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Held at the Worcestershire County Cricket Club on

Monday 12 June 2017 from 20:05


Canon Dr Alvyn Pettersen (Chairman).

Ordinary members: Steve Barton, Jim Clatworthy, Saskia Frisby, Alex Hajok, Mike Johnson, Dan Jones, James Mort, Lizzie Nicholls, Chris Phillips, Mark Regan, William Regan, John Slater, Liz Stanton, Bernard Taylor, James Thatcher, Jim Wheeler, Susan Young. [17]

Associate members: Louise Hamilton-Glover, Paul Smith, Stella Smith, Robin Walker, Mark Wilson.

Non-members: Louise Baxter, Ellie Berry, Andrew Brown, Tom Childs, Val Clatworthy, Robert Gurney, Craig Homewood, Linda Pitts, Clive Sheppard, Di Sheppard, Richard Thatcher.

The Chairman opened the meeting at 20:05 with a prayer and the meeting stood in silence remembering David Beacham.

Quorum Check

Over half of the Ordinary members were present so the meeting was declared quorate.

Apologies for Absence

Received from Tom Allan, Ashley Fortey, Andy Hartley, David Jenkins, Roy Mills, John Nicklin, Edd Purslow, Darran Ricks, Gideon White.

Minutes of AGM May 2016

The Minutes of the previous AGM (30 May 2016) were accepted as a true record of that meeting and signed by the Chairman.

Matters Arising

None not covered elsewhere.

Adoption of New Rules

The Chairman advised that the review of the Rules was necessary predominantly for governance (Safeguarding, Health and Safety etc) and good practice in line with the Nolan Principles. All Officer appointments would now be ratified by the Chapter.

He added that the new Rules should in no way affect the welcome that we give to regular and occasional visiting ringers and others.

Mark Regan added that the approach by York Minster in November 2016 also highlighted that the existing Rules were very out of date.

The new Rules evolved through a number of iterations by the Committee and the Chairman, and were approved by the Cathedral Chapter on 25 May 2017.

Steve Barton added that the new Rules also give added protection to the Members regarding health and safety, and safeguarding as the Chapter is ultimately responsible in such matters.

A couple of members queried the effect on their own statuses but the Chairman felt that these should be handled ‘offline’ rather than in the meeting. However it was noted that Rule 9j was specifically included to cover valid exceptions to the attendance requirements.

Election of New Members

The following nine who have been regularly attending Sunday ringing over the past months were all unanimously elected Ordinary members.

Andrew Brown, Tom Childs, Robert Gurney, Craig Homewood, Roy Mills, Linda Pitts, Edd Purslow, Clive Sheppard, Di Sheppard.


The following changes and transfers between membership classes were ratified.

By virtue of attendance:-

Mark Wilson changed from Ordinary to Associate.

There are therefore now 32 Ordinary members and 6 Associate members.

Officers’ Reports

Reports from the Ringing Master, Secretary, Treasurer, Steeple Keeper, Administrator, Cathedral Community Representative and Friends’ Representative had been previously circulated and the following additional points were made.

Mark Regan added particular thanks to the nine new Members for their very regular attendance on Sundays.

The Chairman reported Herr Quast’s delight on hearing that a dedicated quarter-peal had been rung at Worcester Cathedral on 4 August 2016 to mark his retirement as Dean of Magdeburg Cathedral.

Louise Hamilton-Glover reported that the book-binder she (and other ringers) use for the Ringing World binding has advised her that they are ceasing business in March 2018. They have suggested other possible binders (in Birmingham, Bristol and Oxford) but the indicative cost (£70 versus the present £27) appear excessive. She added that there is a company in Ledbury and suggested that this be investigated.

Steve Barton advised that the cash position was presently very low and that care needs to be taken as we cannot overdraw our account with the Cathedral.

Following this, the provisional 2016-17 accounts were agreed.

Next Year’s Budget

Despite the above, no increase in membership subscriptions (£12) was proposed as an increase to say £15 would result in an additional income of only c.£120. The budgets were then agreed.

Regarding training, Mark Regan advised that we would re-start contact with various local schools re recruitment. Specifically a meeting will be held shortly with the new(ish) Head of King’s School before Saskia Frisby leaves, and with Nunnery Wood High School and Bishop Perowne College.

He added that the Saturday morning practices at OSM (and occasionally additionally at Barbourne) are very successful but sometimes over-subscribed; and that we shall have to review how we progress on the various levels that the attendees have achieved.

The Chairman thanked all the Officers for their work and all the ringers for their efforts over the year, and particularly highlighted that the Cathedral Chapter very much appreciate and value the training efforts.

Election of Officers

Ringing Master

Mark Regan was proposed by Chris Phillips, seconded by Saskia Frisby, and elected.

Deputy Ringing Master

John Nicklin was proposed by James Mort, seconded by Steve Barton, and elected (in absentia).


Jim Clatworthy was proposed by Dan Jones, seconded by Chris Phillips, and elected.


Steve Barton was proposed by Bernard Taylor, seconded by William Regan, and elected.

Steeple Keeper

Bernard Taylor was proposed by Chris Phillips, seconded by Steve Barton, and elected.

Training Officer

Although it was agreed at the 2016 AGM that Saskia Frisby should assume the position following her 18th birthday in February 2017, her commitments to university applications and examinations precluded this.

In the absence of other candidates/volunteers, Mark Regan agreed to continue holding the post for another year but he would actively seek out a replacement and involve them in the process throughout this year.

Mark Regan was proposed by Saskia Frisby, seconded by Alex Hajok, and elected.


Susan Young was proposed by Bernard Taylor, seconded by Saskia Frisby, and elected.

Committee Member

Alex Hajok was proposed by Steve Barton, seconded by James Mort, and elected.

Other Elections

Cathedral Community Representative

Louise Hamilton-Glover was proposed by Bernard Taylor, seconded by Mike Johnson, and elected.

Friends’ Representative

Susan Young was proposed by Bernard Taylor, seconded by Steve Barton and elected.

Assistant Steeple Keeper

Chris Phillips questioned, given the amount of work planned, whether more than one Assistant Steeple Keeper should be appointed.

Bernard Taylor was content to co-opt others on a needs basis.

Alex Hajok was proposed by James Mort, seconded by Chris Phillips, and elected.

Craig Homewood volunteered to assist as necessary.

Future Events

Notice was given of the following


01 July RWNYC Birmingham

13 August Barbeque Anne Renshaw’s house

28 August Festival fireworks viewing

?? December Christmas party – to be confirmed

31 December New Year’s party in the tower


? Formal Dinner

Any Other Business

Chris Phillips suggested some other possible events/activities including a rounders match, entering the Dragon Boat race or a local tug-of-war and an outing to a ‘flagship’ tower.

Saskia Frisby opined that there is divided opinion about what sort of extracurricular events are desirable.

Whilst welcoming the ideas, history suggests that such events are not always well-supported ‘on the day’ despite previous expressions of interest. Mark Regan specifically reminded the meeting that a previous trip to London to ring at St Paul’s Cathedral was embarrassingly under-supported on the day.

The Committee will consider the ideas but members should only agree to them if they are willing to commit and keep the dates free.

Date of 2018 AGM

To be advised.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 20:50 with a prayer.

Jim Clatworthy


Confirmed as a true record
