Southwest Licking School District

Literature Selection Review

Teacher: 7th Reading Miss Shuppe

School: Watkins Middle School

Book Title: Spirit Seeker

Genre: Mystery

Author: Joan Lowery Nixon

Pages: 197 pages

Publisher: Random House Children’s Books

Copyright: April 1997

In a brief rationale, please provide the following information relative to the book you would like added to the school’s book collection for classroom use. You may attach additional pages as needed.

Book Summary and summary citation: (suggested resources include book flap summaries, review summaries from publisher, book vendors, etc.)

Holly Campbell's life has suddenly become a newspaper-headline nightmare. Her friend Cody's parents have just been found murdered, and Cody is the prime suspect. Even Holly's father, the police detective in charge of the investigation, thinks Cody is guilty. Holly knows she must help her friend. Will a mysterious psychic help her solve the case and prove Cody's innocence?

From Barnes and Noble Website

Provide an instructional rationale for the use of this title, including specific reference to the curriculum map(s): (Curriculum maps may be referenced by grade/course and indicator number or curriculum maps with indicators highlighted may be attached to this form)

It will be used to cover the following standards:

1. Identify the elements of plot and establish a connection between an element and a future event.

2. Analyze the importance of setting.

3. Describe and analyze the elements of character development.

4. Demonstrate comprehension by inferring themes, patterns and symbols.

5. Identify similarities and differences of various literary forms and genres.

6. Differentiate between the points of view in narrative text.

Include two professional reviews of this title: (a suggested list of resources for identifying professional reviews is shown below. Reviews may be “cut and pasted” (with citation) into the form or printed reviews may be attached to the form)

Review #1
Children's Literature - Mary Sue Preissner

Holly Campbell sets out to prove that her boyfriend did not murder his parents, though the whole town and her father (the chief police investigator of the crime) believe that Cody Garnett is guilty. Once again, Nixon draws the reader into another page-turning mystery, complete with injustice, perseverance, danger, and a mysterious psychic. Nixon also adeptly presents a multifaceted story, wherein the solving of the mystery also resolves an internal conflict of the protagonist.

Review #2

The ALAN Review - Nicholas J. Karolides

When Holly Campbell recognizes that her detective father believes that Cody Garnett, her friend, is the prime suspect in the murder of his parents, she sets out to prove him innocent. Determined, she follows leads that seem to lead nowhere, but the evidence points to him as does his behavior. With the help of a clairvoyant, she begins to get inside the case. Mainly she depends on herself; but, in an unexpected way, seeking the spirits helps Holly discover the villain. He tracks her and Cody and clearly is willing to commit a second double murder. Holly will not quite take on the mantle of Nancy Drew, but she makes a good try. The pace of the novel is fast, perhaps too fast, not allowing for the build-up of clues and counter-clues. Holly's investigative ingenuity is not fully tested. On balance, the text provides a degree of reality in Holly's behavior. Young middle schoolers will be the prime audience for Spirit Seeker.

What alternate text(s) could also fulfill the instructional requirements?

Title: Sherlock Holmes Author: Arthur Conan Doyle

Title: Miss Marple Series Author: Agatha Christie

Document any potentially controversial content:

Mention of death and murder

Keeping in mind the age, academic level, and maturity of the intended reader, what is the suggested classroom use: (check all that apply)

This book will be used to cover the mystery genre of literature. Students will be analyzing characters, setting, theme, climax, plot, point of view, and other story elements. Students will also be using the clues of the mystery to infer and predict the outcome of the book.



Reading level of this title (if applicable): Young Adult

Date Submitted to Website: Fall 2011

Suggested Professional Literary Review Sources:

School Library Journal
Horn Book
Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books
VOYA (Voice of Youth Advocates)
Library Journal
Book Links
Publisher's Weekly
Kirkus Review
Wilson Library Catalog
English Journal (and other resources of the National Council of Teachers of English)
The Reading Teacher (International Reading Association)
Literature for Today’s Young Adults