schnelle; Mr. Marty Herington; Mr. Dennis Weaver; Mr. Harry Doak.
SCHOOL PERSONNEL PRESENT: Dr. Ben Yocom, Superintendent; Mr. Mike Hostetter, High School Principal; Mrs. Ashley Pauley, Elementary Principal; Mrs. Mary Jo Sawyer, SPED Director; Mrs. Michelle Yocom, A+ Coordinator/Athletic Director/Technology Director; Mrs. Lisa Schoonover, Curriculum Coordinator; Mrs. Susan Proffitt, Bookkeeper; Mrs. Jenny Smith, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. Bobby McCully, Secretary.
SCHOOL PERSONNEL ABSENT: Mr. Erik Logan, Middle School Principal.
Mr. Jeremy Mosley called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
APPROVE AGENDA: A motion was made by Mr. Schnelle and seconded by Mr. Richardson to approve the agenda- motion carried 6-0-0.
Perpetual Calendar Reports:
Professional Development Committee (PDC)
Mrs. Lisa Schoonover and Mrs. Colleen Vreeland submitted a written report on the Professional Development Committee. A verbal report was given by Mrs. Schoonover highlighting various items regarding the strengths of the program, concerns regarding the program and recommendations for the future of the program. A motion was made by Mr. Doak and seconded by Mr. Herington to approve the Professional Development Committee Report– motion carried 6-0-0.
Library/Media Center (LMC)
Mrs. Sarah Lewis submitted a written report on the Library/Media Center. A verbal report was given highlighting various items regarding the strengths of the program, concerns regarding the program, and recommendations for the future of the program. A motion was made by Mr. Richardson and seconded by Mr. Weaver to approve the Library/Media Center Report– motion carried 6-0-0.
Mrs. Michelle Yocom submitted a written report on the Technology Program. A verbal report was given highlighting various items regarding the strengths of the program, concerns regarding the program, and recommendations for the future of the program. A motion was made by Mr. Schnelle and seconded by Mr. Doak to approve the Technology Report– motion carried 6-0-0.
Principals/Directors/Superintendent Reports
Special Education – Mrs. Mary Jo Sawyer – written report submitted
Verbal report over the following:
- Total Count
- 504 ADA
- ELL/Migrant
- Migrant Count
- Homebound
- MAP Testing Results
A+/Athletic/Technology – Mrs. Michelle Yocom– written report submitted
Verbal report over the following:
- Sports
- Homecoming Activities
- Activities
- A+ Participation
- Technology
Curriculum–Mrs. Lisa Schoonover – written report submitted
Verbal report over the following:
- Curricular Status
- Teacher Meetings
- Curricular Alignment Tool
- State Updates
- Upcoming Deadlines
- Upcoming Trainings
Elementary – Mrs. Ashley Pauley – written report submitted
Verbal report over the following:
- Enrollment
- Attendance Percentage
- Academics & Activities
- Staff News
- MAP Analysis
Middle School– Mr. Eric Logan – written report submitted
Verbal report given by Dr. Yocom over the following:
- Student Enrollment
- Attendance
- Discipline
- Academics & Activities
- Athletics
- MAP Results
High School – Mr. Mike Hostetter – written report submitted
Verbal report over the following:
- SWIS Information
- Staff & Student News
- EOC Scores
Superintendent – Dr. Ben Yocom – written report submitted
Verbal report over the following:
- Additional Technology Needs
- Old Bus Barn Roof
- Facility Updates
- County Revenue
CITIZEN’S COMMUNICATION – Mr. Jeremy Mosley read a thank you card from the Milan C-2 Elementary Staff.
A motion was made by Mr. Schnelle and seconded by Mr. Richardson to approve the August 18th, 2015 Regular Session minutes – motion carried 5-0-1.
A motion was made by Mr. Herington and seconded by Mr. Weaver to approve the August 18th, 2015 Executive Session minutes – motion carried 5-0-1.
Dr. Yocom and Mrs. Proffitt provided an overview of the August 2015 financial statement. A motion was made by Mr. Herington and seconded by Mr. Richardson to approve the August 2015 financial statement – motion carried 6-0-0.
A motion was made by Mr. Richardson and seconded by Mr. Weaver to authorize payment of
bills for Poole’s Hardware and Zachary Doak - motion carried 4-0-2.
A motion was made by Mr. Schnelle and seconded by Mr. Herington to authorize payment of all other bills- motion carried 5-0-1.
- Policy/regulation/Form Updates
A motion was made by Mr. Richardson and seconded by Mr. Doak to adopt Regulation 1520-School District Annual Report, Policy 3155-Financial Management/Payments from Federal Awards, Policy 3440-Travel and Reimbursement, Policy 3470-Average Daily Attendance-Early Childhood Program, Policy 4831-Collective Bargaining, Forms 1425.2 and 1425.3-School Volunteer Construction Services and Volunteer Coach, Forms 4321-4321.8-Family Medical Leave Act FMLA Forms-motion carried 5-1-0.
At 7:37 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Doak and seconded by Mr. Weaver to enter executive session to discuss personnel issues pursuant to RSMo 610.021 (3 & 13) and any documents related to a negotiated contract pursuant to RSMo 610.021 (12) and pursuant to RSMo 610.021 (2) regarding property. Roll call vote: Mr. Schnelle, YES; Mr. Herington, YES; Mr. Richardson, YES; Mr. Doak, YES; Mr. Weaver, YES and Mr. Mosley, YES – motion carried 6-0-0.
At 7:37 p.m. Mrs. Susan Proffitt, Mrs. Jenny Smith, Mrs. Lisa Schoonover, Mrs. Mary Jo Sawyer, Mrs. Michelle Yocom, Mrs. Ashley Pauley, and Mr. Mike Hostetter left the meeting.
At 8:11 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Doak and seconded by Mr. Weaver to adjourn executive session and re-enter open session Roll call vote: YES; Mr. Schnelle, YES; Mr. Herington, YES; Mr. Richardson, YES; Mr. Doak, YES; Mr. Weaver, YES and Mr. Mosley, YES – motion carried 6-0-0.
At 8:12 p.m. a motion was made by Mr. Richardson and seconded by Mr. Weaver to adjourn the meeting - motion carried 6-0-0.
The next Board of Education Meeting will be held Tuesday, October 20th, 2015 at 6:00 PM.
Mr. Jeremy Mosley Mr. Bobby McCully
Board President Board Secretary