

1370 Colonial Road

Memphis, TN 38117

Phone (901) 416-8980

Fax (901) 416-8996

Principal: Marty Pettigrew

Assistant Principal: Joshua Dixon, Ed.S.

Assistant Principal: Dr. Suzanne Brown

(Updated 8-5-15)



This handbook represents a good faith effort to present you, in writing, the policies, expectations, and procedures for faculty members at Colonial Middle School. Additions and amendments may be given to you during the school year when change is deemed necessary. The administration assumes that each faculty member will follow the guidelines outlined in this handbook. Please keep your handbook and refer to it throughout the year.

(Updated 8-5-15)

Table of Contents

SCS Vision (Destination 2025), Mission & Strategic Goals…………………………………………………………………………………………...5

Colonial Mission……….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………….………….5

Colonial’s Vision, & Beliefs……………….……………………………………………………………………….………………………………………6

Faculty Day, Faculty Information, Smoking, & Faculty Absence, Substitute Folders..……….……………………………..…………….……7

Faculty Meetings, Professional Development, Professional Conduct & Responsibility, ………………………………………….………..….8

Faculty Dress, Name Badges, Safety Discretion, & Liability, Media ……………………………………………………………………….….…8-9

Copiers, Instructional Funds, Instructional Materials, Media Center,…………………………………………………………………………..….9

Mobile Computer Lab, Board Films & Videos, …………………………………………..…………………………………………………………9

Showing Movies Email, Classroom Environment, Wall Displays (Student Work), ……………………………………..………………….…10

White Board Protocol Monthly Newsletter, Maintenance,……………………………………,…………………………………………………….11

Announcements, Workbooks Requisitions, Financial Procedures Financial Procedures……………………………………………………12

Student Attendance Record (Steps to follow)………………………………………………………………………………………………………..13

Excused Absences) ,Student Attendance Record (Unexcused Absences, Tardies) …………………………………………………………14

Reporting Student Progress Promo. & Retention of Students, Student Records, Confidentiality of Student Records, ……………..…15

Counseling Services, Spec. Ed, Procedure for Receiving New Students, Field Trips, Out of Town Trips ……………………….….…….16

Visitors, Dismissal from School, Metal Detectors, Grading & Assessment, Conduct Grades…………………..……………..…………....17

Parent Contact Log, Homework, Lesson Plans/ Syllabus………………………………………….……………………………….………….…..18

Teacher’s Use of Technology, Teachers Who Build Strong Readers & Writers, Formal Evaluations, …………………………….………19

Certification Maintenance, PTSA, Courtesy Club Fund, Parking, Phone Use, Records & Record Keeping, …………………………….20

Records & Record Keeping, Responsibility Outside the Classroom, Student Expectations………………………….……………………20

Student Behavior …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………….21

Disciple Plan, Rules, Procedures……………………………………………… …….…………………………………………….…..…...……..23-24

Disciplinary Actions………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……….………23-25

Discipline Actions, Referrals, Classroom Interventions, Discipline Hints……….……………………………………………………….25-27

Classroom Management Ideas & Procedures, The First Day of School…………….……………………………...…………………….....28-29

Syllabus, Grade Level/Team Meetings, Testing, Hall Passes, School Compact, Star Assessment………… ………….……....…….29-30

Sports & Club Sponsors, Textbooks, MCS Board Policies, Emergency Procedures………………………………………..……………30-31

Crisis Intervention Plan…………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………..31-33

Prohibitions Against Sexual Harassment…………………………………………………………………………………..…………...…………...33

PLC Meeting Record (Sample) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……….....34-35

Syllabus Template ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……….-35-36

CLIP EXPECTATIONS……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………37

TNReady Blueprint Information……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………37-39

Grade & Conduct Notification Form …………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………...40

CMS Duty Roster………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….41-43

CMS Team Roster……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…44

CMS Email Addresses……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ….…..…..45

CMS Detention Protocol…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...…...46

Detention Information Form …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……….47

Administrative Team Areas of Responsibility (POW)….…………………………………………………………………………………..…..48-50

CMS Metal Detection/Drills Schedule………………………………………………………………………………………………..……..…...... 51

Important Dates………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….52

SCS Attendance/Report Card Periods…(will provide when available)…….………………………………………………………………….53

Destination 2025

SCS Mission

Preparing all students for success in learning, leadership and life.

SCS Vision Statement

Goals have been established to ensure that, by the year 2025, 80% of Shelby County Schools students are career and college ready, 90% of students graduate from high school and 100% of students who graduate will enroll in a post-secondary learning opportunity.


