Several parties united, at least some by prearrangement, to make up Kennedy Company.

Wapello Co, IA Party

Bovee Family (HScott journal)

Bovee, George

From Jefferson Co, no state given (McClung 1977:D-6).

From Batavia, Wapello Co, IA (RScott journal ).

Died on Oregon Trail, 1862 July 4 just east of Independence Rock

when his gun accidentally discharged (HScott journal).

Bovee, Mrs (HScott journal)

Bovee children:

son 5-6 years


Glenn Family

Headed for Salmon River mines but went to The Dalles; 1864 Dry Creek, Ada County, ID.

Glenn, John M.

Died 1877; buried Dry Creek Cemetery Ada Co, ID (Hawley :483).

Glenn, Elizabeth Thompson

Died 1893; buried Dry Creek Cemetery Ada Co, ID (Hawley :483).

Glenn, children of John M. Glenn and Elizabeth Thompson:

John T., age 14

Born 1848 Dec 25, Wapello Co, lA (Hawley

Married Nancy Keeney

Member of the advance guard (Hawley :483).

McClung, John Scott

From Dahlonega, Wapello Co, IA, leaving there 1862 April 24 (McClung 1977:xiii,1). Met at The Dalles by Uncle John Scott, suggesting the possibility of a relationship to Scott brothers


Died, age 48, mining accident, Butte MT (Ed.McClung

Journal 1977:np).

Henry M. Judson speaks od this as the Newbern Colony.

Newman Family

From Wapaloo, IA (Judson journal Aug 11; Swasley in Webber 1987:36).

May be members of Newman train, with Kennedy train the day they came to the aid of Adams and Smart parties or may have traveled with Kennedy Company as a separate Party. Possibly captain of Newman train.

Newman, Tom (Hattie Barns in in HScott journal).

Died 1862 Aug 10 near Massacre Rocks, Power Co.ID, in battle

with Indians for recovery of stock taken day before (HScott


Newman, Tom Mrs.

Newman, children of Tom Newman and wife:

5 children (Margaret Stoot reminiscences).

Paul Party - Fremont, Mohaska Co, IA

Joseph Paul, captain. Left Fremont, Mahaska Co. IA April 24 (HScott journal). Camped and waited for Kennedy Party by prearrangement. Problem with date.

Beck, Lewis

Left with Fremont IA Party (RScott journal).

Cummins Family

From Mahaska Co. IA leaving home 1862 April 19 (Irwin nd:1).

Not known to be members of this party and left home on a different date but placed here because of relationships and mentioned several times by Scott brothers. Joined Culberson Train July 31 (McClung 1977:G-6).

Cummins, Robert (Hattie Barns in HScott journal;

McClung 1977:G-6)

Nephew of Mary Cummins Paul (Irwin nd:1).

Judge of wagon train (Irwin nd:2).

Born 1830 April 27 Monroe Co, WV, son of Woodson Cummins

(Irwin nd:1).

Married Lucretia Meyers 1851 May 12 (Irwin nd:1).

Died 1915 May 8 Toucheet, Walla Walla Co,WA (Irwin nd:1).

Cummins, Lucretia Meyers

Cummins, children of Robert Cummins and Lucretia Meyers:

oldest child (Irwin nd:1).

Woodson (Irwin nd:1).

3 younger children (Irwin nd:1).

Jones, Lem

With Fremont IA Party (RCScott journal typescript:1).

Miller Family (Hattie Barns in HScott journal)

From Fremont, Mohaska Co, IA. Drove wagon with ox team in beginning, a horse and a cow in end. Settled in Umatilla Co. OR (Oregon Pioneers 1937; 17,188-9; HScott journal).

Not known to be members of this party but placed here because from Fremont.

Miller, Abram/Augustus - Abe

Born 1836 April 30 Cambridge, Henry Co. IN (Oregon Pioneers

1937:188-9; Roll Call 1970:274.

Married Nancy Moore 1859, Libertyville IA (Oregon Pioneers

1937:188-9)/1860 Jan 1 (Roll Call 1970:274).

