DBO PTA Board- Lisa Mezik- President; Dawn Agodini-Vice President, Tiffany Spatola-Treasurer, Suzanne DeWorken- Corresponding Secretary, Maria Halkias- Recording Secretary

Monday, November 7, 2016

Call to Order (Lisa) called to order 7:06

Flag Salute/Welcome (Lisa)

Treasurer’s Report (Tiffany)Second page shows summary of activities.We received a donation from Elite Martial Arts and because of this money we have a net increase. The 5th grade committee has expenses but they have their own budgets. If you have any questions, please let us know.

President’s Report (Lisa)

  • It was wonderful to see so many people at the events last month! Many thanks to KeelenSimurda and the many volunteers who organized such a wonderful event for our school! Thank you to Elite Martial Arts and David Kaye for sponsoring this event!
  • IMPORTANT DATES: No school 11/8, 11/10, 11/11, 11/24, 11/25, 12/26-1/2; Early Dismissal 11/14, 11/16, 11/17, 11/23, 12/7, 12/23; Basketball Hoop Dedication ceremony for Joey and Zaven Tuesday,11/8 at 11am; Family Dinner Week fundraiser 11/14-11/18; Teacher Conferences 11/14 evening, 11/16 evening. 11/17 afternoon; Retakes for School Pictures 11/22; Book Fair 11/29-12/2
  • Fundraising – Yankee Candle sale extended. Catalog orders due 11/14; online orders deadline 12/2
  • DBO PTA Committee Chairs and Volunteers -OPEN CHAIR POSITIONS – EVENTS CURRENTLY AT RISK FOR THIS SCHOOL YEAR!Gertrude Hawk needs a chair. Talent show needs a chair. The annual talent show, a long-standing tradition at DBO, will NOT occur without someone stepping up to chair this event! Think of donating some time to the school; we can have multi co-chairs for this! We need a chair in place by NOVEMBER 30. Please call one of the board members to discuss options. Dawn Agodini also stated that we will send an email out as well. Thank you to Tanya Stevenson (Pancake Breakfast), MaryBeth Ricci (Holiday Shop), and Sharon Toriello (With My Guy/Gal) for committing to chair these events; we really appreciate it!
  • Rockaway Township Focus Committee- formed by our Superintendent, Dr. McGann to discuss school population in response to planned communities to be built in our district. This committee is comprised of members of the each school community (parents, teachers, and administrators) who will meet three times on October 13, October 25, and November 9. I am one of DBO’s representatives. Please let me know if you have any questions.
  • PTA Calendar Updates
  • Monthly Spirit Days - “It’s a Great Day to be a Bee” – wear DBO apparel or DBO Colors (black & yellow) – these will occur on a recurring basis on the LAST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH (11/30 and 12/23)
  • No December PTA meeting
  • Holiday Shop- December 8 and December 9
  • Giving Tree- December 6-16
  • Winter Concert-December 22
  • Family Fitness night- January 6
  • COMMITTEE CHAIR Meeting- January 9, 6:30pm. Please come prepared to give a written update.
  • Next PTA meeting- January 9, 2017 at 7pm

Vice President’s Report (Dawn) Yankee Candle fundraiser was extended. If you order online, you usually your order within a couple of weeks. The distribution list has been completed with all our families. Suzanne will send out a buzz in a couple of weeks and MrMarangon will send out a list as well to make sure that everyone has received our emails and that you are only receiving it one time. By next week we might be able to get the buzz book out. suggests sending out email letting everyone information what the paperwork is for especially for the new parents. Robyn G will speak with her husband about getting the bike donation. Kent international incorporated in Parsippany will donate a bike to the PTA Family Fitness event on January 6th.

Corresponding Secretary Report (Suzanne) (absent)

Recording Secretary Report (Maria)Minutes approved from the October minutes. We have tried to publish the minutes on the new webpage. We are still learning how to do this so please be patient with this process.

Committee Chairs (please attend) – updates on upcoming and post eventsCultural Arts- January 18th Clifford Sunflower. Yearbook- Lisa will send out a link to upload pictures. Please include child’s name and teacher. There will be a few Booster pages for additional messages.

Principal’s Report

  • Reminder that we have our dedicationceremony tomorrow, 11/8 at 11am for any member of the DBO/RT community interestedin coming. It will be a brief ceremony to dedicate the official opening of our new basketball poles/hoops to Joey Clayton and ZavenAbado. It will be held on the back blacktop.
  • Election Day 11/8 = No school for students. Teacher In-Service Day
  • 11/10 and 11/11 = Noschool for students. Teacher's Conference
  • 11/14 = Early Dismissal and Evening Conferences
  • 11/15 = Regular Day
  • 11/16 = Early Dismissal and Evening Conference
  • 11/17 = Early Dismissal and Afternoon Conference
  • 11/18 = Regular Day
  • 11/23 = Early Dimssal for Thanksgiving
  • 11/24 and 11/25 = No school for Thanksgiving.

Teacher’s Report (Teachers/PTA Liaison)We had a very informative bear assembly.

Board of Education Report (Tara Maluszczak)


ADJOURN MEETING (Lisa); 2nd the motion – Adjourned and identify the time of adjournment Meeting Adjourn 7:38 Dawn second the motion