·  Accelerate the academic performance of all students


·  Establish a holistic accountability system that evaluates the academic, operations and fiscal performance of the school district


·  Build and strengthen family and community partnerships to support the academic and character development of all schools


·  Create a schools community that listens to student input, promote student leadership and healthy youth development


·  Maintain a positive, safe and respectful environment for all students and staff


·  Create a school community that is sensitive and responsive to the need of an increasingly diverse population

Colonial’s Mission

The Mission of Colonial Middle School is to create high levels of learning as the norm at each grade level through a creative and performing arts curriculum, which emphasizes good citizenship, collaboration, and results in a safe learning community.

Colonial’s Vision

Colonial Middle School provides an environment of cultural and creative diversity. All students, as lifelong learners, are challenged to develop the skills necessary to reach higher academic levels and to become productive citizens.

Colonial’s Beliefs

Colonial Middle School believes in a collaborative decision-making process seeking input from all stakeholders in order to create “Student Success”. To achieve our mission and implement the district policies, the faculty and staff of Colonial Middle School believe:

1.  All students can learn and will achieve academic success with highly qualified, educated, and caring educators and administrators.

2.  Instructional planning must be data driven, realistic, aligned with the district and state standards, and continuously evaluated to ensure student learning and achievement.

3.  Instructional strategies must be researched-based and varied to meet the diverse needs of all learners.

4.  Instructional time must be maximized to produce high-quality student work and promote student-centered learning.

5.  Assessment and evaluation techniques must be varied, research-based, and continually evaluated to support instructional modifications and promote individual student progress.

6.  Character education programs should involve all stakeholders and be student-centered, promote academic achievement, and foster positive social interactions.

7.  Effective decision-making and community collaboration are integral components of a successful school.

8.  Effective communication for policy implementation is essential in keeping all stakeholders informed of school and/or district expectations, fostering a positive, physically safe, and respectful school climate/culture.

9.  Technology integration at all grade levels and in all subject areas must address district and state standards/goals, which will lead to increased student achievement.

10.  Student involvement and participation in the Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA) curriculum fosters student goal setting, teamwork, and high expectations, while preparing students for local, national, and international competitions.

11.  Student involvement and participation in athletics enhances their overall social interaction skills, develops their physical fitness regime, promotes sportsmanship, fosters a “team atmosphere,” and involvesstudents in various athletic competitions.

Faculty Day

Each teacher must sign in, using RAPTOR, and be at his/her classroom door by 8:00 a.m. to supervise students in the halls and students entering the classrooms. Homeroom is from 3:00- 3:15 PM Greeting students is an essential part of getting the day off to the right start. Each teacher is required to stand in the doorway and/or greet students from 8:00 a.m. until 8:10 a.m. daily, as well as during every transition. Please do not sign any other teacher in for the day. If you know you are going to be late, please call a school administrator. Any teacher not reporting for work by 8:15 a.m. will be coded (12), if the office has not been notified of the expected tardiness. When teachers are late and have not informed the office before 8:00 a.m., on the first offense you will be given a verbal warning, second offense you will be given a written reprimand, and on the third offense you will be referred to Human Resources. Excessive calls about tardies will be handled on an individual basis! The school day, for teachers, ends at 3:30 p.m. When teachers need to leave before 3:15 p.m., they must submit a written request to the principal, it must be recorded in Smart-find, and must sign out prior to leaving. When absent from work, a report of absence form must be filed the next day with the financial secretary.

Faculty Information

Accurate information on all staff is essential. Every person employed at Colonial Middle must keep current personal information on file in the main office at all times. Please complete the faculty information sheet and turn it in to the financial secretary. Please notify an administrator or financial secretary throughout the school year of any changes.


There is no smoking in the building or on school grounds at any time. PLEASE do not light up in your cars until you are well off the campus!

Faculty Absence

An excellent substitute teacher is never as effective as the regular teacher; therefore, the ideal situation would be for all teachers to be at school every day. We urge you to schedule all appointments outside the school day whenever possible. We know; however, that emergencies arise and that there are times when a substitute is necessary. We want teachers to feel comfortable in taking a sick day or personal day when it is needed.