Died 1913 (Oregon Pioneers 1937:17,188-9).

Died 1912 May 31; buried Pilot Rock Cemetery, Umatilla Co. OR

(YesterdayÕs Roll Call 1970:274).

Miller, Nancy Moore

Born 1840 May 11 (YesterdayÕs Roll Call 1970:214).

Married Abram Miller 1859, Libertyville IA (Oregon

Pioneers 1937:188-9)/1860 Jan 1 (YesterdayÕs Roll

Call 1970:274).

Died 1890 Jan 17/1891 Feb 17. Buried Pilot Rock

Cemetery, Umatilla Co. OR (YesterdayÕs Roll Call


Miller, children of Abram Miller and Nancy Moore:

Austa / Austie A.

Married John Arrasmith (Oregon Pioneers 1937: 17,188-9).

Charles E.

Died 1884 March 9, age 21 years, 1 month, 12 days; buried Pilot

Rock Cemetery, Umatilla Co, OR (YesterdayÕs Roll Call



Born 1868 (YesterdayÕs Roll Call 1970:274).

Died 1897.Buried Pilot Rock Cemetery, Umatilla Co. OR

(YesterdayÕs Roll Call 1970:274).


From Fremont, Mahaska Co, IA, leaving there May 1. Went to Walla Walla, WA area and settled on Dry Creek (HScott journal).

Paul, Joseph, Captain Paul Party at beginning of trip (Hattie Barns in HScott journal)

Born about 1806, WV (Hines 1894).

Married Mary Cummings 1824 Aug 25 (Hines 1894).

Died spring of 1885, age 79 (Hines 1894).

Paul, Mary Cummins - Polly

Born 1805 Dec 7, Monroe Co, VA, daughter of Robert Cummins

and Delphia Ballard (Hines 1894; Marjorie Miles).

Married Joseph Paul 1824 Aug 25 (Marjorie Miles).

Died 1887 Feb 13, Walla Walla, WA (Hines 1897; Marjorie Miles).

Paul, children of Joseph Paul and Mary Cummings:

Mercy - seen Mrs. Paul Zaring below

Thomas - see below

John Paul, deceased. Wife, Ellen, married John G. McGuire. See

that family for children.

Paul, Thomas, Rev. (HScott journal)

3rd Lt. of Kennedy Company (McClung 1977:B-1).

Pastor of Kennedy Train.

Born 1828 Dec 19, Monroe Co, ?, son of Joseph Paul and Mary

Cummings (Hines 1894).

Married 1. Elizabeth Mortimore 1849 (Hines 1894).

Married 2. Susan Ellis Zaring 1863 (Hines 1894).

Died 1904 Sept 29, age 75 (ts; Marjorie Miles).

Erroneously reported killed 1852 Oct 28, see Weber in Gould 1987:34.

Paul, Elizabeth Mortimore

Born c1830 IN (Hines 1894).

Married Thomas Paul 1849 (Hines 1894)

Died in childbirth, 1862 July 27 on Oregon Trail near Wagner Pass.

Buried there (HScott journal; Merrill1988:76,182)

Paul, children of Thomas Paul and Elizabeth Mortimore:

Louisa Jane, age 12

Born 1849, IA (1870 Federal Census WA, Walla Walla Co;

Marjorie Miles).

Mary Melvina

Born 1851 (Marjorie Miles)

Married Reason W. Doke (Hines 1894; Marjorie Miles).

Isaac Edwin, age 7

Born c1853 IA (1870 Federal Census WA, Walla Walla Co;

Marjorie Miles).

Married 1. Amanda Cope (Marjorie Miles).

Married 2. Elisheba Wood (Marjorie Miles).

Harriet Eleanor

Born c1854 IA (1870 Federal Census WA, Walla Walla Co;

Marjorie Miles).

Married J. Leanard Reed (Hines 1894; Marjorie Miles).

Martha Alice - Patsy

Born 1856 (Marjorie Miles)

Married George W. Stowell (Hines 1894).

