The Development and Research Centre

Hospitality Request Form

Event details
Email: / Phone:
Date of function: / Date of booking:
Invoicing Details
Print name: / Signature:
Arrival Time
Finish Time
Final numbers
Room layout
Would you like Tea & Coffee in your meeting room
(If not we have a communal breakout space that is available) Please specify if your preference
Please confirm any of your AV requirements
e.g / Arrival Time / Morning Break Time / Afternoon Tea Time
Please confirm timings / 10:45
Tea, coffee & hot chocolate / £1.75pp
Still water / £2.80
Sparkling water / £2.80
Fruit juice / £2.80
Biscuits / 0.80p
Fruit whole / 0.65p
Fruit sliced / £2.00
Fruit yoghurt / 0.95p
Mini assorted Danish pastries / £1.30
Danish pastries / £1.60
Croissants and preserves / £1.60
Muffins / £1.60
Afternoon tea
Scones with jam and clotted cream / £2.65
Gateau (14 portions) / £25:00
Lunch options
e.g / Lunch Time
Please confirm timings / 12:45
Sandwich lunch – Round of meat, fish & vegetarian sandwiches garnished with hand cut crisps / £8.00 per person
Sandwich buffet – Selection of meat, fish & vegetarian sandwiches and a choice of three buffet items, sliced fruit platters, fruit juice and water / £10.50 per person
Cold fork buffet – sliced cold meat with traditional condiments, cold poached salmon fillets and seasonal vegetarian option, three seasonal salads, bread selection, sliced fruit platters, fruit juice and water / £14.50 per person
Buffet Items
Please select 3 options for your sandwich buffet. Alternatively you can chose to add any of the following to your sandwich lunch or cold fork buffet.
Cocktail sausages / 90p
Mini vegetarian quiches / £1.20
Vegetable crudities and dips / £1.00
BBQ chicken / £1.40
Indian cocktail platter / £1.60
Tandoori chicken skewers / £1.80
Smoked salmon & cream cheese bites / £1.50
Salmon goujons with seafood dips / £1.50
Continental cheese board with crackers (min 8 people) / £1.80

Please return your catering request to no later than 72 hours prior to your session.

Please note: although we endeavour to eliminate nuts on our menu, some of our items may have been produced in premises where nut products are also manufactured.