Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program

Progress Report

Agency Name:
Contact Person:
Phone Number: / Date Submitted:
Grant: / (Select Grant)2016 PCNFS2017 PCNFS2018 PCNFS2019 PCNFS2020 PCNFS2021 PCNFS2022 PCNFS / Grant Period:
Grant Number: / Reporting Period: / (Select Period)Jan. 1 to Jun. 30July 1 to Sept 30July 1 to Dec. 31Jan. 1 to May 31

Performance Metrics

At the beginning of the grant period, (January 1), the number of days between submission of a sample to a forensic science laboratory and delivery of test results to a requesting office or agency.
*This number should remain the same throughout the grant period. / Days
At the end of this reporting period, the number of days between submission of a sample to a forensic science laboratory and delivery of test results to a requesting office or agency. / Days
At the end of this reporting period, the change in the number of days between submission of a sample to a forensic science laboratory and delivery of test results to a requesting office or agency. / (Select)DecreaseIncrease / Days
Number of backlogged cases at the beginning of the grant period (January 1).
*This number should remain the same throughout the grant period.
At the end of this reporting period, the number of backlogged cases.
The number of backlogged forensic cases analyzed with Coverdell funds (if applicable to the grant) in this reporting period. / n/a
Number of medical examiner personnel attending training programs in this reporting period. / 0
Number of forensic science personnel attending training in this reporting period.


Please provide any additional information for your agency regarding success cases or increased knowledge as a result of training funded under this grant. If needed, you may use this section to justify or explain any of the data indicated above, especially your agency’s definition of a backlogged case.

NOTE: NIJ considers a backlogged case to be anything submitted and pending for at least 30 days. Therefore, their definition and your definition may not be the same. NIJ uses the 30-day rule but actually counts the backlog period starting from the date of submission. For example, a case that has been submitted and un-worked for 15 days would not be considered a backlog yet, but a case that has been submitted and un-worked for 45 days would be considered a backlog of 45 days.)


Please indicate any allegation of serious negligence as well as serious misconduct referred to an independent external entity for this reporting period. Such allegations would have substantially affected the integrity of the forensic results committed by employees or contractors of any forensic laboratory system that receives a portion of the grant amount.

Indicate the following:

1) Number and nature of allegation

2) General information about the referral (e.g. name of entity and date referred)

3) Outcomes of the referral (e.g. remediation, suspension, termination)

If an allegation was not responded to, you must indicate the reasoning. Forward additional pages if necessary.

DPS 7/16