Lucinda Arletta, age 2

Born 1860 IA (1870 Federal Census WA, Walla Walla Co;

Marjorie Miles).

Married James K/H Storey (Hines 1894).


Born on Oregon Trail 1862 July 25 (HScott Journal)

Died on Oregon Trail 1862 Aug 3, LaneÕs Grove near GrayÕs

Lake, ID (Merrill 1988:76,1820.

Rayburn, Mary

Traveling with Paul family to join brother in OR.

Scott - possibly brothers or cousins, or possibly father and sons) (HScott journal)

From Fremont, Mahaska Co., IA. Began journey April 24, headed for Eastern Oregon mines (HScott journal; RCScott Journal).

Scott, Hamilton

May have driven a horse team, see July 31.

Scott, Wilson (HScott journal)

Scott, Robert C. (RCScott journal:1).

According to the title of his journal he traveled by ox team.

Zaring Family (Hattie Barns in Scott journal)

From Fremont, Mahaska Co. IA. Settled near Walla Walla, Washington on Dry Creek (HScott Journal).

Zaring, Alvin

Married Mercy Paul shortly before crossing plains (Louisa J. Paul


Zaring, Mercy Paul

Youngest daughter of Joseph Paul and Mary Cummings (Louisa J.

Paul reminiscences).

Married Alvin Zeroing shortly before crossing plains (Louisa J.

Paul reminiscences).

Zaring, Susan Ellis

Born c1831, VA (Hines 1894).

Married 1. Eli Zaring 1851, died c1860 (Hines 1894; Sarah Zaring


Married 2. Thomas Paul 1863 (Hines 1894).

Died 1916 May 7, age 85 (ts)

Zaring, children of Eli Zaring and Susan Ellis:


Almost certainly on trip but no mention found yet (Marjorie Miles).

Sarah Alice

Born c1856, IA (1870 Federal Census WA, Walla Walla Co).

Married Joshua A Howard (Hines 1894).

August Alverna - Vernie

Died at age 5 (Louisa J. Paul reminiscences).

Ellis Family (Hattie Barns in HScott journal)

Ellis, Ellis Ebenezer (HScott journal)

Born 1836 June 13, Hampshire Co. VA, son of David Ellis and

Sarah Jane Farmer (IGS #430).

Married Eliza Jane Zaring 1859 Oct 13, Mahaska Co.IA (IGS


Died 1920 Dec 4, Spokane, Spokane Co. WA; buried Pleasant

Prairie (IGS #430).

Ellis, Eliza Jane Zaring

Sister of Alvin Zaring (Marjorie Miles).

Born 1832 Oct 21, IN (IGS #430).

Married Ellis E. Ellis 1859 Oct 13, Mahaska Co, IA (IGS #430).

Died 1909 May 10, Pleasant Prairie, Spokane Co, WA (IGS #430).

Ellis, children of Ellis E. Ellis and Eliza Jane Zaring:

Charles Francis (Marjorie Miles)

Born on Oregon Trail, 1862 July 13 on LanderÕs Cutoff,

Sweetwater River (IGS #430; HScott journal). Ò- a big baby

boy- (RCScott journal:8).

Married Margaret Lee Culbertson 1887 Dec 4, Dayton, Columbia

Co. WA (IGS #430).

Died 1911 Nov 3, Walla Walla, Walla Walla Co, WA (IGS #430).

Ellis, Sarah Jane Farmer

Mother of Ellis E. Ellis. Died in Walla Walla so possibly

accompanied her son (Marjory Miles).

Kennedy Party

No information on make up of this party but probably captained by Kennedy . Names placed here are thoes from Mahaska Co. IA of unknown party affiliation.

Kennedy left May 5, 5 days later than Fremont Party.

Arthing (Hattie Barns in HScott journal).

From Fremont, Mahaska County, IA ( HScott journal).

Samuel George Ellis Family

May have traveled with Ellis family above but placed here because never mentioned by Scott brothers so probably not traveling near them.

