Section 3: The Spread of Christianity

The Beginning of Christianity

Homework Check

A. Key Terms

Directions: Match the definition on the left with the correct word on the right.

_____ 1.  An apostle whose name meant “rock.”
_____ 2.  Someone who did not believe in the Jewish religion.
_____ 3.  An apostle who traveled in Greece and wrote many epistles to Greek-speaking cities.
_____ 4.  To treat someone unfairly because of their beliefs.
_____ 5.  A heartfelt change in a person’s opinions or beliefs.
_____ 6.  People who are remembered because they were put to death for their beliefs. / a.  martyr
b.  Gentile
c.  persecute
d.  exile
e.  conversion
f.  John the Baptist
g.  Paul
h.  Peter

B. Key Concepts

Directions: Choose the best answer of the given choices.

7.  The earliest Christians were usually people who had believed in:

a.  polytheism.
b.  Judaism. / c.  the Greek religion.
d.  the Babylonian religion.

8.  One way Paul made Christianity different from Judaism was that:

a.  he told Gentiles to ignore the Trinity.
b.  he told Gentiles to worship God and his sons, the Apostles. / c.  he centered Christianity in Rome.
d.  he told Gentiles to ignore some of the Jewish customs.

9.  Which of the following was not a factor in the spread of Christianity?

a.  A complex system of roads made for easy travel.
b.  The peaceful period known as Pax Romana made it safe to travel. / c.  Paul taught people to read wherever he traveled so he could write letters.
d.  Most people in the eastern Roman Empire spoke Greek.

10. Today, Christianity is an umbrella term that includes many variations of Christianity. The first split in Christianity involved:

a.  Lutherans and Catholics.
b.  Latin-speakers and Greek-speakers. / c.  Jews and Christians.
d.  The Pope and King Henry VIII.
Mr. Fredette / Raymond J. Fisher Middle School