At the Meeting of the Greensville County Industrial Development Authority, held on Wednesday, October 29, 2014, at 5:30 p.m., in the Board Room of the Greensville County Government Building, 1781 Greensville County Circle, Emporia, Virginia.
Present: James Parham, Jr., Chairman
Walter D. Rook, Jr.
Haywood Brown
Len Hobbs
Herbert Lewis
Butler Barrett, Attorney
Also Present: Brenda Parson, Treasurer
Natalie Slate
Denise Banks
Absent: Robin Whitman, Vice-Chairman
Traci Morris
K. David Whittington
Mrs. Slate called the meeting to order.
In Re: Organizational Matters
Mrs. Slate stated that a nomination needed to be made to elect a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, and a Treasurer.
In Re: Chairman
Mrs. Slate opened the floor for nominations of an individual to serve as Chairman.
Mr. Lewis moved, seconded by Mr. Rook, with all voting aye, the appointment of Mr. James Parham, Jr. as Chairman.
In Re: Vice-Chairman
Mr. Parham opened the floor for nominations of an individual to serve as Vice-Chairman.
Mr. Lewis moved, seconded by Mr. Rook, with all voting aye, the appointment of Mrs. Robin Whitman as Vice-Chairman.
In Re: Secretary and Treasurer
Mr. Parham stated that a nomination needed to be made to appoint a Secretary and a Treasurer.
Mr. Lewis moved, seconded by Mr. Rook, with all voting aye, the appointment of Mrs. Natalie Slate as Secretary and Mrs. Brenda Parson as Treasurer.
In Re: Setting of Meeting Times and Dates
Mr. Parham stated that the meeting times and day needed to be established.
Mr. Lewis moved, seconded by Mr. Rook, with all voting ayes, to leave the meeting times and dates as the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
In Re: Approval of Agenda
Mrs. Slate stated that Staff recommended approval of the agenda.
Mr. Brown moved, seconded by Mr. Rook, with all voting aye, to approve the agenda as submitted.
In Re: Approval of Minutes
Mrs. Slate stated that Staff recommended approval of the minutes of September 17, 2014, if no corrections were to be made.
Mr. Lewis moved, seconded by Mr. Hobbs, with all voting aye, to approve the minutes as submitted.
In Re: Treasurer’s Report
Mrs. Slate stated that Mrs. Parson, Treasurer, was available to answer any questions that anyone may have regarding the Treasurer’s Report for September and October 2014.
Mr. Hobbs moved, seconded by Mr. Rook, with all voting aye, to approve the Treasurer’s Report.
In Re: Spruce Creek Option Contract Addendum
Mrs. Slate stated the IDA held two options with Spruce Creek Land and these two parcels are approximately 300 acres each and they were located in the northern part of Jarratt in Greensville County. She stated the land option originally was due to the location being near Boars Head, Georgia Pacific and natural gas making it indicative to clients needing natural gas. She also stated Greensville County Water and Sewer Authority had pursued creating a raw water reservoir in that area. She further stated after doing further searches near the river where an off-site reservoir could be created, Spruce Creek became the top site.
Mrs. Slate stated the reservoir permit had been received from the Army Corps of Engineer and DEQ to build the reservoir. She stated one of the issues faced would be having funding in place which would be two to three years out, minimum. She also stated there was an issue with the Northern Long Eared Bat and the Department of Wildlife felt that this animal needed to be placed on the endangered species list. She further stated that this could possibly affect the ability to remove the timber from the site in the next two to three years.
Mrs. Slate stated the addendum would transfer the options the IDA held on Spruce Creek sites to the Greensville County Water & Sewer Authority (GCWSA) since the GCWSA would eventually buy the site to create the reservoir. She stated the addendum also would allow the trees to be cleared now and if for some the reason the GCWSA did not purchase the land then GCWSA would pay the landowner for the damage of the trees being removed.
Mrs. Slate stated the landowner had requested changes be made to the current addendum. She stated that in order to not have to come back next week, Staff requested that the IDA attorney and the County attorney agree to an addendum to the Option and/or the transfer of the Spruce Creek Options from the IDA to the GCWSA. She also stated that Staff requested approval for the Chairman of the IDA and the Director of GCWSA authority to sign the addendum with Spruce Creek.
Mr. Lewis moved, seconded by Mr. Rook, with all voting aye, to approve Staff recommendation.
In Re: Other Matters
Mrs. Slate stated Staff requested approval of Budget Amendment #15-02. Mrs. Parson stated the $75.00 was for repayment to the IDA. She stated that the IDA inadvertently paid a County bill to the County attorney.
Mr. Hobbs moved, seconded by Mr. Lewis, with all voting aye, to approve Budget Amendment #15-02.
In Re: Adjournment
There being no further business, Mr. Hobbs moved, seconded by Mr. Lewis, with all voting aye, to adjourn the meeting.
Natalie B. Slate, Secretary