Ellis, Samuel George

Born 1832 Sept 21, Hancock Co., IN (McCarley notes).

Married Rhoda Ann Kennedy 1856 May 8, Oskaloosa, Mahaska

Co. IA (McCarley notes).

Died 1904 Feb 8 (McCarley notes).

Ellis, Rhoda Ann Kennedy

Born 1836 April 15, IN (McCarley notes).

Married Samuel George Ellis 1856 May 8, Oskaloosa, Mahaska

Co. IA (McCarley notes).

Died 1904 Feb 6, Walla Walla WA (McCarley notes).

Ellis, children of Samuel George Ellis and Rhoda Ann Kennedy:

Sarah Francis

Born 1857 Aug 31 (McCarley notes).

Died 1858 Sept 12, IA (McCarley notes).

John Morris

Born 1859 June 23 (McCarley notes).

Died 1924 March 13 (McCarley notes).

Mary Rosetta

Born 1861 Dec 24 (McCarley notes).

Died 1918 April 27 (McCarley notes).

Estella Olive

Born 1865 Feb 21 (McCarley notes).

Died 1892 Nov 19 (McCarley notes).

Clara Jane

Born 1867 April 1 (McCarley notes).

Died 1932 Jan 18 (McCarley notes).

Robert William

Born 1869 Sept 4 (McCarley notes).

Died 1920 Jan 13, Seattle, King Co. WA (McCarley notes).

Lucia Elva

Born 1874 May 8 (McCarley notes).

Died 1874 Oct 21, Dayton, Walla Walla Co. WA (McCarley



Born 1875 Oct 26, Dayton, Columbia Co., WA (McCarley


Died 1878 March 22, Dayton, Columbia Co. WA (McCarley


Grace Estine

Born 1879 Aug 25 (McCarley notes).


Destination La Grande OR. Settled Baler OR, home burned 1864; moved to Walla Walla WA (McCarley notes).

His family had one or more wagons, at least one drawn by mules. At beginning of trip, his daughters had saddle horses.

Kennedy, John Knox, Captain

Captain of Kennedy Company. Crossed plains three times before; served in Mexican War in 1847; 1849 CA gold rush; 1857 / 1859 visited son Robert who went west in 1857 (McCarley notes).

Born 1811 May 29, Greene Co, TN, son of Samuel Kennedy and

Frankey (McCarley notes).

Married 1. Sarah Steele - Sally, daughter of James E. Steele and

Sarah Reeves, 1830 Oct 7. She died 1845 Aug in Morgan IL

(McCarley notes).

Married 2. Sarah McGuire Stoot 1849 April 19, Wappela IA (Marjory

Miles notes).

Died 1889 June 26, Walla Walla WA. Buried Veterans Cemetery,

Waitsburg WA (McCarley notes).

Sarah McGuire Stoot Kennedy

Sister of John G. McGuire (Ellen Paul reminiscences).

Midwife for company (MAStoot & Martha McGuire reminiscences).

Born KY (McCarley notes).

Married 1. John Stoot

Married 2. John K. Kennedy 1849 April 19, Wapala Co.,IA

(McCarley notes).

Buried Veterans Cemetery, Waitsburg WA (McCarley notes).

Kennedy, children of John K. Kennedy and Sarah Steele:

James S.

Born 1831 July 22, Greene Co.TN (McCarley notes).

Died 1846 Oct 13, Near Pony Creek, Santa Fe Trail, killed by

Indians (McCarley notes).

Frankey Jane

Born 1833 Nov 12, Hancock Co.IN (McCarley notes).

Died Morgan Co. IL, unmarried (McCarley notes).

Rhoda Ann - see Ellis above

Robert Eakin

Went west in 1850s.

Born 1838 Dec 7 (McCarley notes).

Never married (McCarley notes).

Died 1878 June 11, Walla Walla WN (McCarley notes).

Mary Elizabeth

Born 1842 May 25, Morgan Co. IL (McCarley notes).

Married Alfred Lansom Allison 1862 Dec 25, son of William

Allison and Rebecka Elya in Grande Ronde, Baker Co OR

(McCarley notes).

