Pupil Premium Plan for 2016-17

Action to take / Date / Cost / Who? / Purpose / Impact
Identify eligible children / By Oct half term / 4 hours admin time / Parents to fill in forms on home visit
Admin to send in forms
Authority to provide list of eligible children / To know which children to target / Children identified earlier and interventions begin sooner.
Parents’ involvement increased at events.
Evidence books, PP parents attendance sheet
Make assessments through observation / By Oct half term / Within normal hours / Group Leaders and support staff / To know the uniqueness of each child / Observations based on barriers to learning recorded and used to inform planning.Learning Journey evidence.
Record attainment / By Oct half term / Within normal hours / Deputy and Group leaders / To have Entry attainment / Entry points recorded
Begin intervention groups / By Oct half term / 30 hours per week
SD - £10639.32 / Deputy and support staff / To support children in necessary skills
STEM challenge for Higher Ability PP children / 14 intervention groups running covering variety of skills and needs. Progress of children is evident. Staff observed to be delivering interventions to a high standard that supports learning across the nursery. (Part of CPD targets)
Record sheets in intervention folder and observations in Learning Journeys
77.1% or more PP children are at age related expectations above in Prime areas
Identify barriers to learning / By end of Nov / 6 hours of deputy time and 6 hours of Group leader time / Deputy and group leaders
Deputy and parents / To understand the needs of the children / Group leaders proactive in identifying and meeting needs of PP children. Record sheets in PP folder
Consult with parents / By end of Nov / 6 hours of Deputy time / To understand further the needs of the children and to support parents in helping their children progress / Parents’ involvement and understanding of child development and early education has increased- see parental feedback sheets (PP folder)
Book presentation / By end of Nov / 3 hours of deputy time / Deputy and parents / To promote lifelong learning / Children delighted with books and talk about their favourite stories- evidence in observations and reading attainment.
Progress for PP children shows 90.3% made expected or more progress in reading. 90.9% for writing
Toileting workshop / By end of Autumn Term / PSA time- 6 hours / PSA and parents / To aid children with toilet training needs / Number of children in nappies decreased throughout the year from 14 to 1 (SEN)
Parent workshop for maths / By end of January 2017 / Cost of speaker
Hire of venue
Refreshments / Parents / To promote mathematical skills in the family and help children to progress / Parents’ involvement and understanding of maths early education has increased- see parental feedback sheets (PP folder, evidence book)
Parent workshop for literacy / By end of January 2017 / Cost of speaker
Hire of venue
Refreshments / Parents / To promote literacy skills in the family and help children to progress / Parents’ involvement and understanding of literacy in early education has increased- see parental feedback sheets (PP folder, evidence book)
All children to attend visit to public library with parents / By end of spring Term 2017 / Parents and children / To promote literacy skills in the family and help children to progress / parents report continued use of library.
Progress for PP children shows 90.3% made expected or more progress in reading. 90.9% for writing
Support for PP parents in applying for Reception school place / By Dec 2017 / Deputy time
PSA time / Parents / To ensure all children have a place for September by supporting access to ICT and using online application process / All children have place for September
Training on attachment awareness / By end of Spring term 2017 / Cost of speaker
Hire of venue
Refreshments / All staff with two staff trained as champions / To identify and support children with unmet attachment needs. To intervene with Relational play and Emotion coaching / Emotion coaching used with identified children. Progress in PSED with SEN support plan.
PSED 90% children made expected or above
Visits out for children with particular interests and needs
Bilston Craft Play
Local walks
Restaurant pizza activity
Theatre performance / Throughout the year / Cost of transport
Cost of entry fee
Cost of staffing / Identified children / To widen experiences to aid progress / Impact on PSED,UW scores from low starting points
People and communities 97% made expected or more progress, 79% for The World
Self confidence and self awareness 80% below on entry to 83% age related on exit
Visitors in reflecting interests, needs and rhythm of year
African drummers
African costume demonstration
Animal Man
Ice cream man
Story Teller
Dental bus
Themed days: Mud day, African day, picnic, cultural parties (Eid, Chinese New Year, Xmas, Divali) / Throughout the year / Cost of visitor
John - £705.00
Books – £324.90
Materials £589.95 / Identified children / To widen experiences to aid progress / Impact on PSED, UW, language scores from low starting points
Language 77.3% below on Entry, 77.1% ARE Exit
We are closing the gap between pupil premium and non pupil premium children when comparing Entry to Exit attainment scores.
Progress is outstanding for most PP children. / N2- 35
Pupil Premium breakdown:
Gender- 15 girls, 20 boys
Pakistani 15, White British 10, Other 10
Higher ability- 2: 1 boy, 1 girl
Number of EYPP / EYPP Income – £11352.60 / EYPP Expenditure – £12259.17
N1 / 6 ( to be checked with Karen) / Base Budget – £906.57
N2 / 32