1)Login Screen/ Click on Register Now if not registered. Use Below Link

2)Click on New Connection for 100 to 500KW to create apply for New Connection.

3)Enter the details for New Connection (All * marked Fields are mandatory). Click on Submit Button.

4)Fill the Connection Details(All * marked fields are mandatory) and click Submit.

5)After Clicking on Submit button below screen appears. Click on view status.

6) Click on Details to upload the document

6)After filling the Connection Details, Click on Upload Document to upload the Document.

7)Select Group Type and click Submit

8)Now upload the document against Document Name (one by one), Use Browse button to Select the PDF document which is required to be uploaded, click on SUBMIT button after browsing all documents.

Also to delete the document, if wrongly uploaded click on DELETE DOCUMENT to delete and upload the same by following the above step.

9)If the applied consumer is LS-GEN or LS-PI, then request will be passed to respected XEN of that subdivision. XEN must approve the request against the industrial consumer.

a)XEN has to login in SAP with SAP Id and password.

b)Apply T-Code ZCS_INDU_XEN_APP.

c)Request Id pending for XEN to approve industrial area will be displayed, with all fields entered by user at the time of request generation.

NOTE : XEN have to select only one request Id at a time.

1)Select on a checkbox and click on “Industry Related Questions”

2)Question No1 will be displayed as a pop up.

“The unit is in designated Area”.

3)If user selects “NO” then a pop up will be displayed saying “Request will be transferred to Nodal Officer for Document Approval”, no further question will be displayed and request will be removed from the list.

4)If user selects “YES” then another question will be displayed saying “The LD system laid down by the developer complete in all respect?”

On selecting either YES/NO pop up will be displayed saying “Request will be transferred to Nodal Officer for Document Approval”.

10) Once the User upload all the Document, Nodal Officer will approve the documents uploaded by the user.

11) Nodal Officer will Login and approve or disapprove the documents, click on DETAILS

Select each document one by one and click on APPROVE to approve the document, If Nodal officer needs to Add any discrepancy click on Add Discrepancy. Request will automatically be reverted to User to upload the correct Document.

If Nodal Officer approves all the documents, New Connection Request will be passes to User along with the Message to the User to make payment for Non Energy Charges.

12) After approving Consumer will Login, make the payment of Security.

Click on Details.

Click On Pay Charges.

All Charges will be displayed, click on confirm and make the payment.

13) After the Payment is done Activity will be passed to XEN/DS to uplaod the SCC Document.

14) Now NEW Connection Order will be created and will be passes to XEN/DS (to respective Subdivision) to approve the Load. XEN/ DS is required to LOGIN in SAP.

New Connection Order will be pending in against the XEN.

Open the Order with Order No. in T-Code IW32, Check the Applied Load in Enhancement TAB and update the Status XENL to approve the load. Also Pass the service order to JEE in PLANNER GROUP to create the Estimate.

15) Now XEN/ DS has to upload Estimate charges so that consumer can make payment of Service Connection Charges.

Use TCODE- ZXEN_SCC_UPD to uplaod the Service Connection Charges. Click on Checkbox against which Doucment needs to be uploaded and Click on UPLOAD_DOCUMENT.

Upload the SCC document and click on SUBMIT.

If industrial consumer is in designated industrial area skip step 16

16) After the Uploading Document for SCC, Message will be forwarded to consumer to pay the SCC amount/ upload test report and download the Document.

Click On Pay Charges to Pay the SCC amount.

17) Consumer to upload the Test Report and Xen will release the Connection.

18) Finally after the payment message will be given to XEN/DS to release the connection.

XEN/DS to Login in SAP and use T-CODE ZXEN_SCC_REL