Died 1895 June 5 (McCarley notes).

Stoot daughters of John Stoot and Sarah McGuire:

A son of this marriage not mentioned as being on this trip.

Susanna / Susan Jane

Married Tim Neeley in Washington, a double wedding with sister

Mary above (MAStoot reminiscences).

Cassie Elizabeth

Married John Caviness 1863 (MAStoot reminiscences).

Margaret A.

Born 1846 March IA (MAStoot reminiscences).

Married 1. Wash Ewing, 1864 June 9, La Grande, OR.

Married 2. F.W. Thiel (MAStoot reminiscences).

Kennedy, children of John Knox Kennedy and Sarah McGuire:


Stillborn in IA (McCarley notes).

John Henry Cornelius

Born 1850 April 1, Wapple IA (McCarley notes).

McGuire Family

From Fremont, Mohaska Co. IA. Drove 2 wagons with ox teams & 1 wagon with mule team, with cows for change off. Settled near Walla Walla, WA on Russell Creek (Louisa J. Paul reminiscences).

McGuire, John Garrett (HScott journal).

Brother of Sarah McGuire Kennedy. Mentioned as organizer of Kennedy Company and its 2nd Lt.(McClung 1977:B-1).

Born KY (1870 Federal Census WA, Walla Walla Co).

Married: 1. Martha Kirkpatrick, died 1856 May 8 (Marjorie Miles).

Married 2. Mary Jane Fitzsimmins (1870 Federal Census, WA,

Walla Walla Co; Marjorie Miles notes).

McGuire, Mary Jane Fitzsimmons

Aunt of Martha Jane McGuireÕs future husband (Marjorie Miles).

Married: 1. John Paul, who died about 1850

2. John Garrett McGuire about 1853 (Ellen Paul


McGuire, children of John G. McGuire and Martha Kirkpatrick (Marjorie Miles):

William Harvey

Born 1843 April 14 (Marjorie Miles)

19 years old and probably on trip but no mention of him found


Saloman Anderson

Born 1846 Oct 8 (Marjorie Miles)

16 years old and probably on trip but no mention found of him


Mary Elizabeth/Lizzie

Born 1849 March 9 (Marjorie Miles)

Martha Jane, age 10.

Born 1852 Nov 14, Ottumwa, Wapello Co,IA,

(Marjorie Miles)

Married Charles Wesley Fitzsimmons, 1875 Nov 7, Walla Walla,

WA (Martha McGuire reminiscences; Marjorie Miles).

Paul children, daughters of John Paul and Mary Jane Kirkpatrick (Marjorie Miles):

Mary Elizabeth/Lizzie

Born 1849/1850 Oct 4 Mahaska Co, IA (clipping - no citation),

Married Samuel R. Maxson, 1864 July 18 (clipping - no citation).

Died 1946 April 12, age 94, Walla Walla, WA (clipping - no


Luellen-Ellen, age 10.

Born 1852 Nov 24, Dahlonga, IA (Ellen Paul Remaniscences).

Married John J. Garlington (Ellen Paul Reminiscences).


Born about 1854, IA (1870 Federal Census WA, Walla Walla Co).

Married A.B. Robley (Ellen Paul Reminiscences; Marjorie Miles).

McGuire, son of John Garrett McGuire and Mary Jane Fitzsimmons (Marjorie Miles):

John Wesley, age 2.

Born 1859 Oct 17, IA (Martha McGuire Reminiscences; 1870

Federal Census, WA, Walla Walla Co; Marjorie Miles).

Taylor Family

From Mahaska Co, IA. 2 covered wagons with ox teams and 2 hired hands, not identified (Hattie Barns in HScott journal); HScott journal; Olsen nd).

Taylor, Ephram

Married Nancy (Olsen nd).

Taylor, Nancy

Married Ephram Taylor

Taylor, children of Ephram and Nancy:

son, age 9

Christena - Teen, age 5

Born about 1857 (Olsen nd)

Married J.M. Chambers in 1873 (Olsen nd).

