Attendance/Preparation (20 points)
20- Preparation is excellent. Student is on time and prepared for every class.
15- Preparation is very good. No more than 1 lates or unprepared.
10- Preparation is good but student is unprepared or late 2 times. No more than 1 illegal absence.
5- Student is mostly unprepared (unprepared or late 3 times).
0- Student does not attend and/or participate in class regularly. Late or unprepared more than 4 times.
Personal Effort/Attitude (20 points)
20- Student looks for challenges and tries new skills to improve the level of play. Works hard and encourages others. Includes all teammates during activities. Shows good sportsmanship at all times. Is always attentive during lectures.
15- Student tries hard and performs as well as their ability will allow in all circumstances. Mostly attentive in lectures.
10- Student’s effort is acceptable and accommodating to help make class functions run more smoothly. Can be influenced by negative behaviors. Occasionally quits or gives up. Occasionally makes negative remarks and/or not attentive during lecture.
5- Student’s effort inconsistent. Tries sometimes but can give up easily. Body movement not keeping up with the play of the game. Often makes negative remarks. Student is not attentive during lecture.
0- Makes very minimal or no effort to engage in activity. Makes negative comments. Is a hindrance to the team. Rude and disruptive during the lecture.
Skill Performance (20 points)
20- Demonstrates advanced competency in all skill areas (dribbling, shooting, passing, lay-up, defense). Uses all methods of scoring. Willing to attempt new or not yet mastered skills. Uses self-analysis for skill improvement.
15- Demonstrates advanced competency in 3 out of 5 skill areas. Frequently tries new skills or not mastered skills. Uses self-analysis for skill improvement. Seeks and accepts encouragement and suggestions from instructors for improvement
10- Demonstrates advanced competency in 2 skill area. On occasion will try new skills or not mastered skills. Accepts encouragement and suggestions from instructors for improvement.
5- Demonstrates competency in selected activities. Generally stays with skills comfortable using. Hesitant or not open to encouragement and suggestions from instructions for improvement.
0- Shows little interest in skill development or little competency in selected skills. No interest to improve. Unwilling to attempt new skills or not yet mastered skills.
Written Test Performance (20 points)
20 question test each question is worth 1 point
Safety and Rules Application (20 points)
20- Student has learned rules and performs skills in a safe manner for self and opponents. Can be counted on to follow guidelines, rules, and procedures set forth in lecture. Encourages others to do the same.
15- Participation skills are good, learned and demonstrates proper techniques, and follows guidelines and rules as instructed most of the times.
10- Participation skills are adequate. May need a reminder on occasion to follow guidelines and rules as instructed. Occasional disregard for the safety of others.
5- Participation skills are inconsistent. Needs to concentrate on essential safety guidelines and requires supervision during activity. Sometimes may be over-aggressive while playing to hard for class.
0- Does not participate as instructed. Continually a danger to other students because of reckless or careless play. Over-aggressive.