Westward Expansion/Manifest Destiny

Study Guide for Quiz on Weds. 9/28

Mexico and Texas

-  1821 Mexico gains independence from Spain

-  Mexico allows Stephen Austin to lead American settlers into Texas

-  By 1830 there were 20,000 Americans in Texas

-  Trouble began when American settlers did not want to worship in Catholic churches or end their practice of slavery.

-  Texans declares their independence

-  Sam Houston led Texas in the war against Mexico and defeated Santa Anna at the battle of San Jacinto on April 21, 1836

-  The Alamo – battle in which 189 Texans (American and Mexican) held out for 12 days against the army of Santa Anna. Gave Sam Houston time to train and organize his army. (martyrs)

-  New country was called the Lone Star Republic

Manifest Destiny

-  Americans started to settle in the New Mexico Territory and California, both areas belonged to Mexico

-  Manifest Destiny was the policy that was used to justify the spreading of Americans across the continent (see the brain storm in your notes)

-  Term Manifest Destiny was coined by John O’Sullivan

-  Election of 1844 James Polk a relatively unknown politician defeated Henry Clay for the Presidency. Polk won because he supported expansion (Manifest Destiny)

War with Mexico

-  March 1845 Texas becomes part of the United States

-  Mexico was angry about Texas being annexed by the United States

-  In 1846 the United States and Mexico go to war

-  By 1848 the U.S. was in control of the New Mexico Territory, California and Mexico City

-  The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848) gave the United States the New Mexico Territory and California in exchange for 15 Million Dollars

-  1853 the U.S. paid 10 million dollars for a strip of land in what is now New Mexico and Arizona called the Gadsden Purchase (This fulfilled the dreams of those who supported Manifest Destiny)

Gold Rush

-  Gold is discovered in California at Sutter’s Mill in 1848

-  The Gold Rush caused thousands of 49ers to head to California and leads to tremendous population growth

-  In 1850, California is admitted to the Union as a state

See other side for other information about the quiz

What else do you need to review for the Manifest Destiny Quiz?

Oregon Trail Activity Sheet

Louisiana Purchase – Handout

Lewis and Clark – Handout and Activity

Manifest Destiny Map - The one you color coded

How much time and effort should be spent preparing for the quiz?

The answer will vary with each student.

At a minimum I would suggest 30 minutes each day and 45 minutes the night before the quiz. Some may be able to prepare in less time and others will have to put in more time.