All absences, full or any part of the day, must be reported, electronically, to Smart Find . Please make the office aware of all absences as soon as possible, so we can make sure your class is covered during your absence. If you know you are going to be out more than one day, call in the full absence. Anyone who misses more than 9 consecutive days of school must secure a leave of absence through the division of personnel services. After 10 absences, a doctor excuse will be required. Moreover, please notify Mr. Pettigrew (Personal cell 486-6179, Home 386-9898, and Direct line 416-1170) and/or the appropriate grade administrator anytime you are going to be absent –Mr. Dixon-6th grade, Dr. Brown- 8th grade, or Mrs. Rice- 7th grade. If you fail to follow the aforementioned procedures, your absence(s) will be coded (12) for payroll purposes. All teachers must secure their own substitutes. Please do not ask the office staff to secure a substitute for you.

Support teachers should secure a substitute when absent.

Personal Leave should be pre-approved by the principal before the absence.

Substitute Folders

Each teacher should complete an Emergency Lesson Plan Folder. The folder should be placed in the upper right hand corner of your desk.

Folders should be prepared with at least three (3) days of plans (you may choose to include more days of work). The following components should make up the folder: 1) seating chart, 2) a schedule which includes lunch, restroom breaks, support classes, etc., 3) activities for the day /plans; books/ pages, activity sheet/workbook, etc., 4) dismissal-who leaves, and 5) classroom procedures/rules (ex. – how and when do they go to restroom, go to the office, go to support classes, etc.).

If you know, in advance, that you will be absent, make sure to leave lesson plans, and activities for the substitute teacher.

When and if you are absent, and/or the substitute teacher is unable to decipher or find your plans, then Day 1 from your emergency sub folder will be used. When you return, you must replace the used material within 3 days.

If you are out for more than five (5) days, it is your responsibility to send more assignments for your class.

Note: An administrator may ask to see your folder at any time.

Faculty Meetings

Please reserve Wednesday morning, from 7:15 am- 8:00 am, for faculty meetings. Faculty meetings will be held weekly. All faculty members are to be present and on time. Please make arrangements to attend. The majority of faculty meetings will be professional growth activities. If you cannot attend a faculty meeting, give your reason in writing to Mr. Pettigrew.

Professional Development

In an effort to provide students with high-quality, engaging lessons, all teachers are expected to participate in various professional development activities. All teachers wanting to attend professional conferences must submit the necessary paperwork/requests to Mr. Pettigrew at least 90 days prior to the conference dates.

Professional Conduct and Responsibility

Teachers must be aware of and avoid situations that may put them in positions of risk or liability. Statistics show that 90% of classroom safety/negligence/liability problems occur when the teacher is out of the classroom. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR ROOM WHEN THE STUDENTS ARE PRESENT FOR ANY REASON. If an emergency should arise that requires you to leave the room, you must ask a colleague to stand in the hall and watch both classes until you return. Never leave a student in charge of your classroom when you are out. Any teacher who chooses to leave his/her class unattended will be subject to disciplinary actions. You should not leave your room to bring a discipline issue to the office. Send the referral form by another student to pupil services and a member of the administrative team will address the situation. If it is necessary for you to leave campus, you need to get permission from Mr. Pettigrew. A sign-out sheet will be available in the main office.

Faculty Dress

All teachers should dress professionally at school and at all school-related activities. Please do not wear jeans except on designated days. Out of uniform days for students must be approved by Mr. Pettigrew. On out of uniform days, teachers may wear jeans.

Name Badges

SCS name badges must be worn at all times by all Colonial faculty & staff members. This is a board policy. Outside doors will be kept locked at all times during the day. Teachers can scan in by using ID badges. Additionally, all visitors must receive a visitor’s badge from the main office. If you see anyone in the building without a visitor’s badge, please ask him/ her to report to the main office. If your SCS badge is lost or stolen, you must visit SCSs security office to secure a new badge.

Safety, Discretion, and Liability

1.  The first and most important concern must be the student’s safety and well-being. We do the right thing because it is the right thing, not because we want to avoid a lawsuit.

2.  Ninety percent of all classroom safety/negligence/liability problems occur when the teacher is out of the room. Do not leave your room when students are present. Never leave even one student in the room alone.

Never refer students to the office if the incident occurred while you were out of the room. First offense will result in a verbal warning, second offense will result in a written/ oral reprimand, and third offense will result in a referral to Human Resources for disciplinary action.

3.  Staff Injury- According to Policy #4014, any physical injury requires that you file an injury report immediately. An employee must give notice of the accident to his immediate supervisor on the day the accident occurs unless the employee is prevented by disability from the accident from giving such notice. In the event the immediate supervisor cannot be contacted, the employee shall provide notice to the next supervisory level followed by the office responsible for risk management. The immediate supervisor is responsible for completing the Employee Accident Report and submitting the report to the office responsible for risk management the same day of the incident. Do not wait until the next day.