6 more children

Jasper County Party

Joined Paul Party April 27 in Monroe, Jasper Co, IA (RCScott journal:3). More people in this group but not identified yet.

DeLong, William (Hattie Barns in HScott journal; HScott journal)

Tool, John (RCScott journal:3).

Townsend Family (Hattie Barns in Scott journal)

From Monroe, Jasper Co, IA. Drove wagon with ox team, had a hired man with them (Hattie Barns in HScott journal); HScott journal).

Townsend, Mr

Townsend, Nancy (McClung 1977:G-6).

Died on Oregon Trail 1862 Aug 3, run over by family wagon during

stampede (HScott journal).

Townsend children:

boy, age 18 months (Margaret A. Stoot reminiscenc.).

3 years old (McClung 1977:G-7).

2 year old girl (Gould).

Recorded as traveling with Kennedy Company at one time or another.

Algoods (Hattie Barns in HScott journal)

The s on the end of the name may indicate this was a family.

Bailey Family

May belong with Raley Outfit (Goldie Mae Raley Caviness). Ò-who had crossed the plains with us in 1862Ó (Raley in Oregon Pioneers 1937:17).

Settled in Milton; Umatilla County, OR (Raley in Oregon Pioneers 1937:17).

Bailey, George W. (Hattie Barns in HScott journal)



Born 1819 Nov 1 (YesterdayÕs Roll Call 1970:227).

Died 1886 Feb 19; buried Olney (Pendelton City)

Cemetery, Umatilla Co, OR (YesterdayÕs Roll Call 1970:227).

Bailey, Elizabeth (Goldie Mae Raley Caviness).

Died 1893 Oct 10. Buried Olney (Pendelton City)

Cemetery, Umatilla Co, OR (YesterdayÕs Roll Call 1970:227).

Bailey, children of George W. Bailey and Elizabeth:

3 children (Goldie Mae Raley Caviness). 2 sons, 2 daughters (Oregon Pioneers 1937:3).


Eldest daughter (YesterdayÕs Roll Call 1970:227).

Died 1869 Feb 3, age 16 years, 3 months, 16 days; buried

Pioneer Cemetery, Pendelton, Umatilla Co. OR. Thought to be

1st burial there (Oregon Pioneers 1937:3; DeSpain in

YesterdayÕs Roll Call 1970:227).


Married William Jones (Oregon Pioneers 1937:3).

Douglass (Oregon Pioneers 1937:3).

Bailey, Tim (HScott journal)

Bailey, Mrs. Tim (HScott journal)

Bailey children:


Born 1862 June 17 a days travel west of Chimney Rock, on

Oregon Trail (HScott journal).

Bowell Family

Bowell, Tim (Hattie Barns in HScott journal)

Bowell, Mrs


Bowman (Hattie Barns in HScott Journal)

Clark, Fred (Goldie Mae Raley Caviness).

Clark, Fred Mrs. (Goldie Mae Raley Caviness).

Clark, infant (Goldie Mae Raley Caviness).

Collins, Dr. D.Y. (McClung 1977:C-4)

Physician for wagon train.

Had a driver but his name not known.

No family. Wagon with fine team (McGuire reminiscences).

Cassaday/Sassaday, AJ

May be of Bristol Company, statement ambiguous (McComas journal).

Coons, W.H. (McClung 1977:B-4).

Creamer, J.W.

Orderly Sergent of Kennedy Company (McClung 1977:B-1).

Culberson/Cubberson, Ed, Rev.

Lt. Orderly of Kennedy Company (McClung 1977:F-2). Captain of splitter company after Green River, July 20.

Cummire, Jornduff R.

Justice of the Peace of Kennedy Company (McClung 1977:B-1).

Cunningham (Hattie Barns in HScott journal)

Deitrich (Hattie Barns in HScott journal)

Dole (Hattie Barns in HScott journal)

Dunn, James

An Irish Canadian (Adkinson in Nelson 1990:187).

Party not known.